The Thing Dem Matthew Write 3:1-17

  • John the Baptist preaching (1-12)

  • Jesus got baptize (13-17)

3  During that time, John the Baptist started preaching in the wilderness of Ju·de′a. 2  He wor saying: “Repent, because the Kingdom that in heaven near.” 3  In fact, the prophet Isaiah wor talking about John when he say: “They hear loud voice in the wilderness saying: ‘Prepare the road for Jehovah! Make his roads straight.’” 4  They made the clothes that John wor wearing from camel hair, and he wor wearing belt. His food that wor grasshoppers and honey. 5  Then the people from Jerusalem, and all over Ju·de′a, and all the area around the Jordan River wor going to him. 6  He baptize* them in the Jordan River, and they wor confessing their sins in front of everybody. 7  When he saw plenty Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the place the people wor getting baptize, he tell them say: “You children of snakes that get poison, who tell yor to run away from the punishment that coming? 8  So do the thing dem that show you na repent. 9  Don’t tell yourself say, ‘Abraham that our pa.’ To tell yor the truth, God able to use this rock dem to make children for Abraham. 10  The ax ready to cut the trees down from the root. So any tree that not bear good fruit, they will cut it down and throw it in the fire. 11  For me, I baptizing yor with water because yor na repent. But the person who coming after me get power more than me. I not even fit to take off his sandals from on his feet. He will baptize yor with holy spirit and fire. 12  He get something in his hand that he will use to move the chaff* from the grain. And he will clean the place he can use to move the chaff from the grain good-good. He will put the wheat in his warehouse and burn the chaff with fire that can’t go off.” 13  Then Jesus came from Gal′i·lee to the Jordan River for John to baptize him. 14  But John try to stop him. He tell him say: “Why you coming to me? That me suppose to come for you to baptize me” 15  Jesus tell him say: “Don’t try to stop me, because that the right way for us to do everything that God want.” So, John not try to stop him again. 16  After John baptize him, right away Jesus came from the water; and look! the heaven open, and he saw God spirit coming down on him like dove.* 17  Then one voice from heaven say: “That my Son here, I really love him and I happy with him.”


Or “put under water.”
That mean, the dirt that can move from on the wheat.
Or “pigeon.”