The Thing Dem Matthew Write 1:1-25

  • The history about Jesus Christ (1-17)

  • The thing dem that happen when they born Jesus (18-25)

1  The book that get the history* about Jesus Christ,* David son, Abraham son:   Abraham born Isaac;Isaac born Jacob;Jacob born Judah and his brother dem;   Judah born Pe′rez and Ze′rah. He born them by Ta′mar.Pe′rez born Hez′ron;Hez′ron born Ram;   Ram born Am·min′a·dab;Am·min′a·dab born Nah′shon;Nah′shon born Sal′mon;   Sal′mon born Bo′az. He born him by Ra′hab.Bo′az born O′bed. He born him by Ruth.O′bed born Jes′se;   Jes′se born King David. David born Sol′o·mon. He born him by U·ri′ah wife.   Sol′o·mon born Re·ho·bo′am;Re·ho·bo′am born A·bi′jah;A·bi′jah born A′sa;   A′sa born Je·hosh′a·phat;Je·hosh′a·phat born Je·ho′ram;Je·ho′ram born Uz·zi′ah;   Uz·zi′ah born Jo′tham;Jo′tham born A′haz;A′haz born Hez·e·ki′ah; 10  Hez·e·ki′ah born Ma·nas′seh;Ma·nas′seh born A′mon;A′mon born Jo·si′ah; 11  Jo·si′ah born Jec·o·ni′ah and his brother dem around the time they carry the Israelite dem to Babylon. 12  After they carry the Israelite dem to Babylon, Jec·o·ni′ah born She·al′ti·el;She·al′ti·el born Ze·rub′ba·bel; 13  Ze·rub′ba·bel born A·bi′ud;A·bi′ud born E·li′a·kim;E·li′a·kim born A′zor; 14  A′zor born Za′dok;Za′dok born A′chim;A′chim born E·li′ud; 15  E·li′ud born El·e·a′zar;El·e·a′zar born Mat′than;Mat′than born Jacob; 16  Jacob born Joseph, Mary husband; and Mary born Jesus, who they call Christ. 17  So all the generations, from Abraham to David that 14 generations; from David to the time they carry the Israelite dem to Babylon that 14 generations; from the time they carry the Israelite dem to Babylon to the time of the Christ that 14 generations. 18  Here the thing dem that happen before Jesus Christ wor born. His ma Mary wor engage to Joseph. But before they start living together as husband and wife, the holy spirit* made her to get pregnant. 19  But because her husband Joseph wor righteous and he never wanted to disgrace her, he decided to divorce her in secret. 20  When he finish thinking about this thing dem, then Jehovah* angel appear to him in his dream and say: “Joseph, David son, don’t be scare to carry your wife Mary home, because that the holy spirit made her to get pregnant. 21  She will born boy child and you must name him Jesus,* because he will save his people from their sins.” 22  All this one really happen to fulfill what Jehovah say through his prophet. He say: 23  “And the virgin will get pregnant and she will born boy child and they will name him Im·man′u·el.” It mean, “God With Us.” 24  Then Joseph wake up from sleep and do what Jehovah angel tell him to do. He carry his wife home. 25  But he not lay down with her until she born the child, and he name him Jesus.


Or “family line.”
Or “the Messiah; the One Who God Appoint.”
Or “active force.”
The name Jehovah inside the Christian Greek Scriptures 237 times. And that the first place here you can find it.
This name and the Hebrew name Jeshua, or Joshua mean the same thing. It mean “Jehovah Can Save.”