The Thing Dem Matthew Write 24:1-51


    • Wars, food business hard, earthquakes (7)

    • They will preach the good news (14)

    • Great tribulation (21, 22)

    • Sign of the Son of man (30)

    • The fig tree (32-34)

    • Just like Noah day (37-39)

    • Continue to be on the watch (42-44)

    • The faithful slave and evil slave (45-51)

24  When Jesus wor leaving from the temple, his disciple dem came to him to show him the building dem in the temple area.  He tell them say: “Ehn yor see all this thing dem here? To tell yor the truth, one rock will not leave on top another rock that they will not throw on the ground.”  When he wor sitting down on the Mount of Olives, the disciple dem came to him when he wor by himself and they ask: “Tell us, what time this thing* dem will happen, and what will be the sign of your presence and the last days of the world?”  Jesus tell them say: “Be careful, don’t let anybody fool you.  Because plenty people will use my name and say, ‘That me the Christ,’ and they will fool plenty people.  You will hear about war fighting near you, and war fighting far off. But try to not be scare, because this thing dem suppose to happen, but the end of the world not come yet.  “Because country will fight country and kingdom will fight kingdom, and food business will be hard, and earthquakes will happen in different-different areas.  All this thing dem that the beginning of things that will cause serious pain* for people.  “Then people will suffer yor and kill yor, and all the nations will hate yor because of my name. 10  And plenty people will lose faith in God, and they will hate and betray each other. 11  Plenty false prophets will come and fool plenty people. 12  And because wicked things will continue to get plenty more and more, the love that plenty people get will go down. 13  But the person who endure to the end will be save. 14  And they will preach this good news about the Kingdom all over the world. So that all the nations can get the chance to hear it, and then the end will come. 15  “So, when yor see the dirty thing that can destroy things standing in the holy place, just how the prophet Daniel say it,* (let the person who read about it understand what the prophet say). 16  Then let the people who in Ju·de′a start running to the mountains. 17  The man that on top the house must not come down to take thing dem from in his house. 18  And the man that on the farm must not come back to take his clothes. 19  That time, bad thing will happen to big belly women and baby ma dem! 20  Yor continue to pray so that the time yor will run away, will not happen during the cold season or on the Sabbath day. 21  Because that the time the great tribulation will come. This kindna tribulation never happen before since the world start up to now and it will never happen again. 22  To talk the truth, if God not cut that time short, nobody will survive. But because of the people who he na choose, he will cut it short. 23  “And if anybody tell yor say, ‘The Christ here,’ or, ‘He over there!’ don’t believe it. 24  Because false Christs and false prophets will come and they will perform powerful miracles to fool people, if possible, even the people God na choose. 25  Remember, I na advise yor about this thing dem. 26  So if people tell yor say, ‘He in the wilderness,’ yor must not go there or; ‘he inside the house,’ yor must not believe it. 27  Just how the lightning can flash from the east and shine over the west, that the same way the presence of the Son of man will be. 28  Anywhere they get dead body that the place the eagle dem will be. 29  “During that time, right after the tribulation, the sun will turn dark, the moon will not shine again and the star dem will fall down from heaven. And the powerful thing dem that in heaven will shake. 30  Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and people from all tribes that on earth will grieve* and they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds* with power and great glory. 31  And he will use loud trumpet sound to send his angels, and they will gather those who God na choose together from all around the world, from one end of the heavens to the other end. 32  “Learn from the example about the fig tree: As soon the branch start growing and leaf start coming on it, yor can know that the rainy season near. 33  That the same way, when yor see all this thing dem, yor must know that he here to the doors. 34  To tell yor the truth, this generation will not pass away until all this thing dem happen. 35  Heaven and earth will pass away, but the thing dem I say will never pass away. 36  “Nobody know that day and the hour. Not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but only the Father know. 37  Because just how things wor looking during the days of Noah, that the same way it will be looking during the presence of the Son of man. 38  Before the Flood, people wor eating and drinking, and men and women wor getting marry until the day Noah enter in the ark. 39  And they not notice what wor happening, until the Flood came and kill all of them. That just how it will be during the presence of the Son of man. 40  Then two men will be on the farm, God will take one person and he will leave the other person behind. 41  Two women will be grinding something with the grinding stone, God will take one person and he will leave the other person behind. 42  So keep on the watch, because yor not know the main day yor Lord coming. 43  “But think about this: If the house owner knew the time in the night the rogue wor coming, he wor coming to keep on the watch and not allow the rogue to enter his house. 44  Because of this, yourself too must show that yor ready because the Son of man will come the time yor not expecting it. 45  “That who really the faithful and discreet* slave, who his master choose to be over his servant dem in the house, to give them their food at the right time? 46  That slave will be happy if his master come back and see him doing the work he give him to do! 47  To tell yor the truth, he will put him over all his properties so he can take care of them. 48  “But if that slave turn wicked and say in his heart, ‘My master wasting time,’ 49  and he start beating the other slave dem and start eating and drinking with people who they know to be drunkard, 50  that slave master will come on the day that he not expecting, and the hour that he not know. 51  And he will punish him bad way, and put him among the people dem who can pretend. And that the place he will be crying and grinding his teeth.


This one talking about the time Jerusalem and the temple will be destroy.
That mean, the pain woman can go through when she go deliver.
This one that Daniel prophecy here.
Or “beat theirself in grief.”
In Greek that, “clouds of heaven.”
Or “wise.”