The Thing Dem Matthew Write 21:1-46

  • The people dem wor happy when Jesus enter Jerusalem (1-11)

  • Jesus clean the temple (12-17)

  • Jesus swear the fig tree (18-22)

  • They challenge Jesus authority (23-27)

  • The example about the two sons (28-32)

  • The example about the wicked farmers (33-46)

    • They refuse to listen to the chief cornerstone (42)

21  When they reach near Jerusalem, they stop in Beth′pha·ge on the Mount of Olives. Then Jesus sent two of his disciples,  he tell them say: “Yor go in that village that we looking at. As soon yor enter, yor will see one donkey tie with one young donkey near it. Loosen it and bring them to me.  If somebody ask, yor must tell them say, ‘The Lord say we must carry them.’ And right away he will send them.”  This one really happen so that the thing the prophet say can come true. He say:  “Tell the daughter of Zion say: ‘Your king coming to you, he humble and he sitting down on top of the donkey, yes, on top of the young donkey.’”  So the disciple dem went and do all the things that Jesus tell them.  They bring the young donkey and the ma. They spread their clothes on them, and Jesus sit down on the young donkey.  Most of the people spread their clothes on the road. And other people wor cutting branch from the trees and spreading it on the road.  The people who wor in front of him and the people who wor following him continue to shout: “God we beg you, save David Son! Let the person who come in Jehovah name be bless! We beg you, save him, you that in heaven!” 10  And when he enter Jerusalem, the whole city wor upside down, and they wor saying: “That who here so?” 11  The people continue to say: “That the prophet Jesus here, who coming from Naz′a·reth that in Gal′i·lee!” 12  When Jesus enter the temple, he throw all the people who wor selling and buying outside. And the people who wor changing money and those who wor selling dove, he turn their tables and their bench dem upside down. 13  Then he tell them say: “It in the Scriptures, ‘They will call my house the house of prayer,’ but yor making it to be the place where the rogue dem can hide.” 14  Also, the blind and the cripple people came to him in the temple, and he heal them. 15  When the chief priests and the scribes saw all the wonderful things he na do and how the children dem wor shouting in the temple and saying: “We beg you, save David Son!” they got vex bad way 16  and they tell him say: “You hear what they saying?” Jesus tell them say: “Yes. Yor never read this one before, ‘You make children and young baby dem to praise you’?” 17  Then he left them in Jerusalem and went to Beth′a·ny to sleep there. 18  Soon in the morning when he wor going back to Jerusalem, he started feeling hungry. 19  He saw one fig tree near the road and he went to it. But he not see any fruit in the tree only leaves. Then he say to it: “You will not bear any fruit again.” And right away the fig tree die. 20  When the disciple dem saw what happen, they wor surprise and they say: “How this fig tree just die on the spot so?” 21  Jesus tell them say: “To tell yor the truth, if yor get faith and yor not doubt, yor will not only do what I do to this fig tree, but even when yor tell this mountain say, ‘Move from here and fall down in the sea,’ it will happen. 22  And if yor get faith, anything yor pray for, yor will get it.” 23  After he enter the temple, the chief priests and the elders for the people came to him when he wor teaching and they ask: “That who power you using to do all this thing dem? Who give you this power?” 24  Jesus tell them say: “I will ask yor one question too. If yor answer me, then I will tell yor where I got the power from to do this thing dem. 25  Who sent John to baptize people? That God who in heaven or that human being?” But they started talking among theirself: “If we say that God who in heaven sent him, he will tell us say, ‘Then why yor not believe him?’ 26  But if we say, ‘That from human being,’ we scare of what the people will do to us, because all of them believe John to be prophet.” 27  So they tell Jesus say: “We not know.” Jesus also tell them say: “Myself too I will not tell yor who give me the power to do this thing dem. 28  “What yor think? One man wor having two children. He tell the first one say, ‘My son, go work on the grape farm today.’ 29  Then his son say, ‘I not going,’ but later on, he started feeling bad and he went. 30  He came to his other son and say the same thing. His son say, ‘Papa, I will go,’ but he not go. 31  So which one of them do the thing their pa say they must do?” They say: “The first one.” Jesus tell them say: “To tell yor the truth, the people that can collect the tax and the prostitute dem passing by yor to enter God Kingdom. 32  John came and he wor doing the right thing in God eye, but yor not believe him. But the people who can collect tax and the prostitute dem believe him, and even when yor saw all this thing dem, yor not feel regret and believe him. 33  “Yor listen to this other example: One man who wor having land made grape farm on his land. He put fence around it, he dig somewhere inside to mash grape to make wine, and he also built one tall building there. Then he give it to farmers to take care of it and he travel to another country. 34  When the grape got ripe, he sent his slaves to the farmers to collect his fruit. 35  But the farmer dem grab his slaves, they beat one of them, they kill the other one and they chunk the other one with rock until he die. 36  So he sent some more slaves and they wor plenty more than the first group, but they do the same thing to them. 37  So he sent his son to them and he say, ‘They will respect my son.’ 38  When the farmer dem saw his son, they started talking among theirself, ‘That him the properties will go to, so yor come let kill him and take all his properties!’ 39  So they drag him and carry him outside the grape farm and kill him. 40  So when the farm owner come, wetin he will do to this farmer dem?” 41  They tell him say: “Because they wicked, he will destroy them and give the grape farm to different farmers who will give him the fruit when the time reach.” 42  Jesus tell them say: “Yor never read this one in the Scriptures before, ‘The stone that the builder dem refuse to use, that it na turn to the main corner stone. This one coming from Jehovah, and it wonderful in our eyes’? 43  That why I tell yor say, God will take his Kingdom from yor, and give it to the people who doing the thing that he want. 44  And anybody who fall down on this stone will scatter. And anybody who this stone fall down on, it will mash them.” 45  When the chief priests and the Pharisees hear his example dem, they knew that he wor talking about them. 46  Even though they wanted to arrest him, they wor scare of the people, because the people take him to be prophet.
