The Thing Dem Matthew Write 6:1-34


    • Don’t do good thing just for people to see you (1-4)

    • How to pray (5-15)

      • The prayer that Jesus teach his disciple dem (9-13)

    • Fasting (16-18)

    • Good-good thing dem on earth and in heaven (19-24)

    • Stop worrying too much (25-34)

      • Continue to put God Kingdom first (33)

6  “Be careful to not do good things in front of people just for them to see you. If you do it, you will not get any blessing from your Father who in heaven.  So when you giving gifts to poor people, don’t blow trumpet the same way the people who can pretend can do in the synagogues and on the streets. They can do it for people to praise them. To tell yor the truth, they already get all their pay.  But when you giving gifts to poor people, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand doing,  so that your gifts can be in secret. Then your Father who can see everything will bless you.  “Also, when you praying, don’t act like the people who can pretend. Because they like to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the main streets for people to see them. To tell you the truth, they already get all their pay.  But when you want pray, go in your room, and after closing the door, pray to your Father who in heaven.* Then your Father who can see everything will bless you.  When you praying, don’t say the same thing over and over. Like what people from other nations can do, because they think God will hear their prayer when they talk plenty.  So don’t be like them, because your Father know what you need even before you ask him.  “So you must pray like this: “‘Our Father in heaven, let your name be holy. 10  Let your Kingdom come. Let your will happen on earth the same way it in heaven. 11  Give us food for today; 12  and forgive our sins,* the same way we already na forgive people* who sin against us. 13  And don’t allow us to fall in temptation, but save us from Satan.’ 14  “Because if you forgive people who sin against you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you. 15  But if you not forgive people who sin against you, your Father will not forgive your sin too. 16  “When you fasting, stop making yourself look sorrowful like the people who can pretend. Because they can make theirself look sorrowful so people can know that they fasting. To tell you the truth, they already get all their pay. 17  But when you fasting, wash your face and grease your head, 18  so that people will not know that you fasting but only your Father who in heaven* will know. Then your Father who can see everything will bless you. 19  “Stop keeping good-good things for yourselves on earth, where insect and rust can spoil them and where rogue can enter and steal. 20  But keep your good-good things in heaven, where no insect or rust can spoil them, and where rogue can’t enter and steal. 21  Because anywhere you keeping your good-good things, that the place your heart will be. 22  “The light for the body that the eyeball, so if your eyeball focus,* your whole body will be bright. 23  But if your eyeball focusing on wicked things, your whole body will be dark. And if the light that in you really dark, then that not small darkness your whole body in! 24  “Nobody can be slave for two masters; because he will hate one and love the other one, or he will serve one with his whole heart and he will not get any respect for the other one. So you can’t be slave for God and for money. 25  “Because of this I say to you: Stop worrying too much about your life,* about what you will eat or what you will drink, or what you will wear. You not think life* important more than food and your body important more than clothes? 26  Look at the birds good-good, they can’t plant seed or harvest or put their food in warehouse, but still your Father who in heaven can feed them. You not think you important pass them? 27  Which one of yor able to add just small time to his life because he worrying too much? 28  Also, why you worrying too much about clothes? Learn from how the flowers in the bush can grow, they can’t work or sew clothes; 29  but I tell you that with all the fine-fine thing dem King Sol′o·mon wor having, he not dress fine equal to any of this flower dem. 30  So if God can make the plant dem fine like this, this plant dem that here today and tomorrow they throw them in the fire, you not think he will give you clothes, you who get small faith? 31  So never worry too much and say, ‘Wetin we will eat?’ or, ‘Wetin we will drink?’ or, ‘Wetin we will wear?’ 32  Because that all this thing dem people from other nations really running behind. But your Father in heaven know that you need all this thing dem. 33  “So continue to put the Kingdom and the thing dem that right in God eye first, and God will give you all the other thing dem. 34  So never worry too much about the next day, because the next day get it own worry. Everyday get it own troubles.


Or “Father who no one can see.”
In Greek that, “debt.”
In Greek that, “debtors.”
Or “Father who no one can see.”
Or “clear.” Lit., “simple.”
Or “soul.”
Or “the soul.”