The Thing Dem Matthew Write 17:1-27

  • Jesus change (1-13)

  • Faith just like mustard seed (14-21)

  • Jesus talk about his own death again (22, 23)

  • They pay tax with the coin from the fish mouth (24-27)

17  After six days, Jesus carry Peter, James and John who wor James brother on one tall mountain. And they wor by theirself.  Then he change in front of them. His face wor shining just like the sun, and his clothes got bright just like light.  Then Moses and E·li′jah appear to them and started talking with Jesus.  Then Peter tell Jesus say: “Lord, it alright for us to be here. If you want, I will build three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for E·li′jah.”  When he wor still talking, bright cloud cover them and one voice from inside the cloud say: “That my Son here, the one who I really love and I happy with him. Yor listen to him.”  When his disciple dem hear this one, they wor too scare. So they lay down flat on the ground and bend their head down.  Then Jesus came to them and touch them and tell them say: “Yor get up. Yor don’t be scare.”  When they look up, they not see anybody beside Jesus.  When they wor coming down from the mountain, Jesus tell them say: “Yor must not tell anybody about this vision until the Son of man come back to life.” 10  But the disciple dem ask him: “So why the scribes say E·li′jah must come first?” 11  Jesus tell them say: “That true, E·li′jah coming and he will make everything the way it suppose to be. 12  But I tell you that, E·li′jah already na come, but they not recognize him and they treat him any kindna way they wanted to treat him. That the same way, the Son of man will suffer in their hands”. 13  Then the disciple dem understand that he wor talking to them about John the Baptist. 14  When they came to the people, one man came and kneel down in front of him and say: 15  “Lord, feel sorry for my son because he get spell and he sick. Most of the time he can fall down in the fire and in the water. 16  I bring him to your disciples but they wor not able to heal him. 17  Jesus say: “This sinful generation that not get faith, how long I must stay with yor for yor to get faith? How long I must continue to bear with yor? Yor bring him to me.” 18  Then Jesus give strong command to the demon to move from in the boy and it move from in him. Right away the boy wor heal. 19  Then the disciples came to Jesus when he wor by himself, and ask him: “How come we wor not able to move the demon from in him?” 20  He tell them say: “That because yor get small faith. To tell yor the truth, if yor get faith just like the size of the mustard seed,* yor will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here, and go over there,’ and it will move, and you will be able to do anything.” 21  —— 22  When Jesus and his disciple dem wor together in Gal′i·lee, he tell them say: “Somebody will sell the Son of man to his enemies, 23  and they will kill him, and on the third day God will bring him back to life.” And what he say really make his disciple dem to feel bad. 24  When they reach to Ca·per′na·um, the men who wor collecting the temple tax* saw Peter and ask him: “Your teacher can pay the temple tax?” 25  He say: “Yes.” But as soon he enter the house, Jesus ask him: “Simon, what you think? That who the king dem can collect different-different tax from? That from their children dem, or that from strangers?” 26  Then he say: “From strangers.” Jesus tell him say: “If that it, then the children dem not suppose to pay tax. 27  But for us to not make them vex, take your fishing hook, and go to the sea. The first fish you will catch, open the mouth and you will see one silver money.* Take it and give it to them for two of us.”


That one small seed that they can find in Israel. It can grow up to 15 feet and it get plenty branch dem.
In Greek that, “two drachmas coin.” That the pay somebody will get when they work for two days.
In Greek that, “four drachmas.” That the pay somebody will get when they work for four days.