The Thing Dem Matthew Write 10:1-42

  • The 12 apostles (1-4)

  • Directions on how to do the preaching work (5-15)

  • They will treat his disciple dem bad (16-25)

  • Be scare of God, not human being (26-31)

  • I come bring war, not peace (32-39)

  • Welcoming Jesus disciples (40-42)

10  So he call his 12 disciples and give them power to move wicked spirits from in people, and to heal all kindna sickness.  That the name of the 12 apostles here: Simon, the one they call Peter, and his brother Andrew; James Zeb′e·dee son and his brother John;  Philip and Bar·thol′o·mew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James, Al·phae′us son; and Thad·dae′us;  Simon the Ca·na·nae′an;* and Judas Is·car′i·ot, who betray him later on.  Jesus sent this 12 apostle dem to preach, he tell them say: “Don’t go to people from other nations, and don’t enter any Sa·mar′i·tan city;  but continue to go only to the lost sheep from the nation of Israel.  When you going, preach and say: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens near.’  Cure sick people, bring people who na die back to life, cure people who get leprosy, move demons from in people. You got it free, give it free.  Don’t try to get gold or silver or copper to put in your money bags, 10  also don’t try to carry food bag for your trip, or two clothes, or sandals, or walking stake, because they suppose to give food to the person who can work. 11  “Any city or village you enter, look for people who will welcome you, and stay there until you ready to leave. 12  Any house you go to, speak* to the people that there. 13  If the people in the house welcome you, they will benefit from your visit; but if they not welcome you, they will not benefit. 14  Anywhere people not welcome you or listen to you, when you leaving the house or that city, knock the dust from your feet. 15  To tell yor the truth, when Judgment Day come it will be easy for Sod′om and Go·mor′rah than for that city. 16  “I sending you like sheep among wolves; so be careful like snakes and also be innocent like doves. 17  Be careful with people because they will carry you to courts, and they will flog you in their synagogues. 18  And they will carry you to governors and kings because of me, so that they and the nations can learn about me. 19  But when they arrest you, don’t worry about what you will say or how you will say it, because God will tell you what to say at that time. 20  Because the person who talking that not just you, but that the holy spirit from your Father telling you what to say. 21  And also, brother will carry his brother for them to kill him and father will carry his child, and children will go against their parents and make people to kill them. 22  And everybody will hate yor because of my name, but the person who endure to the end will be save. 23  When they treat you bad in one city, run away to the other one. Because to tell yor the truth, yor will never finish preaching in all the cities in Israel until the Son of man come. 24  “The student not better pass his teacher, and the slave not better pass his master. 25  It alright for the student to be like his teacher, and for the slave to be like his master. If people can call the master for the house Be·el′ze·bub,* then how about the people who living in his house? 26  So don’t be scare of them, because anything they hide will come outside and any secret they get people will know about it. 27  Anything I tell you in the darkness, say it in the light, and what I tell you in secret, announce it from on top of the house. 28  And don’t be scare of people who able to kill the body but not able to kill the soul;* but be scare of the person who can destroy the soul and body in Ge·hen′na. 29  People can sell two sparrows* for one coin that get small value,* ehn that true? Still even if one of them fall down on the ground, your Father in heaven will know about it. 30  And he even know the number of hairs that on your head. 31  So don’t be scare, you better pass plenty sparrows. 32  “So, anybody who say they know me in front of people, I will also say I know them in front of my Father who in heaven. 33  But anybody who say they not know me in front of people, I will also say I not know them in front of my Father who in heaven. 34  Don’t think that I come bring peace on this earth. I came to bring war, not peace. 35  I come scatter family. To make son go against his pa, daughter against her ma, and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36  Yes, people enemies will be from their own family. 37  Anybody who love his pa or his ma more than me, not fit to be my disciple. And anybody who love his son or his daughter more than me, not fit to be my disciple. 38  And anybody who not want carry his torture stake and follow me not fit to be my disciple. 39  Anybody who try to save his life* will lose it, but anybody who lose his life* because of me will get it back. 40  “Anybody who welcome you, they welcome me also. And anybody who welcome me, they welcome the Person who sent me too. 41  Anybody who welcome prophet because he prophet will get the blessing prophet can get, and anybody who welcome the man of God* because he man of God* will get the blessing man of God* can get. 42  And anybody who give one of this humble people just one cup of cold water to drink because he my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will never lose his blessing.”


Or “the one who get zeal.”
Among the Jews, the normal way they use to speak to people wor, “let peace be with you.”
This name talking about Satan, the ruler for the demons.
Or “life,” that mean, life in the future.
Or “small birds that looking like ten-ten.”
In Greek that, “for one assarion.”
In Greek that, “soul.”
In Greek that, “soul.”
Or “anyone who do the right thing in God eye.”
Or “anyone who do the right thing in God eye.”
Or “anyone who do the right thing in God eye.”