The Thing Dem Matthew Write 14:1-36

  • They cut John the Baptist head (1-12)

  • Jesus feed 5,000 people (13-21)

  • Jesus walk on the water (22-33)

  • Jesus heal people in Gennesaret (34-36)

14  That time, Herod who wor ruling that area, hear about the thing dem Jesus wor doing  and he tell his servants: “That John the Baptist na come back to life, and that why he performing all this powerful miracles.”  Herod already na arrest John, tie him with chain and put him in jail because of He·ro′di·as, his brother Philip wife.  Because John been telling him: “It not right for you to marry her.”  But even though he wanted to kill him, he wor scare of the people because they believe that John wor prophet.  But when they wor celebrating Herod birthday, He·ro′di·as daughter dance on the party and it really made Herod happy.  So he swear and promise her that he will give her anything she ask for.  After her ma tell her what to ask for, she say: “Now-now I want you to give me John the Baptist head in the waiter.”  The king wor feeling bad. But because he swear and because of the people that wor eating with him, he give the command for them to give her John the Baptist head. 10  So he sent one of his soldiers to go and cut off John head in jail. 11  Then the soldier man bring John head in the waiter and give it to the girl, and she carry it to her ma. 12  Later on, his disciple dem came and carry his body to bury him. Then they went and tell Jesus about it. 13  When Jesus hear about it, he got in the boat and went somewhere to be by himself. But when the people hear that he wor leaving, they walk from their city to follow him. 14  When Jesus came from in the boat, he saw plenty people. He wor feeling sorry for them and he cure all the sick people. 15  But in the evening, his disciple dem came to him and say: “Nobody living around here and it already late. So tell all the people to go, so that they can buy food for theirself in the village dem.” 16  But Jesus tell them say: “They not need to go, yor give them something to eat.” 17  They tell him say: “We not get anything here beside five bread and two fish.” 18  He say: “Yor bring it to me.” 19  Then he tell all the people to sit down on the grass. He take the five bread and the two fish and look up to heaven and pray. Then he break the bread and give it to the disciples and the disciples give it to the people. 20  So all the people eat and they wor satisfy, and the disciples collect the one dem that left over and it full up 12 baskets. 21  The people that eat the food wor 5,000 men, beside the women and small children. 22  Then he not waste time. He tell his disciple dem to get in the boat and go in front to the other side of the sea. When the disciples wor going, he tell the people to go too. 23  After he tell the people to go, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When it wor late in the night, his one wor still there. 24  By that time the boat wor far* from land and it wor not easy for them because the heavy breeze wor blowing from the side they wor going. 25  But in the morning when it wor still dark,* Jesus wor walking on the sea coming to them. 26  When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they wor scare and they say: “That something strange!” They wor yelling because they wor scare.” 27  But right away Jesus tell them say: “Don’t be scare! That me.” 28  Then Peter say: “Lord if that you, then tell me to come to you on the water.” 29  He say: “Come!” Then Peter move from in the boat and started walking on the water to go to Jesus. 30  But when he look at the heavy breeze, he got scare. And when he started going under the water, he yell: “Lord, save me!” 31  Right away Jesus stretch his hand and hold him and tell him say: “Why you get small faith? Why you not trust in me?” 32  After they got in the boat, the heavy breeze stop blowing. 33  Then the disciples who wor in the boat bow down to him and say: “You God Son for true.” 34  And they cross to the other side of the sea and came to the place they call Gen·nes′a·ret. 35  When the people got to know that it wor Jesus, they sent message to all the village dem around there and they started bringing all the sick people to him. 36  And they beg him to just touch the down part of his clothes, and all those who touch it, got well all together.


In Greek that, “plenty stadia.” One stadium equal to 185 meters (606.95 ft).
In Greek that, “fourth watch.” In Jesus time this wor around 3:00 am to 6:00 am.