The Thing Dem Matthew Write 13:1-58


    • The farmer (1-9)

    • Why Jesus use examples (10-17)

    • Jesus explain the example about the farmer (18-23)

    • The wheat and the grass (24-30)

    • The mustard seed and the yeast (31-33)

    • Jesus use examples so that the thing the prophet say can happen (34, 35)

    • Jesus explain the example about the wheat and the grass (36-43)

    • The thing that get value that somebody hide and the fine pearls (44-46)

    • The fishing net (47-50)

    • Old and new thing dem that get value (51, 52)

  • They not listen to Jesus in his home town (53-58)

13  Jesus left the house that day and he wor sitting down near the sea.  And plenty people came to him, so he enter one boat and sit down, and all the people wor standing on the beach.  Then he use examples to teach them plenty things, he say: “One farmer went to plant seeds.  When he wor planting the seeds, some of them fall down near the road, and the birds came and eat them.  Some of them fall down on rocky ground where the soil wor not plenty, and they grow quick-quick because the soil wor not deep.  But when the sun started shining, the place got too hot for the plants, and they die because they wor not having root.  Some of them fall down among the thorns, and the thorns cover them and stop them from growing.  But the other one dem fall down on good soil, and they started bearing fruit more than what they plant. This one 100, that one 60, and the other one 30.  Let the person who want listen, listen good-good.” 10  So the disciples came to him and ask: “Why you can use examples when you teaching them?” 11  He tell them say: “God na allow you to understand the holy secrets about the Kingdom that in heaven, but he not allow them to understand it. 12  Anybody who get something, they will give him more, and he will get plenty, but those who not get anything, even what they having, God will take it from them. 13  That the reason why I can use example to teach them. Because they looking but they can’t see, and they hearing but it for nothing, and they can’t understand it. 14  And the thing the prophet Isaiah say that what happening to them. He say: ‘You will hear but you will not understand anything, and you will look but you will not see anything. 15  Because this people heart na get hard like rock, and they can hear but they can’t do anything. They close their eyes and ears so that they can’t see anything or hear anything. Because of that, they can’t understand the meaning and allow it to touch their heart so that they can come back for me to heal them.’ 16  “But yor must be happy because yor can see with your eyes, and your ears can hear. 17  Because to tell yor the truth, plenty prophets and people who serve God really wanted to see the thing dem yor seeing, but they wor not able to see them, and to hear the thing dem yor hearing, but they wor not able to hear them. 18  “Now yor listen to the meaning for the example about the man who plant seeds. 19  The seed that fall down near the road, that anybody who hear the message about the Kingdom but he not understand it. Then Satan* came and move the seed they plant from in his heart. 20  The seed that fall down on the rocky ground, that the person who hear the word and right away he wor happy to accept it. 21  But because the message not touch his heart, he believe it for short time. But when he start suffering or facing other problems because of the message, right away he stop believing the message. 22  For the seeds that fall down among the thorns, that the person who hear the word but the plenty worry about problems in this world and the power that money get to fool people, made him to stop believing the message. So he not bear any fruit. 23  But the seed that fall down on the good soil, that the person who hear the message and understand it and he really bear fruit more than what they plant. This one 100, that one 60, the other one 30.” 24  He give them another example. He say: “The Kingdom that in heaven looking like one man who plant good seed on his farm. 25  When people wor sleeping, his enemy came and plant grass among the wheat and left. 26  When the wheat grow and bear fruit, the grass also start showing. 27  So the slaves came to him and say, ‘Master, ehn you plant good seeds on the farm? Then how come it get grass among them?’ 28  He tell them say, ‘That one man do it. He my enemy.’ Then the slaves ask him, ‘So you want us to go and root up the grass?’ 29  He tell them say, ‘No, so that you can’t make mistake and root up the grass and the wheat together. 30  Let two of them grow together until the time reach for harvesting. When the harvest time reach, I will tell those who doing the harvest: Yor must root up the grass first and tie them together to burn them, then yor must collect the wheat and put them inside my warehouse.’” 31  He give them another example. He say: “The Kingdom that in heaven looking like small seed* that one man plant on his farm. 32  In fact, it small pass all the other seeds. But when it grow, it can be big pass all the other plants, and it can turn to tree and the bird dem can come live inside it.” 33  He give them another example. He say: “The Kingdom that in heaven looking like yeast that one woman mix with three bucket of flour until everything rise. 34  Jesus use examples to teach the people all this thing dem. That true, he can’t teach people without using example, 35  so that the thing the prophet say can happen: “I will use examples to teach; I will talk about thing dem they hide from the beginning.”* 36  After he tell the people to go, he enter inside the house. Then his disciple dem came to him and say: “Explain to us the example about the grass that grow on the farm.” 37  He tell them say: “The person who plant the good seed, that the Son of man; 38  the farm that the world. The good seed that those who will enter the Kingdom that in heaven,* but the grass that Satan children, 39  and the enemy who plant the grass that Satan. The harvest time that the last days of the world and those who will do the harvesting that the angels. 40  So the same way they collect the grass and burn it in the fire, that just what will happen in the last days of the world. 41  The Son of man will send his angels, and they will move all those who can make other people to sin, and all those who can do wicked things from his Kingdom. 42  And they will throw them inside the big fire, and that the place they will be crying and grinding their teeth. 43  That time the people who God happy with will really shine just like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let the person who want listen, listen good-good. 44  “The Kingdom that in heaven looking like something that get value that somebody hide on one land. One man find it and hide it again, and because he wor happy, he went and sell all his properties and buy the land. 45  “Also, the Kingdom that in heaven looking like one business man that traveling and looking for fine pearls.* 46  When he find one pearl* that get real value, he went and sell all the thing dem he wor having quick-quick and buy it. 47  “Also, the Kingdom that in heaven looking like fishing net they put in the sea to catch different-different kindna fish. 48  When the net got full, they haul it on the beach. Then they sit down and take out the good-good one dem and put them in the basket. But the one dem that wor not good to eat they throw them away. 49  That how it will be looking in the last days of this world. The angels will go and separate the wicked people from those who doing the right thing 50  and they will throw them inside the big fire, that the place they will be crying and grinding their teeth. 51  “Yor understand what all this thing dem mean?” Then they say: “Yes.” 52  Then he tell them say: “Because yor understand it, know that any teacher who learn about the Kingdom that in heaven looking just like one man who get house. He can take out old and new thing dem from his warehouse that get value.” 53  When Jesus finish using all this example dem to teach, he left from there. 54  When he enter in his hometown, he started teaching the people in their synagogue. So they wor really surprise and they say: “That who give him all this wisdom and the power to perform this miracle dem? 55  Ehn that the carpenter son here? Ehn his ma name Mary, and his brother dem name James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56  Ehn all his sister dem here with us? So where he get all his wisdom and power from? 57  So they not believe him.* But Jesus tell them say: “They can respect prophet everywhere beside in his own hometown and in his own family.” 58  And he not perform plenty miracles there because they wor not having faith.


In Greek that, “the wicked one.”
Or “one seed they call mustard,” they can find that seed in Israel. It can grow up to 15 feet and it get plenty branch dem.
It can also mean, “from the beginning of the world.”
In Greek that, “sons of the Kingdom.”
Or “rocks that get value.”
Or “rocks that get value.”
Or “stumble because of him.”