The Thing Dem Matthew Write 22:1-46

  • Example about the wedding party (1-14)

  • God and Caesar (15-22)

  • Question about the resurrection (23-33)

  • The two most important commandments (34-40)

  • The Christ that David son? (41-46)

22  Again Jesus use examples to teach them, he say:  “The Kingdom that in heaven looking like one king who have wedding party for his son.  And he sent his slave dem to call the people who he invite to the wedding party, but they not agree to come.  He sent different slaves again and tell them say: ‘Yor go tell the people dem I invite: “I na prepare my food. I na kill my cows and the fat-fat animals and everything ready. Come to the wedding party.”’  But the people who they invite pay deaf ear and went by their business. One went on his farm and the other one go do his business.  But the other one dem grab his slaves, beat them bad way and kill them.  “The king got really vex and sent his soldiers to kill all those who kill his slaves and to burn their city.  Then he tell his slave dem say: ‘The party ready, but the people dem we invite not fit to come.  So go on the road that going out of the city, and invite anybody you see there to come to the wedding party.’ 10  So the slave dem went on the road and invite all the people they saw, the wicked people and the good people. And the room where they wor having the wedding party wor full up with the people they invite. 11  “When the king enter to see the people dem that came to the party, he saw one man who wor not wearing the wedding clothes. 12  So he tell him say, ‘My man, how you manage to come inside here and you not wearing the wedding clothes?’ He wor not able to say anything. 13  Then the king tell his servant dem say, ‘Yor tie his hand and foot and throw him outside in the darkness. And that the place he will be crying and grinding his teeth.’ 14  “Because God can invite plenty people, but he can only choose few of them.” 15  Then the Pharisees went and plan together so they can make Jesus to say the wrong thing. 16  So they sent their disciples and Herod followers to him. They ask him: “Teacher, we know that you can always talk the truth and you can teach the true-true things about God. You can’t just do things for people to like your business, because you can’t pick and choose. 17  So tell us, what you think? It right to pay tax to Caesar or not?” 18  But because Jesus knew their wicked plan, he say: “Yor acting like yor get clear heart, why yor testing me? 19  Show me the coin they can use to pay tax”. They give him one de·nar′i·us. 20  He tell them say: “That who picture and name on it?” 21  They say: “That Caesar.” Then he tell them say: “Give Caesar things back to Caesar, but give God things to God.” 22  When they hear what he say, their mouths wor full, and they left him there and went. 23  On that day, the Sadducees who not believe in the resurrection came and ask him: 24  “Teacher, Moses say: ‘If any man die and he not born children, his brother must marry his wife and born children by her for his brother.’ 25  We know about seven brothers. The first one marry and he die, but because he not born any children, his brother marry his wife. 26  And the same thing happen to the second and the third one, until all seven of them marry her. 27  In the end, the woman die. 28  So during the resurrection, among the seven men, who wife she will be? Because all of them marry her.” 29  Jesus tell them say: “Yor making mistake, because yor not understand the Scriptures and how God get power. 30  Because during the resurrection men or women will not marry, but they will be looking just like the angel dem that in heaven. 31  Yor not read what God tell yor in the Scriptures about people who na die coming back to life, when he say: 32  ‘I the God for Abraham, the God for Isaac and the God for Jacob’? He God for people who living and not for people who na die.” 33  When the people hear it, they wor really surprise because of the way he wor teaching. 34  After the Pharisees hear that the Sadducees wor not able to answer Jesus, they join together and came to him. 35  And one of them who knew the Law good-good ask him one question to test him. He say: 36  “Teacher, which commandment really important pass all the other commandments in the Law?” 37  He tell him say: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, your whole life and with your whole mind.’ 38  This commandment that the first and it important pass all the other commandments. 39  The second one that just like it that: ‘You must love your neighbor the same way you love yourself.’ 40  Everything in the Law and everything the Prophet dem write, coming from this two commandments.” 41  When the Pharisees wor still there, Jesus ask them: 42  “What yor think about the Christ? That who son?” They tell him say: “That David Son.” 43  He ask them: “So how come the holy spirit move David to call him Lord, when he say, 44  ‘Jehovah say to my Lord : “Sit down on my right hand side until I put your enemies under your foot”’? 45  So if David call him Lord, then how come he David son?” 46  And nobody wor able to answer him, and from that day nobody wor having the mind to ask him any question again.
