The Thing Dem Matthew Write 18:1-35

  • The person who great pass everybody in the Kingdom (1-6)

  • Thing dem that can make people to sin (7-11)

  • Example about the sheep that lost (12-14)

  • How to help your brother to do the right thing (15-20)

  • Example about the slave who can’t forgive (21-35)

18  Then the disciple dem came to Jesus and ask him: “Who great pass everybody in the Kingdom that in heaven?”  So he call one small child to stand in front of them.  And he say: “To tell yor the truth, if yor not change and be like small children, yor will never enter the Kingdom that in heaven.  So anybody who humble himself like this small child, that him great pass everybody in the Kingdom that in heaven.  And anybody who welcome people that just like this small child because of my name, already na welcome me too.  But anybody who make one of this humble people who get faith in me to sin, it will be better for him to tie big rock* on his neck and throw himself in the sea.  “Bad thing will happen to people in the world who can make other people to sin. That true, people will make other people to sin, but bad thing will happen to the person who will make other people to sin.  So if your hand or your foot making you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It better for you to be cripple and get life than to get your two hands or your two foot and be destroy forever by fire.  And if your eye made you to sin, take it out and throw it away. It better for you to be save with one eyeball, than for them to throw you in Ge·hen′na with two eyes. 10  Make sure to not treat any of this humble people bad, because to tell yor the truth, their angels always with my Father who in heaven. 11  —— 12  “What yor think? If one man get 100 sheep and one of them lost, yor not think he will leave the 99 sheep on the mountain and go look for the one that lost? 13  To tell yor the truth, when he find it, he will be happy for that one sheep more than the 99 that not lost. 14  That the same way, my* Father who in heaven can’t be happy for even one of this people dem who humble to die. 15  “Also if your brother sin against you, go tell him about his sin when two of yor by yourself. If he listen to you, then you finish getting your brother back. 16  But if he not listen, carry one or two persons with you. So that what two or three persons will say, will prove that everything that happen that true. 17  If he not listen to them, you must tell the congregation. And still if he not listen to the congregation, you must take him to be like somebody who not serving God and people who can collect tax. 18  “To tell yor the truth, anything you tie on earth, it will already be tie in heaven, and anything you loosen on earth, it will already be loosen in heaven. 19  Also to tell yor the truth, if two people on earth agree to pray for anything that important, my Father who in heaven will do it for them. 20  Because when two or three people come together in my name, I will be with them.” 21  Then Peter came to ask him: “Lord, how many time I must forgive my brother if he sin against me? Seven times?” 22  Jesus tell him say: “No, not just seven times but 77 times. 23  “So that the reason why the Kingdom that in heaven just like one king who wanted his slaves to pay the money they wor owing him. 24  When he started collecting his money, they bring one man who wor owing him 10,000 talents.* 25  But because he wor not able to pay the money, the king say they must sell him, his wife, his children, and everything he wor having to pay the money back. 26  So the slave kneel down and started begging him, he say, ‘Please give me time and I will pay everything I owe you.’ 27  The king started feeling sorry for him, and tell him to not pay again. 28  But that slave went and find one other slave who wor owing him 100 de·nar′i·i. He grab him and started choking him and telling him say, ‘Pay all the money you owing me.’ 29  So the other slave kneel down and started begging him. He say, ‘Please give me time, I will pay your money back.’ 30  But he not agree. So he went and put him in jail until he can pay all the money he wor owing him. 31  When the other slave dem saw what happen, they wor really feeling bad. So they went and tell the king everything that happen. 32  The king call him and tell him say: ‘You wicked slave, when you beg me I tell you not to pay all that plenty money you wor owing me. 33  You not think you suppose to feel sorry for that other slave, the same way I felt sorry for you?’ 34  So the king got vex bad way, and put him in jail until he can pay all the money he wor owing. 35  That the same way my Father who in heaven will treat yor if yor not forgive your brother from your heart.”


That donkey can turn this kindna big rock. They can use it to grind wheat.
It can also mean, “your.”
10,000 silver talents equal to 60,000,000 denarii.