The Thing Dem That Mark Write 8:1-38

  • Jesus feed 4,000 people (1-9)

  • They ask for sign (10-13)

  • The yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod (14-21)

  • Jesus heal one blind man in Bethsaida (22-26)

  • Peter identify Jesus to be the Christ (27-30)

  • Jesus talk about his own death (31-33)

  • What it mean to be true disciple (34-38)

8  That time, plenty people came together again, and they wor not having anything to eat. So he call his disciples and tell them say:  “I feeling sorry for the people, because they na stay with me for three days and they not get anything to eat.  If I tell them to go home hungry, they will faint on the road, and some of them coming from far place.”  But his disciple dem ask him: “Where somebody will get enough bread that will satisfy all this people in this place that nobody living?”  Then he ask them: “How many bread yor get?” They say: “Seven.”  Then he tell the people to sit down on the ground. Then he take the seven bread, and pray over it. He break it, and he started giving it to his disciple dem to share it, and they give it to the people.  They wor also having some small fish. He pray over it, and he tell them to share it too.  So they eat and they wor satisfy, and the disciples collect the one dem that leftover and it full up seven big-big baskets.  That 4,000 men wor there. Then he tell them to go. 10  Right away he and his disciple dem got in the boat and came to the area they call Dal·ma·nu′tha. 11  When he reach there, the Pharisee dem came and started arguing with him. They tell him to show them sign from heaven just to test him. 12  So Jesus really felt bad in his heart and he say: “Why this generation looking for sign? To tell yor the truth, this generation will not get any sign.” 13  After that he left them and got in the boat again, and he cross to the other side of the sea. 14  But they wor not having anything with them in the boat, beside one bread, because they forgot to carry bread with them. 15  And he give them strong warning: “Shine your eyes good-good and be careful because of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.” 16  So they started arguing among theirself because they wor not having any bread. 17  When he hear what they wor talking about, he ask them: “Why yor arguing that yor not get any bread? Yor still not know what I telling yor? Yor not understand it yet? 18  ‘Even though yor get eyes, yor can’t see, and even though yor get ears, yor can’t hear?’ Yor can’t remember 19  when I break the five bread for the 5,000 men? How many baskets yor full up when yor collect the one dem that leftover?” They tell him say: “Twelve.” 20  “When I break the seven bread for the 4,000 men, how many big-big baskets yor full up with the one dem that leftover?” They tell him say: “Seven.” 21  Then he ask them: “Yor not understand this thing yet?” 22  Then they reach to Beth·sa′i·da. And the people bring one blind man, and they wor begging Jesus to heal him. 23  Then he hold the blind man by his hand and carry him outside the village. After he put his spit on his eyes, he put his hands on him and ask him: “You can see anything?” 24  Then the man lift up his head and say: “I can see people, but they looking like trees walking around.” 25  He put his hands on the man eyes again, and the man wor able to see clear. He wor not blind again, and he see everything just how it wor looking. 26  So he send him home, and he say: “Don’t enter this village.” 27  Jesus and his disciples left and they went to the village dem that in the area they call Caes·a·re′a Phi·lip′pi. When they wor going, he started asking his disciple dem question, he say: “Wetin the people saying about me?” 28  They tell him say: “Some people say you John the Baptist, but other people say you E·li′jah, and still other people say, you one of the prophet dem.” 29  Then he ask them this question: “How about yor? What yor think about me?” Then Peter say: “That you the Christ.” 30  Then he give them strong warning to not tell anybody about him. 31  Then he started explaining* to them that the elders, the chief priests and the scribes will not accept the Son of man. And they will really suffer him and kill him, and he will come back to life on the third day. 32  Yes, Jesus wor not hiding anything from them. But Peter carry him on the side and started giving him strong counsel. 33  Then he turn around, look at his disciple dem, and give Peter strong counsel. He say: “Get behind me, Satan! because you not thinking like God, but you thinking like human being.” 34  Then he call the people and his disciple dem to him and say: “If anybody want follow me, let him deny himself and pick up his torture stake* and continue to follow me. 35  Because anybody who want save his life* will lose it, but anybody who lose his life* for my business and because of the good news, will get it back. 36  To talk the truth, what benefit somebody will get if they get the whole world but lose their life?* 37  Wetin somebody will really give to get his life* back? 38  Because anybody who shame because of me and the thing dem I say among this generation that not faithful and that can sin, the Son of man will also be shame of him when he and the holy angel dem come in his Father glory.”


In Greek that, “teaching.”
Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.
Or “soul.”
Or “soul.”
Or “soul.”
Or “soul.”