The Thing Dem Matthew Write 4:1-25

  • The Devil tempt Jesus (1-11)

  • Jesus start preaching in Galilee (12-17)

  • Jesus call the first disciples (18-22)

  • Jesus preach, he teach, and he heal people (23-25)

4  Then the holy spirit direct Jesus to go in the wilderness. When he wor there, the Devil tempt him.  When he finish fasting for 40 days and 40 nights, he wor hungry.  Then the Devil came to tempt him. He say: “If you God son, tell this rock dem to change to bread.”  But he answer him and say: “It in the Scriptures: ‘Man must not only live on bread, but also on everything that Jehovah say.’”  Then the Devil carry him to the holy city, and made him to stand on top of the temple fence,*  and tell him say: “If you God son, throw yourself down, because it in the Scriptures: ‘He will send his angel dem to carry you so that you can’t knock your foot on any rock.’”  Jesus tell him say: “It also in the Scriptures: ‘You must not test Jehovah your God.’”  Then the Devil carry him to one mountain that really tall and show him all the kingdoms in the world and their power.  Then he say: “I will give you all this thing dem if you bow down and worship me only one time.” 10  Then Jesus tell him say: “Move from here Satan! Because it in the Scriptures: ‘That Jehovah your God you must worship and that only him you must serve.’” 11  So the Devil leave him, and the angel dem came and started helping him. 12  When he hear that they na arrest John, he went back to Gal′i·lee. 13  And after leaving Naz′a·reth, he came and started living in Ca·per′na·um near the sea in the districts of Zeb′u·lun and Naph′ta·li. 14  This one happen to fulfill what the prophet Isaiah say: 15  “O people of Zeb′u·lun and Naph′ta·li, those on the road to the sea, and on the other side of the Jordan River, Gal′i·lee, where people from other nations living! 16  The people living in darkness saw bright light, and light shine on people living in area where death cover like shadow.” 17  From that time, Jesus started preaching and saying: “Repent, because the Kingdom that in heaven near.” 18  When he wor walking near the Sea of Gal′i·lee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who they call Peter, and his brother, Andrew. They wor throwing their net in the sea, because they wor fishermen. 19  He tell them say: “Yor follow me, and I will show yor how to look for people just how yor can fishing.” 20  Right away they leave their nets and follow him. 21  When he went in front, he saw two other men, James and his brother John. Their pa name wor Zeb′e·dee. They wor in the boat with their pa Zeb′e·dee, fixing their nets, and he call them. 22  Right away they leave the boat and their pa and follow him. 23  Then he went all over Gal′i·lee, teaching in the synagogues. He wor preaching the good news about the Kingdom and healing all the different-different sickness the people wor having. 24  And the news about him spread all over Syria. So they started bringing all the people who wor in pain and suffering from different-different sickness, those who wor having demons, spell, and those who wor cripple. And he heal all of them. 25  Because of this, plenty people follow him from Gal′i·lee, De·cap′o·lis,* Jerusalem, Ju·de′a and from the other side of the Jordan River.


Or “the highest part.”
Or “the ten cities.”