The Thing Dem Matthew Write 28:1-20

  • God bring Jesus back to life (1-10)

  • They bribe the soldier people to lie (11-15)

  • Jesus tell his followers to go make disciples (16-20)

28  After the Sabbath, on the first day of the week, when day wor breaking, Mary Mag′da·lene and James and Jo’ses mother Mary came to see the grave.  Then one great earthquake happen, because Jehovah angel came down from heaven. And he roll the rock from the grave, and he wor sitting down on it.  He wor shining just like lightning and his clothes wor white just like snow.  Because the watchmen dem wor scare of him, they start shaking and they wor not able to move, just like dead bodies.  But the angel tell the women: “Don’t be scare, because I know yor looking for Jesus who they kill on the stake.  He not here, because God na bring him back to life, just how he* say it. Come see the place where he wor laying down.  Then go quick-quick and tell his disciple dem that God na bring him back to life! He already on his way to Gal′i·lee. Yor will see him there. That what I come tell yor.”  The women left from the grave quick-quick. They wor scare, but also they wor really happy. They run and carry the news to the disciple dem.  Then Jesus meet them and say: “Yor hello o!” They went to him and hold his foot to show respect to him.* 10  Then Jesus tell them say: “Yor must not be scare! Go tell my brother dem to go to Gal′i·lee, and they will see me there.” 11  When they wor going, some of the soldier men dem went in the city and tell the chief priests all the thing dem that happen. 12  And after the chief priests and the elder dem came together and hang head, they give plenty silver money to the soldiers. 13  And they tell them: “Yor must say, ‘His disciple dem came in the night and steal him the time we wor sleeping.’ 14  And if the governor hear about it, yor must not worry, because we will explain everything to him.”* 15  So they take the silver money and do just what they tell them to do. And this story spread among all the Jews up to now. 16  So the 11 disciples went to Gal′i·lee, to the mountain where Jesus tell them to go so they can meet. 17  When they saw him, they bow down to him. But some of them not believe that it wor him. 18  Jesus went to them and say: “God na give me power over everything that in heaven and on earth. 19  So yor go and help people from all the nations to be my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit. 20  Teach them to do all the thing dem I tell yor to do, and I always with yor until the end of this world.”


That mean, Jesus.
Or “kneel down.”
Or “convince.”