The Thing Dem Matthew Write 7:1-29


    • Stop judging (1-6)

    • Continue asking, looking, and knocking (7-11)

    • The Golden Rule (12)

    • Small gate (13, 14)

    • They will know them by the thing dem they can do (15-23)

    • The house they build on rock and the house they build on sand (24-27)

  • The people surprise because of the way Jesus teaching (28, 29)

7  “Stop judging people so that God can’t judge you;  because the way you judge other people, that how God will judge you. And the same way you treat other people, that how they will treat you.  So why you can only see the small stick in your brother eye but you can’t see the plank* in your own eye?  Or how you will tell your brother say, ‘Let me move the small stick from in your eye,’ when you yourself get plank* in your own eye?  You hypocrite!* Move the plank* from your own eye first, then you will see good-good how to move the small stick from your brother eye.  “Don’t give holy things to dogs or throw your pearls* to pig, so that they can’t walk on them and turn around to attack you.  “Continue asking, and you will get it; continue looking, and you will find it; continue knocking, and it will be open for you;  because anybody who asking will get it, and anybody who looking will find it, and anybody who knocking, it will be open for them.  To say the truth, who among yor will give his son rock, if his son ask for bread? 10  Or if his son ask for fish, yor think he will give him snake? 11  So, even though yor can sin, yor know how to give good gifts to your children, yor not think your Father in heaven will be more willing to give good things to people who asking him? 12  “So everything you want people to do to you, you must also do the same thing to them. In fact, that just what the Law and the Prophet dem teach. 13  “Pass through the small gate, because anybody who pass through the big gate and the wide road will be destroy. And plenty people passing through it. 14  But the road that people passing on to get life, it not big, and the gate small. And that just few people on it. 15  “Be careful because the lie-lie prophet dem will come to you and act like sheep, but deep down they looking like wolves that really hungry. 16  You will know them by what they can do.* People can’t pick grapes or figs from thorn-thorn bush, ehn that true? 17  That the same way, every good tree can bear good fruit, but every tree that not good can bear bad fruit. 18  Good tree can’t bear bad fruit, and tree that not good can’t bear good fruit. 19  Any tree that not bearing good fruit, they can cut it down and throw it in the fire. 20  So to tell you the truth, you will know the lie-lie prophets by the thing dem they can do.* 21  “Not everybody who can say to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter in the Kingdom that in heaven, but only the person who doing the will of my Father who in heaven. 22  On that day, plenty people will say to me: ‘Lord, Lord, ehn we use to prophesy in your name, and we use your name to drive demons away, and we use your name to perform plenty miracles?’ 23  And I will tell them say: ‘I not know yor at all! Yor move from here, because that so-so bad-bad thing dem yor can do!’ 24  “So anybody who hear the thing dem I say and do them, will be like the wise man who built his house on the rock. 25  The rain fall, the water got plenty and enter the house. And heavy breeze blow on the house but the house not fall down because he built it on the rock. 26  But anybody who hear the thing dem I say and refuse to do them, will be like the foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27  The rain fall, the water got plenty and enter the house, the breeze blow on the house and the house fall down and everything scatter.” 28  When Jesus finish saying this thing dem, the people wor really surprise because of the way he wor teaching, 29  because what he wor teaching came from God, and he wor not teaching like the scribes.


Or “rafter.”
Or “rafter.”
That mean, somebody who can pretend.
Or “rafter.”
Or “rocks that get value.”
The word they use here in Greek mean ‘fruit,’ but it can also mean ‘action or something somebody can do.’
The word they use here in Greek mean ‘fruit,’ but it can also mean ‘action or something somebody can do.’