The Thing Dem Matthew Write 25:1-46


    • Example about the ten virgins (1-13)

    • Example about the talents (14-30)

    • The sheep and the goats (31-46)

25  “The Kingdom that in heaven just like ten virgins who take their lamps and went out to meet the man who coming get marry.  Five of them wor foolish, and five of them wor wise.  The foolish virgins take their lamps but they not carry extra oil with them.  But the wise virgins take their lamps and carry extra oil in their bottles.  When the man who coming get marry wor staying long to come, they start feeling sleepy and sleep carry them.  When it wor midnight , they hear one loud voice that say: ‘The man who coming get marry na come! Yor go outside to meet him.’  Then all the virgin dem wake up, and prepare their lamps.  Then the foolish virgins tell the wise virgins say, ‘Give us some of your oil because our lamps will soon go off.’  The wise virgins tell them say: ‘If we give yor some of our oil, maybe it will not be plenty for all of us. So go to the people who selling it and buy some for yourself.’ 10  When they wor going to buy it, the man who wor coming get marry came. The virgins that wor ready follow him in the house to the wedding party, and they lock the door. 11  Later the other five virgins came and say, ‘Master, Master, open the door for us!’ 12  He say, ‘To tell yor the truth, I not know yor.’ 13  “So, keep on the watch because you not know the day or the hour. 14  “Because the Kingdom that in heaven just like one man who coming travel to another country. He call his slave dem and give them his properties for them to take care of it. 15  He give five talents* to the first slave, two talents to the second slave, and one talent to the last slave because he knew what each of them wor able to do. And he travel to another country. 16  Right away the slave who receive the five talents went and do business with it and got five more talents. 17  That the same way, the slave who receive the two talents got two more talents. 18  But the slave who receive just one talent went and dig hole and bury his master money there. 19  “After long time pass, the master for the slave came back, and he wanted to know wetin they do with his money. 20  So the slave who receive the five talents came to his master and brought five more talents. He say, ‘Master, you give me five talents, but see, I get five more talents.’ 21  His master tell him say: ‘You did well, good and faithful slave! Because you wor faithful over small things, I will give you plenty things to take care of. Join your master and be happy.’ 22  Then the slave that receive the two talents came to his master and say, ‘Master, you give me two talents, but see, I get two more talents.’ 23  His master tell him say: ‘You did well, good and faithful slave! Because you wor faithful over small things, I will give you plenty things to take care of. Join your master and be happy.’ 24  “Then the slave that receive the one talent came to his master and say, ‘Master, I know that you hard to deal with. You like to harvest from where you not plant and you like harvesting food that you not work for. 25  So I got scare and went and bury your talent in the ground. See, here your talent.’ 26  His master tell him say: ‘You wicked and lazy slave, ehn you know that I can harvest from where I not plant and I can collect food that I not work for? 27  Then why you not put my money* in the bank, then I wor coming get it back with interest. 28  “So yor take the talent from him and give it to the slave who get ten talents. 29  Because anybody who get something, they will give him more, and he will get plenty. But the person who not get anything, even the thing dem he get, they will take it from him. 30  Yor throw the useless slave outside in the darkness, that the place he will be crying and grinding his teeth.’ 31  “When the Son of man come with great power and all the angel dem with him, then he will sit down on his great throne. 32  And all the nations will come together in front of him, and he will separate people from each other, just how the shepherd can separate the sheep from the goats. 33  Then he will put the sheep on his right hand side, and put the goats on his left hand side. 34  “Then the King will tell the people that on his right hand side: ‘Yor come, yor who my Father na bless. Yor come receive* the blessing from the Kingdom that wor prepare for yor from the beginning of the world.* 35  Because when I wor hungry, yor give me something to eat. When I wor thirsty, yor give me something to drink. When I wor stranger, yor welcome me. 36  When I wor naked,* yor give me clothes to wear. When I wor sick, yor take care of me. When I wor in jail, yor visit me.’ 37  Then the righteous people will ask him: ‘Lord, what time we saw you hungry and give you food? What time you wor thirsty and we give you something to drink? 38  What time you wor stranger and we welcome you, or naked and we give you clothes to wear? 39  What time we saw you sick or in jail and we visit you?’ 40  Then the King will tell them say, ‘To tell yor the truth, because yor do it for one of the least of my brother dem, yor do it to me.’ 41  “Then he will tell the people who on his left hand side: ‘Yor move from near me, yor who God na judge and who will go in the fire that burn forever, that wor prepare for the Devil and his angel dem. 42  Because when I wor hungry, yor not give me anything to eat, and when I wor thirsty, yor not give me anything to drink. 43  When I wor stranger, yor not welcome me. When I wor naked, yor not give me clothes to wear. When I wor sick and in jail, yor not take care of me.’ 44  Then they will say: ‘Lord, what time we saw you hungry or thirsty or you wor stranger or naked or sick or in jail and we not help you?’ 45  Then he will tell them say: ‘To tell yor the truth, because yor not do it for one of the least of my brother dem, yor not do it for me.’ 46  This people dem will be destroy forever, but the righteous people will get everlasting life.”


One Greek talent equal to 20.4 kg (654 ounces).
In Greek that, “silver.”
In Greek that, “inherit.”
This one talking about the time Adam and Eve started having children.
The word they use here in Greek not only mean to be naked all together. It can also mean wearing only underclothes.