The Thing Dem Matthew Write 2:1-23

  • The people that can study the stars to know what will happen in the future come visit Jesus (1-12)

  • They run away to Egypt (13-15)

  • Herod kill the small-small boy children (16-18)

  • They went back to Nazareth (19-23)

2  They born Jesus in Beth′le·hem that in Ju·de′a, the time Herod wor king. And some people from the East who can study the stars to know what will happen in the future, came to Jerusalem.  And they ask: “Where the child who will be king for the Jews? Because when we wor in the East, we saw his star, so we come pay our respect to him.”  When King Herod and all the people in Jerusalem hear this one, their whole heart spoil.  So he call all the chief priests and the scribes together and he ask them about where they wor coming born the Christ.*  Then they say: “That in Beth′le·hem in Ju·de′a. Because that what God say through the prophet:  ‘And you, O Beth′le·hem in the land of Judah, all the other governors in Judah must not overlook you. Because that in you they will born the person who will rule and shepherd my people Israel.’”  Then Herod call one secret meeting with the people who can study the stars. He ask them good-good to make sure about the time the star appear.  When he wor sending them to Beth′le·hem, he tell them say: “Yor go and look for the child good-good, when yor find him, yor must come tell me so I can go pay my respect to him.”  After they finish listening to what the king say, they started going. Then the star they saw the time they wor in the East started directing them until it stop over the house the child wor in. 10  When they saw the star, they wor too happy. 11  And when they enter the house, they saw the child with his ma Mary. Then they kneel down and pay respect to him. Each of them open their box and give him gifts. They give him gold, frankincense and myrrh.* 12  But since God warn them in their dream to not go back to Herod, they use different road to go back to their country. 13  When they left from there, Jehovah angel appear to Joseph in his dream and say: “Go take the child and his ma and run away to Egypt, and stay there until you hear from me. Because Herod coming look for the child to kill him.” 14  So that night, Joseph take the child and the ma, and went to Egypt. 15  He stay there until Herod die. This one fulfill what Jehovah say through his prophet: “I call my son to come from Egypt.” 16  Then, when Herod find out that the people who can study the stars fool him, he got vex bad way. So he sent people to kill all the boy children from two years old down who wor in Beth′le·hem and in all the area around there. This one match the time that the people who can study the stars show him. 17  It fulfill what the prophet Jeremiah say: 18  “They hear someone voice in Ra′mah, crying and yelling. That Rachel wor crying for her children, and she wor refusing for anybody to comfort her, because they kill all her children.” 19  After Herod die, Jehovah angel appear to Joseph in his dream in Egypt 20  and say: “Go take the child and his ma and go back to Israel, because the people who wanted to kill the child na die.” 21  So he carry the child and the ma back to Israel. 22  But when he hear that Ar·che·la′us wor ruling in Ju·de′a after his pa Herod die, he wor scare to go there. And also because of the warning God give him in his dream, he move to the territory of Gal′i·lee. 23  And he started living in the city call Naz′a·reth, to fulfill what the prophet dem say: “They will call him Naz·a·rene′.”*


Or “the Messiah; the One Who God Appoint.”
Frankincense and myrrh that expensive incense that get sweet scent when you burn it.
Maybe this word coming from the Hebrew word that mean new branch from tree or plant.