The Thing Dem Matthew Write 15:1-39

  • Jesus expose the people traditions (1-9)

  • The thing dem that can make us to not be clean in God eye can come from in our heart (10-20)

  • One Phoenician woman show strong faith (21-28)

  • Jesus heal plenty sick people (29-31)

  • Jesus feed 4,000 people (32-39)

15  Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem, and they ask him:  “Why your disciples can’t follow our great grandfather dem tradition? For example, they can’t wash* their hand when they coming eat.”  He tell them say: “Why yor can break God law because of your tradition?”  For example, God say, ‘Respect your ma and your pa’ and ‘Yor must kill anybody who cuss their ma or their pa.’  But yor say, ‘Anybody who tell their ma or their pa: “The thing dem I suppose to use to help you, I na promise to give it to God as gift,”  for that reason he not need to honor his pa.’ So yor na make God Word to not get any value because of your tradition.  You hypocrites,* the things Isaiah say about yor that true, he say:  ‘This people can honor me by the thing dem they can say, but their heart far from me.  They worshipping me for nothing, because they teaching human being idea.’” 10  Then he call the people to come near him, and he tell them say: “Yor listen good-good so that yor can understand what I coming say: 11  That not the things people eat can make them dirty in God eye, but that the thing dem they say can make them to be dirty in God eye.” 12  Then his disciples came to him and say: “You know that the Pharisee dem got vex because of the thing dem you say?” 13  He tell them say: “Anything my Father in heaven not plant, he will root it up. 14  Yor forget about them. They blind but they want show other people the road. If blind man lead blind man, two of them will fall down in the hole.” 15  Peter say: “Explain the meaning for this example.” 16  Then Jesus say: “Yourself too, yor not understand it yet? 17  Yor not know that anything somebody eat can go in their stomach and it can end up in the toilet? 18  But anything that somebody say coming from in their heart, and that it can make them to be dirty in God eye. 19  For example, all this thing dem can come from in people heart: wicked thinking, killing, adultery, sexual immorality,* stealing, bearing false witness, and talking against God. 20  That this thing dem can make somebody to be dirty in God eye. But to eat without washing* your hand can’t make anybody to be dirty in God eye.” 21  When Jesus left from there, he went in the area they call Tyre and Si′don. 22  Then one Phoe·ni′cian woman came and started crying and begging him: “Lord, David Son, feel sorry for me. My daughter suffering bad way because she get demon.” 23  But he not answer her. So his disciple dem tell him say: “Tell this woman to go, because she just crying behind us.” 24  He say: “God not send me to everybody, but only to the Israelite dem that looking like sheep that lost.” 25  But the woman kneel down in front him and started begging him: “Lord, help me!” 26  He tell her say: “It not good to take the children dem food and give it to baby dogs.” 27  She say: “Lord that true, but still the baby dog dem can eat the food that can fall down when their owners eating.” 28  Then Jesus tell her say: “You woman, you get strong faith. Let the thing you want happen.” And right away, her daughter got well. 29  When Jesus left from there, he came near the Sea of Gal′i·lee, then he went up on the mountain and sit down there. 30  Then plenty people came to him. They wor bringing people who wor cripple, blind, people who can’t talk, and people who wor having different-different kindna sickness. They bring all of them in front of him and he heal them. 31  So the people wor really surprise when they saw the people who not use to talk talking, the cripple people walking, the blind people seeing. And all of them started praising God. 32  But Jesus call his disciple dem and say: “I feeling sorry for the people because they na stay with me for three days, and they not get anything to eat. I not want them to be hungry and tell them to go before they faint on the road.” 33  But his disciple dem tell him say: “Nobody living around here, so where we will get bread that will satisfy all this people?” 34  Then Jesus ask them: “How much bread yor get?” They say: “Seven bread and some small fish.” 35  Then he tell the people to sit down on the grass. 36  He take the seven bread and the fish and pray over it. Then he break it and started giving it to the disciple dem and the disciple dem give it to the people. 37  And all the people eat and they wor satisfy. And the disciples collect the one dem that left over and it full up seven big-big baskets. 38  The people that eat the bread wor 4,000 men, beside the women and children. 39  When he finish telling the people dem to go, he got in the boat and came to the area they call Mag′a·dan.


It not talking about washing hand because it dirty, but it wor their tradition.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
The Greek word that por·neiʹa.
It not talking about washing hand because it dirty, but it wor their tradition.