The Thing Dem Matthew Write 5:1-48


    • Jesus start teaching on the mountain (1, 2)

    • Nine thing dem that can make people happy (3-12)

    • Salt and light (13-16)

    • Jesus came to make the thing dem the law say come true (17-20)

    • Advise on getting vex (21-26), adultery (27-30), divorce (31, 32), swearing (33-37), paying your debt on somebody (38-42), love for your enemies (43-48)

5  When Jesus saw the plenty people, he went up the mountain and after he sit down, his disciple dem came to him.  Then he started teaching them, he say:  “People who know that they really need God in their life* can be happy, because the Kingdom that in heaven will be for them.  “People who grieving can be happy, because they will find comfort.  “People who humble can be happy, because God will give them the earth.  “People who really want do the thing dem that good in God eye can be happy, because they will be satisfy.  “Those who can feel sorry for people can be happy, because they* will feel sorry for them too.  “People who get clean heart can be happy, because they will see God.  “People who can make peace can be happy, because God will call them his children.* 10  “People who they treat bad for doing the right thing can be happy, because the Kingdom that in heaven will be for them. 11  “Be happy when people cuss you, treat you bad, lie on you and say all kindna wicked things about you for my business. 12  Be very happy because that not small blessing in heaven for you, in fact way back that just how they use to treat the prophet dem bad. 13  “That yor the salt for the earth, but if the salt not tasting like salt again, how it will get that taste back? You can’t use it for anything except to throw it outside for people to walk on it. 14  “That yor the light for the world. Everybody can see the city when it on top of the mountain. 15  When people light the lamp, they can’t put it under the basket,* but they can put the lamp on the stand so it can shine on everybody in the house. 16  That the same way yor must let your light shine in front of everybody, so they can see your good works and praise your Father who in heaven. 17  “Don’t think say I come stop people from following the law or the things the Prophet dem say. That not what I come for, but I come to make the thing dem the law say come true. 18  To tell yor the truth, even if heaven and earth pass away, one letter or part of the letter will not move from in the Law until everything happen. 19  So anybody who not obey one of the commandments that people think not important and teach other people to do the same thing, will not be fit* to enter the Kingdom that in heaven. But anybody who obey the commandments and teach other people about it, will be fit* to enter the Kingdom that in heaven. 20  To tell yor the truth, if yor not do the things that right in God eye more than the scribes and the Pharisees, yor will never enter the Kingdom that in heaven. 21  “Yor know what they say to the people way back: ‘You must not kill. But anybody who kill, they will carry them to court.’ 22  But I tell you that anybody who continue to be vex with his brother, they will carry him to court. And anybody who disgrace his brother by cussing him, they will carry him to the Supreme Court.* Also, anybody who tell another person say, ‘You useless fool!’ they will carry him to Ge·hen′na* the place that burning with fire. 23  “So if you come with your gift to the altar and while you there you remember that your brother vex with you, 24  leave your gift in front of the altar, and go make peace with your brother first. And then come back and offer your gift. 25  “If somebody get problem with you, be quick to settle it when yor on the road to the court, so that the person can’t carry you to the judge and the judge give you to the person who will carry you in jail. 26  To tell you the truth, you will never be free from jail until you pay your last small coin.* 27  “Yor know what they say: ‘You must not commit adultery.’ 28  But I tell yor that anybody who continue looking at woman until he want lay down with her, he already na commit adultery with her in his heart. 29  So if your right eye making you to sin, take it out and throw it away. Because it better for you to lose one of your eyeball than for your whole body to be destroy in Ge·hen′na. 30  Also, if your right hand making you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Because it better for you to lose one of your hand than for your whole body to be destroy in Ge·hen′na. 31  “Still they say: ‘Anybody who divorce his wife, he must give her divorce certificate.’ 32  But I say to you, anybody who divorce his wife if she not commit sexual immorality,* he put her in the position that can make her to commit adultery, and anybody who marry woman they divorce like this, commit adultery. 33  “Again you know what they say to people way back: ‘You must not swear in vain, but you must do what you promise Jehovah.’ 34  But I say to you: Don’t swear at all. Don’t swear by heaven because that God throne; 35  or by earth, because that the stool for his feet; or by Jerusalem because that the city of the great King. 36  Don’t swear by your life,* because you not able to make one hair white or black. 37  Just let your ‘Yes’ mean yes, and let your ‘No’ mean no, because anything beside this one coming from Satan.* 38  “You know that they say: ‘Eye for eye and teeth for teeth.’ 39  But I say to you: Don’t fight against anybody that wicked, but if anybody slap you on your right jaw, turn the other side to him. 40  And if somebody want carry you to court to take your shirt, you must also give him your coat; 41  and if somebody in high position force you to carry load for one mile, carry it for two miles. 42  If somebody beg you for something, give it to him and don’t turn your back on somebody who want credit* from you. 43  “You know that they say: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44  But I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and pray for people who can treat you bad, 45  so you can prove that you children* of your Father who in heaven, because he can make his sun to shine on the wicked people and on the good people, and he can make the rain to fall on those who can do good things and those who can do bad things. 46  If you only love people who love you, what the benefit you get? Ehn that the same thing the tax collector dem doing too? 47  And if you can only speak to your brothers, what the big thing you na do? Ehn people from other nations can do the same thing? 48  So you must be perfect* just how your Father who in heaven Perfect.


Or “people who can beg for God spirit.”
“They” here include God and other people.
In Greek that, “sons.”
Or “basket they can use to measure thing dem.”
In Greek that, “least.”
In Greek that, “great.”
That mean, the court that get power pass all the other courts.
The place outside Jerusalem where they use to burn dirt.
In Greek that, “the last quadrans.”
The Greek word that por·nei′a.
In Greek that, “swear by your head.”
In Greek that, “the wicked one.”
It mean, credit without interest.
In Greek that, “sons.”
Or “complete.”