The Thing Dem Matthew Write 16:1-28

  • They ask for sign (1-4)

  • Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees (5-12)

  • The keys for the Kingdom (13-20)

    • Jesus built his congregation on the rock (18)

  • Jesus talk about his own death (21-23)

  • What it mean to be true disciple (24-28)

16  Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came to him to test him. They tell him to perform one miracle in God name. 2  He tell them say: “In the evening, yor can say, ‘The weather will be good because the sky red,’ 3  and in the morning, yor can say, ‘The weather will be bad and rain will fall today because the place dark.’ Yor able to know wetin will happen when yor look at the sky, but yor not able to understand the meaning of the thing dem that happening now-now. 4  This wicked generation that not faithful to God always looking for sign, but they will not see any sign beside the sign about Jo′nah.” Then he left them there and start going. 5  The disciple dem cross to the other side, but they forget to carry bread with them. 6  Jesus tell them say: “Shine your eyes good-good and be careful because of the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” 7  So they started talking among theirself, “We not bring any bread with us.” 8  When Jesus got to know what they wor talking about, he tell them say: “Yor get small faith. Why yor talking among yourselves that yor not get any bread? 9  The thing I say, yor not understand it yet, or yor can’t remember how many baskets yor collect when I feed 5,000 men with five bread? 10  Or yor can’t remember how many big-big baskets yor collect when I feed the 4,000 men with seven bread? 11  How come yor not understand that I wor not talking about bread? But I wor telling yor to be careful about the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” 12  Then they understand that he wor not talking about the yeast they can use to fix bread, but he wor telling them to be careful about the teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 13  When Jesus came in the area that they call Caes·a·re′a Phi·lip′pi, he ask his disciple dem: “Wetin people saying about the Son of man?” 14  They say: “Some people say you John the Baptist, other people say you E·li′jah, and still other people say you Jeremiah or one of the prophet dem.” 15  He tell them say: “But how about yor, wetin yor say about me?” 16  Simon Peter say: “That you the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17  Then Jesus tell him say: “Thank you for that answer, Simon, Jo′nah son, because that not human being show it to you, but that my Father who in heaven. 18  Also, let me tell you: Your name Peter. I will build my congregation on top of one big rock, and the Grave* will not get power over it. 19  I will give you the keys for the Kingdom that in heaven. And anything you tie on earth, will already be tie in heaven. And anything you loosen on earth will already be loosen in heaven.” 20  Then he give his disciples strong warning to not tell anybody that he the Christ. 21  From that time, Jesus started explaining to his disciples that he need to go to Jerusalem, and the elders, the chief priests and the scribes will really suffer him and kill him, and on the third day, God will bring him back to life. 22  Then Peter carry him on the side and started giving him strong counsel. He say: “Lord, don’t say this kindna thing dem about yourself. This thing dem will not happen to you at all.” 23  But Jesus turn his back to Peter and say: “Get behind me, Satan! You stopping me from doing God will because you not thinking like God but you thinking like human being.” 24  Then Jesus tell his disciple dem say: “If anybody want follow me, let him deny himself and pick up his torture stake and continue to follow me. 25  Because anybody who want save his life* will lose it, but anybody who lose his life* because of me will get it back. 26  To talk the truth, what benefit somebody will get if they get the whole world but lose their life? Or wetin somebody will give to get his life* back? 27  Because the Son of man will come in his Father glory and the angels will be with him. That time he will pay everybody according to the thing dem they do. 28  To tell yor the truth, some of yor standing here will not die at all until yor see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom.”


Or “Hades.” That mean, the common grave of human being.
Or “soul.”
Or “soul.”
Or “soul.”