The Thing Dem Matthew Write 23:1-39

  • Don’t follow the scribes and Pharisees example (1-12)

  • Bad things will happen to the scribes and Pharisees (13-36)

  • Jesus say the things that made him feel bad about Jerusalem (37-39)

23  Then Jesus tell the people and his disciple dem say:  “The scribes and the Pharisees na put theirself in Moses position.  So do and follow all the thing dem they tell you to do, but don’t do what they can do, because the thing dem they can say that not what they can do.  They can tie heavy load and put it on people shoulders, but they theirself not even want use their finger to touch it.  All the thing dem they can do, they can do it for people to see them. Because they made the scripture box big and they can wear it to protect theirself. Also, they made the down part of their clothes long more than the way it suppose to be.  When they go to party, they like to sit down to the place they keep for important people. And they like the best seat in the synagogues.  And they like for people to speak to them special way in the markets and for people to call them Rabbi.*  But yor must not let anybody to call yor Rabbi, because only one person your Teacher, and all of yor that brothers.  Also, don’t call anybody your father on earth, because only one person your Father, the One who in heaven. 10  And yor must not make people to call yor leaders, because yor only get one leader call the Christ. 11  But the person that great pass all of yor, must be yor servant. 12  Anybody who put theirself up, God will bring him down. But anybody who bring theirself down, God will put him up. 13  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor lock the door of the Kingdom that in heaven to stop people from entering, because yourselves not going in so yor stopping people who want go in from going in. 14  —— 15  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor travel over sea and on land to make one person to join the Jewish religion. And when he join yor, yor make it possible for him to go to Ge·hen′na and his sin get worse more than your own. 16  “Bad things will happen to yor. Yor blind but yor still want show people the road. Yor say, ‘If anybody swear to the temple, it not mean anything. But if anybody swear to the gold that on the temple, then they force to do what they swear about.’ 17  Foolish and blind people! Which one more important, the gold or the temple that made the gold holy? 18  On top of this one, yor say, ‘If anybody swear to the altar, it not mean anything. But if anybody swear to the gift that on it, then they force to do what they swear about.’ 19  Blind people! Which one more important, the gift or the altar that make the gift holy? 20  So anybody who swear to the altar, they swearing to it and everything that on it. 21  And anybody who swear to the temple, they swearing to it and to God who get the temple. 22  And anybody who swear to heaven, they swearing to God throne and to God who sitting down on it. 23  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor can give the tithe for the mint, dill and the cumin, but yor can’t obey the important thing dem in the Law, like justice, mercy, and to be faithful. It important to pay yor tithe, but it not mean yor must not do the other thing dem. 24  Blind people who still want show other people the road. Yor can sifter the mosquito and swallow the camel! 25  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor can clean the outside part of the dishes, but inside it can be dirty. That just how yor looking, yor always want more and more and yor not able to control yourself. 26  Blind Pharisee, clean inside the dishes first so the outside part can be clean too. 27  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor looking like graves that they paint with whitewash, it looking fine outside but inside full of dead people bones and all kindna dirty-dirty thing dem. 28  That just how yor looking. In people eyes yor looking like righteous people, but yor can pretend in yor heart and so-so wicked-wicked thing dem yor can do. 29  “You scribes and Pharisees, bad things will happen to yor, hypocrites!* Because yor build the prophet dem graves, and yor decorate the righteous people graves. 30  And yor say, ‘If we wor living during the time our great grandfather dem wor living, we wor not coming join them to kill the prophet dem.’ 31  So yor bearing witness against yourselves that yor children for the people dem who kill the prophets. 32  So yor finish the work that yor great grandfather dem started. 33  “You snakes and children of snakes that get poison, yor think yor can run away from getting punish in Ge·hen′na? 34  Because of this, I sending prophets, wise men, and people who can speak in public to yor. Yor will kill some of them and hang them on the stake. Yor will flog some of them in the synagogues and suffer them in different-different cities. 35  So that the blood for all the righteous people who they kill on this earth will come on yor head. From the blood of the righteous man Abel to the blood of Zech·a·ri′ah, Bar·a·chi′ah son, who yor kill in front of the temple near the altar. 36  To tell yor the truth, all this thing dem will happen to this generation. 37  “Yor who in Jerusalem, yor can kill the prophet dem and use rock to chunk people who they sent to yor. I try plenty time to bring your children together the same way the hen can bring her baby dem under her wings! But yor never wanted it. 38  But now, God na leave your house* with yor. 39  Because I tell yor say, yor will never see me again from now until yor say, ‘Let the person who come in Jehovah name be bless!’”


Or “teacher.”
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
Or “temple.”