The Thing Dem Matthew Write 27:1-66

  • They turn Jesus over to Pilate (1, 2)

  • Judas hang himself (3-10)

  • Jesus in front of Pilate (11-26)

  • The people play fun out of him (27-31)

  • They nail him on the stake in Golgotha (32-44)

  • Jesus die (45-56)

  • They bury Jesus (57-61)

  • They put people there to mind the tomb (62-66)

27  In the morning, all the chief priests and the elder dem came together to have one meeting so they can plan to kill Jesus.  When they finish tying him, they carry him and give him to Pilate, the governor.  When Judas who betray him knew that they say they must kill Jesus, he started feeling bad and he carry the 30 silver money back to the chief priests and the elders.  He say: “I commit sin when I betray the innocent man.” They say: “That not our business. That one that your problem!”  So he throw the silver money in the temple and he go hang himself.  But the chief priests take the silver money and say: “It not right to put it to the place in the temple where they can keep the money, because that blood money.”  After they finish talking with each other, they use the money to buy one land where people use to make things with clay. They buy that land to bury strangers on it.  So, up to now, they can call that land the Field of Blood.  Then the thing the prophet Jeremiah say happen: “And they take the 30 silver money, the price that they put on the man, the price that some of the sons of Israel agree to pay for him. 10  And they use it to buy the land where people use to make things with clay, just how Jehovah tell me.” 11  When they carry Jesus to stand in front of the governor, the governor ask him: “That you the King for the Jews?” Jesus say: “That just what you saying.” 12  But when the chief priests and the elder dem wor accusing him, he not say anything. 13  Then Pilate ask him: “You not hearing the plenty thing dem they saying against you?” 14  But he not answer him. He not even say anything to him. And it full the governor mouth. 15  Every year, during the Passover, the governor use to free one prisoner that the people want. 16  At that time, they wor having one man name Bar·ab′bas in jail who plenty people knew to be wicked. 17  So when they came together, Pilate ask them: “Who yor want me to free, Bar·ab′bas or Jesus the one who they can call Christ?” 18  Because Pilate knew that they wor jealous of him* that why they carry Jesus to him. 19  But when he wor sitting down on the judgment seat, his wife sent him message. She say: “Don’t put your hand in that righteous man business, because today I really suffer in my dream because of him.” 20  But the chief priests and the elder dem convince the people to ask for Bar·ab′bas. But they say they must kill Jesus. 21  Then the governor ask them: “This two people, who yor want me to free?” Then they say: “Bar·ab′bas.” 22  Pilate ask them: “So wetin I must do with Jesus, the one they can call Christ?” All of them say: “Kill him on the stake!” 23  He say: “Why? What the bad thing he na do?” But still that the more they wor shouting: “Kill him on the stake!” 24  When Pilate saw that he wor not able to do anything, and the people wanted to demonstrate, he take water and wash his hand in front of all the people. And he say: “Nobody must blame me for this man death. Yor must blame yourself for it.” 25  Then all the people say: “Let the blame be on us and our children for his death.” 26  Then he free Bar·ab′bas, but he give the order for them to whip Jesus, and give him to the people so they can kill him on the stake. 27  Then the governor soldier men dem carry Jesus to the governor compound. They bring all the soldier people around him. 28  And they take off his clothes and put one long red gown on him. 29  Then they use thorn to make one crown and put it on his head and put one stick in his right hand. Then they start kneeling down in front of him and making fun out of him, and they say: “Hello, King for the Jews!” 30  They spit on him and take the stick and started knocking it on his head. 31  When they finish playing fun out of him, they take the long gown from on him. And they put his clothes back on him and carry him to nail him on the stake. 32  When they wor going, they saw one man from Cy·re′ne who name Simon. They force him to carry the torture stake. 33  And when they came to one place they call Gol′go·tha, that mean, Skull Place, 34  they mix wine with something bitter and give it to him to drink. But when he taste it, he not agree to drink it. 35  After they nail him on the stake, they divide his clothes by throwing something that look like dice to know who will take which part of his clothes.* 36  So they sit down there to guard him. 37  They also write something to show the reason why they wor killing him, and they put it over his head. It say: “That Jesus the King for the Jews.” 38  Then they put two criminals on stakes side him, one person on his right hand side and the other person on his left hand side. 39  And the people who wor passing started saying bad-bad thing dem about him, and they wor shaking their heads. 40  And they wor saying: “Ehn that you say you will break the temple down and build it in three days, save yourself now! If you God son, free yourself from the torture stake!” 41  That the same way the chief priests and the scribes and the elder dem started making fun out of him, and they say: 42  “He save other people but he can’t save himself! If he King for Israel, let him free himself from the torture stake, then we will believe him. 43  Ehn he put his trust in God? If God really want help him, let God save him now. Because he say, ‘I God Son.’” 44  That the same way the criminal dem who wor on the stakes side him wor cussing him. 45  The whole place got dark from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock in the day. 46  Around 3 o’clock in the day, Jesus shout with loud voice, and say: “E′li, E′li, la′ma sa·bach·tha′ni?” It mean, “My God, my God, why you na leave me?” 47  When some of the people that wor standing around there hear this one they start saying: “This man calling Elijah.” 48  Right away, one of them run and take the sponge and soak it in sour wine. Then he put it on the stick and give him it to drink. 49  But the other people dem say: “Leave him! Let see if Elijah will come save him.” 50  Jesus shout with loud voice again and he die. 51  And the curtain that in the temple tear from up all the way down. And earthquake happen and the rock dem burst. 52  And the grave dem open, and plenty dead bodies of God servant dem came outside 53  and plenty people wor able to see them. (After Jesus came back to life, people who came from the graveyard enter the holy city.) 54  The army officer and the other soldier people who wor with him wor guarding Jesus. But when they saw the earthquake and the thing dem that wor happening, they got scare bad way and say: “For true-true, this man wor God Son.” 55  Plenty women wor there watching from far off. They follow Jesus from Gal′i·lee to help him. 56  Some of them wor Mary Mag′da·lene, James and Jo′ses mother Mary, and the mother for Zeb′e·dee sons. 57  In the evening, one rich man from Ar·i·ma·the′a came. His name wor Joseph, and he also became Jesus disciple. 58  He went to Pilate and ask for Jesus body. Then Pilate tell the soldiers to give the body to him. 59  Joseph take the body and wrap it in clean fine cloth, 60  and put it in his new grave that he made in the rock. And after rolling the big rock to close the grave, he left. 61  But Mary Mag′da·lene and the other Mary wor still there, sitting down in front of the grave. 62  On the next day after the Preparation day, the chief priests and the Pharisees came to Pilate, 63  and they say: “Sir, we remember what that liar say the time he wor living. He say, ‘On the third day I will come back to life.’ 64  So tell your soldiers to guard the grave until the third day, so that his disciple dem can’t steal him and tell the people say, ‘God na bring him back to life!’ If that one happen, then this lie will be worse more than the first one.” 65  Pilate tell them say: “Carry some soldiers with you to guard the grave. Go and mind the place the best way you able to mind it.” 66  So they went and close the grave good-good with rock and put soldier people there.


That mean, Jesus.
In Greek that, “casting lots.”