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The Good News That Matthew Write


Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • The history about Jesus Christ (1-17)

    • The thing dem that happen when they born Jesus (18-25)

  • 2

    • The people that can study the stars to know what will happen in the future come visit Jesus (1-12)

    • They run away to Egypt (13-15)

    • Herod kill the small-small boy children (16-18)

    • They went back to Nazareth (19-23)

  • 3

    • John the Baptist preaching (1-12)

    • Jesus got baptize (13-17)

  • 4

    • The Devil tempt Jesus (1-11)

    • Jesus start preaching in Galilee (12-17)

    • Jesus call the first disciples (18-22)

    • Jesus preach, he teach, and he heal people (23-25)

  • 5


      • Jesus start teaching on the mountain (1, 2)

      • Nine thing dem that can make people happy (3-12)

      • Salt and light (13-16)

      • Jesus came to make the thing dem the law say come true (17-20)

      • Advise on getting vex (21-26), adultery (27-30), divorce (31, 32), swearing (33-37), paying your debt on somebody (38-42), love for your enemies (43-48)

  • 6


      • Don’t do good thing just for people to see you (1-4)

      • How to pray (5-15)

        • The prayer that Jesus teach his disciple dem (9-13)

      • Fasting (16-18)

      • Good-good thing dem on earth and in heaven (19-24)

      • Stop worrying too much (25-34)

        • Continue to put God Kingdom first (33)

  • 7


      • Stop judging (1-6)

      • Continue asking, looking, and knocking (7-11)

      • The Golden Rule (12)

      • Small gate (13, 14)

      • They will know them by the thing dem they can do (15-23)

      • The house they build on rock and the house they build on sand (24-27)

    • The people surprise because of the way Jesus teaching (28, 29)

  • 8

    • Jesus heal the man with leprosy (1-4)

    • The army officer show faith (5-13)

    • Jesus heal plenty people in Capernaum (14-17)

    • How to follow Jesus (18-22)

    • Jesus made the heavy breeze to stop blowing (23-27)

    • Jesus send the demons in the pigs (28-34)

  • 9

    • Jesus heal one man who wor not able to move his body because he wor sick (1-8)

    • Jesus call Matthew (9-13)

    • Question about fasting (14-17)

    • Jairus daughter; one woman touch Jesus clothes (18-26)

    • Jesus heal the blind people and the people who can’t talk (27-34)

    • The thing dem to harvest plenty but the workers small (35-38)

  • 10

    • The 12 apostles (1-4)

    • Directions on how to do the preaching work (5-15)

    • They will treat his disciple dem bad (16-25)

    • Be scare of God, not human being (26-31)

    • I come bring war, not peace (32-39)

    • Welcoming Jesus disciples (40-42)

  • 11

    • Jesus praise John the Baptist (1-15)

    • Jesus condemn the generation that not listen to him (16-24)

    • Jesus praise his Father because he love humble people (25-27)

    • When you Jesus disciple, you can feel good (28-30)

  • 12

    • Jesus that “Lord for the Sabbath” (1-8)

    • Jesus heal the man who hand wor cripple (9-14)

    • God servant who he really love (15-21)

    • Jesus use holy spirit to move demons from in one man (22-30)

    • Sin that God can’t forgive (31, 32)

    • You can know whether the tree good or not from the fruit it can bear (33-37)

    • The sign of Jonah (38-42)

    • When wicked spirit enter somebody again (43-45)

    • Jesus ma and his brother dem (46-50)

  • 13


      • The farmer (1-9)

      • Why Jesus use examples (10-17)

      • Jesus explain the example about the farmer (18-23)

      • The wheat and the grass (24-30)

      • The mustard seed and the yeast (31-33)

      • Jesus use examples so that the thing the prophet say can happen (34, 35)

      • Jesus explain the example about the wheat and the grass (36-43)

      • The thing that get value that somebody hide and the fine pearls (44-46)

      • The fishing net (47-50)

      • Old and new thing dem that get value (51, 52)

    • They not listen to Jesus in his home town (53-58)

  • 14

    • They cut John the Baptist head (1-12)

    • Jesus feed 5,000 people (13-21)

    • Jesus walk on the water (22-33)

    • Jesus heal people in Gennesaret (34-36)

  • 15

    • Jesus expose the people traditions (1-9)

    • The thing dem that can make us to not be clean in God eye can come from in our heart (10-20)

    • One Phoenician woman show strong faith (21-28)

    • Jesus heal plenty sick people (29-31)

    • Jesus feed 4,000 people (32-39)

  • 16

    • They ask for sign (1-4)

    • Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees (5-12)

    • The keys for the Kingdom (13-20)

      • Jesus built his congregation on the rock (18)

    • Jesus talk about his own death (21-23)

    • What it mean to be true disciple (24-28)

  • 17

    • Jesus change (1-13)

    • Faith just like mustard seed (14-21)

    • Jesus talk about his own death again (22, 23)

    • They pay tax with the coin from the fish mouth (24-27)

  • 18

    • The person who great pass everybody in the Kingdom (1-6)

    • Thing dem that can make people to sin (7-11)

    • Example about the sheep that lost (12-14)

    • How to help your brother to do the right thing (15-20)

    • Example about the slave who can’t forgive (21-35)

  • 19

    • Marriage and divorce (1-9)

    • To be single that gift (10-12)

    • Jesus bless the children dem (13-15)

    • The question that one rich young man ask (16-24)

    • The sacrifices people can make because of the Kingdom (25-30)

  • 20

    • The worker dem on the grape farm and the same pay they got (1-16)

    • Jesus talk about his own death again (17-19)

    • They beg Jesus to give them position in the Kingdom (20-28)

      • Jesus that ransom for plenty people (28)

    • Jesus heal two blind men (29-34)

  • 21

    • The people dem wor happy when Jesus enter Jerusalem (1-11)

    • Jesus clean the temple (12-17)

    • Jesus swear the fig tree (18-22)

    • They challenge Jesus authority (23-27)

    • The example about the two sons (28-32)

    • The example about the wicked farmers (33-46)

      • They refuse to listen to the chief cornerstone (42)

  • 22

    • Example about the wedding party (1-14)

    • God and Caesar (15-22)

    • Question about the resurrection (23-33)

    • The two most important commandments (34-40)

    • The Christ that David son? (41-46)

  • 23

    • Don’t follow the scribes and Pharisees example (1-12)

    • Bad things will happen to the scribes and Pharisees (13-36)

    • Jesus say the things that made him feel bad about Jerusalem (37-39)

  • 24


      • Wars, food business hard, earthquakes (7)

      • They will preach the good news (14)

      • Great tribulation (21, 22)

      • Sign of the Son of man (30)

      • The fig tree (32-34)

      • Just like Noah day (37-39)

      • Continue to be on the watch (42-44)

      • The faithful slave and evil slave (45-51)

  • 25


      • Example about the ten virgins (1-13)

      • Example about the talents (14-30)

      • The sheep and the goats (31-46)

  • 26

    • The priest dem plan to kill Jesus (1-5)

    • One woman put perfume oil on Jesus (6-13)

    • The last Passover, and Judas sell Jesus to his enemies (14-25)

    • Jesus start the Lord Evening Meal (26-30)

    • Jesus say Peter will deny him (31-35)

    • Jesus pray in Gethsemane (36-46)

    • They arrest Jesus (47-56)

    • They judge him in front of the Sanhedrin (57-68)

    • Peter deny Jesus (69-75)

  • 27

    • They turn Jesus over to Pilate (1, 2)

    • Judas hang himself (3-10)

    • Jesus in front of Pilate (11-26)

    • The people play fun out of him (27-31)

    • They nail him on the stake in Golgotha (32-44)

    • Jesus die (45-56)

    • They bury Jesus (57-61)

    • They put people there to mind the tomb (62-66)

  • 28

    • God bring Jesus back to life (1-10)

    • They bribe the soldier people to lie (11-15)

    • Jesus tell his followers to go make disciples (16-20)