The Thing Dem Matthew Write 12:1-50

  • Jesus that “Lord for the Sabbath” (1-8)

  • Jesus heal the man who hand wor cripple (9-14)

  • God servant who he really love (15-21)

  • Jesus use holy spirit to move demons from in one man (22-30)

  • Sin that God can’t forgive (31, 32)

  • You can know whether the tree good or not from the fruit it can bear (33-37)

  • The sign of Jonah (38-42)

  • When wicked spirit enter somebody again (43-45)

  • Jesus ma and his brother dem (46-50)

12  At that time Jesus and his disciple dem pass on one farm where they plant wheat. It wor on the Sabbath day. His disciple dem wor hungry, so they started picking some of the wheat and eating it.  When the Pharisees saw what they wor doing, they tell him say: “Your disciple dem doing something they not suppose to do on the Sabbath.”  He tell them say: “Yor not read about what David do the time he and his men dem wor hungry?  Ehn they enter God house and eat the bread that wor offer to God, something they not suppose to eat, because that only the priest dem suppose to eat it?  Or yor never read from the Law that on the Sabbaths the priest dem can work in the temple, and still they not committing any sin?  But I tell yor that the person who here more important than the temple.  But if you understand what this one mean, ‘I not want sacrifice, I want you to feel sorry for people,’ then you wor not coming judge people who not sin.  Because the Son of man that Lord for the Sabbath.”  When he left from there, he enter their synagogue. 10  One man wor there who hand wor cripple! So they ask him, “It good to heal somebody on the Sabbath day?” They ask so that they can find something that they can use against him. 11  He tell them say: “If any of yor get one sheep and it fall down in the hole on the Sabbath day, you will not take it from there? 12  You not think human being more important pass sheep? So it good to do good thing on the Sabbath day.” 13  Then he tell the man say: “Stretch your hand.” He stretch his hand, and his hand got well and it wor looking just like the other hand. 14  But the Pharisee dem came together to plan how to kill him. 15  When Jesus got to know about it, he move from there. Also plenty people follow him and he cure all of them. 16  But he give them strong warning not to tell other people about him, 17  so that the thing the prophet Isaiah say will happen. He say: 18  “See! My servant who I choose, the one who I really love, and the one who I* happy with! I will put my spirit on him, and he will show everybody the right way to do things. 19  He will not argue or shout for people to hear his voice on the main street. 20  He will not cut any tall grass that already bend, and he will not cut off any wick that already going off, until he bring justice everywhere. 21  For true-true, people from different-different nations will hope in his name.” 22  Then they bring one man who not use to talk and he wor blind because he wor having demon. He heal him, and the man started talking and seeing. 23  And all the people wor surprise and they start saying: “You not think that David Son here?” 24  When the Pharisees hear this one, they say: “This man using the power from Be·el′ze·bub,* the ruler for the demons to move demons from in people.” 25  When he got to know what they wor thinking about, he tell them say: “Any kingdom where the people can fight among theirself will be destroy, and any city or family that can fight among theirself will not stand. 26  That the same way, if Satan can move Satan, it mean he fighting against himself; so how his kingdom will stand? 27  Also, if I using the power from Be·el′ze·bub to move demons from people, then who power your disciple dem can use to move them? That why your disciple dem will judge you. 28  But if I can use God spirit to move demon from in people, it mean God Kingdom already here and yor not even notice it. 29  Or yor think somebody can enter one strong man house and take his property dem if they not tie him first? When they tie him, that the only way they will be able to steal the thing dem that in his house. 30  Anybody who not on my side against me, and anybody who not work with me to help people come to me will scatter. 31  “Because of this I say, God will forgive any kindna sin and any bad thing people say. But anybody who say bad thing against the holy spirit, God will not forgive them. 32  For example, anybody who talk against the Son of man, God will forgive him; but anybody who talk against the holy spirit, God will not forgive him in this world or in the new world that coming. 33  “If you take care of the tree, it will bear good fruit. But if you not take care of the tree, it will not bear good fruit. Because the fruit the tree can bear can show whether the tree good or it not good. 34  You children of snake that get poison, how you will talk good thing when you wicked? Because the things that in the heart, that what the mouth can talk about. 35  The good man can say good things because that good things in his heart, but the bad man can say bad things because that bad things in his heart. 36  I tell you that on Judgement Day people will answer for all the wicked thing dem they say; 37  because if you can say good things, God will say you good person, but if you can say bad things, God will judge you.” 38  So some of the scribes and Pharisees tell him say: “Teacher, we want for you to show us sign.” 39  Then he tell them say: “This wicked generation that not faithful to God always looking for sign, but I will not show them any sign beside the sign of the prophet Jo′nah. 40  Because just how Jo′nah wor in the big fish stomach for three days and three nights, that the same way the Son of man will be in the grave for three days and three nights. 41  The people from Nin′e·veh will come back to life on Judgment Day with this generation and they will condemn it, because they repent when Jo′nah preach to them. But the person who here more important than Jo′nah. 42  The queen from Sheba will come back to life on Judgment Day with this generation and she will condemn it, because she travel all the way from her country to hear the wisdom from Sol′o·mon. But somebody here more important than Sol′o·mon. 43  “When wicked spirit* come from in somebody, it can pass different-different areas that not get water to find somewhere to rest, but if it not find anywhere, 44  then it can say, ‘I will go back to the person I wor in,’ and when it wor going back, it saw that the man wor looking like empty house that they sweep clean and decorate. 45  Then it go and bring seven other spirits that wicked pass it, and after they enter the man, they stay there. The man final condition got worse more than the first time. So that the same thing will happen to this wicked generation.” 46  When he wor still talking to the people, his ma and his brother dem wor standing outside, looking for way to talk with him. 47  So somebody tell him say: “Your ma and your brother dem standing outside, and they want talk with you.” 48  Then he tell the person say: “You know who I can call my ma, and who I can call my brother dem?” 49  Then he point his hand to his disciple dem, and say: “That my ma and my brother dem here! 50  Because anybody who do the thing dem my Father who in heaven like, that person that my brother, my sister and my ma.”


Or “my soul.”
Another title for Satan.
In Greek that, “spirit that not clean.”