The Thing Dem Matthew Write 8:1-34

  • Jesus heal the man with leprosy (1-4)

  • The army officer show faith (5-13)

  • Jesus heal plenty people in Capernaum (14-17)

  • How to follow Jesus (18-22)

  • Jesus made the heavy breeze to stop blowing (23-27)

  • Jesus send the demons in the pigs (28-34)

8  When he came down from the mountain, plenty people follow him.  And then one man who get leprosy came and kneel down to him and say: “Lord, if you just want heal me, you can do it.”  So he stretch his hand, touch him, and he say: “I want do it! Be clean.” And right away the man wor heal from his leprosy.  Then Jesus tell him say: “Make sure to not tell anybody, but go show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses talk about, so that they can know that you well.”  When Jesus enter Ca·per′na·um, one army officer came to him, and started begging him.  He say: “Sir, my servant laying down to the house, he get some kindna sickness that make it he can’t move. And he suffering bad way.”  He tell him say: “When I reach there, I will cure him.”  Then the army officer say: “Sir, I not fit for you to come to my house, but just give the command for my servant to be heal and he will be heal.  Because myself I under other people and I get soldier people under me, when I tell any one of them say, ‘Go!’ he can go, when I tell the other one say, ‘Come!’ he can come, and when I tell my slave, ‘Do this!’ he can do it.” 10  Jesus wor really surprise when he hear what the man say, and he tell the people who wor following him: “To tell yor the truth, I not see anybody in Israel that get this kindna strong faith. 11  But I tell yor that plenty people will come from far off* and sit down on the same table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom that in heaven. 12  But they will throw the people who suppose to be in that Kingdom outside in the darkness. And that the place they will be crying and grinding their teeth.” 13  Then Jesus tell the army officer: “Go to your house. The thing you ask for let it happen because you show faith.” And his servant got well right away. 14  When Jesus went to Peter house, he saw Peter mother-in-law laying down. She wor having fever. 15  So he touch her hand, and she got well, and she got up and started fixing food for him. 16  But in the evening, the people started bringing plenty people who wor having demons. And he just give simple command and the demons move from in the people, and he cure all the people who wor sick, 17  so that what the prophet Isaiah say will happen: “He carry our sickness and our pain.” 18  When Jesus saw plenty people around him, he told his disciple dem to go with him on the other side. 19  And one scribe came to him and say: “Teacher, I will follow you anywhere you go.” 20  But Jesus tell him say: “The fox* dem get their hole to live in, and the bird dem get their nests, but the Son of man not get any place for himself to sleep.” 21  Then one of the disciples tell him say: “Lord, please let me go bury my pa first.” 22  Jesus tell him say: “Continue to follow me, and let those who na die,* bury their people who die.” 23  Then he got in the boat, and his disciple dem follow him. 24  Then heavy breeze started blowing on the sea, so the sea wor rough and water started getting in the boat, but he wor still sleeping. 25  Then they wake him up and say: “Lord, save us, we coming die!” 26  But he tell them say: “Why yor too scare? Why yor not get strong faith?” Then he got up and command the heavy breeze and the sea to stop, and the whole place got really quiet. 27  So the disciples wor really surprise and say: “What kindna man here so? Even the breeze and the sea can obey him.” 28  When he reach on the other side in the area they call Gad·a·renes′, two men who wor having demon came to him from the graveyard. They wor too wicked, so nobody wor able to pass on that road. 29  And then they shout and say to him: “What you want from us, Son of God? You na come to punish us before the time reach?” 30  And plenty pigs wor eating way on the other side. 31  So the demons started begging him: “If you move us from in the people, send us in the pigs.” 32  Then he tell them say: “Yor go!” So they move from in the people and enter in the pigs. And then all the pigs rush to the edge of the mountain and fall down in the sea and die. 33  But the people who wor taking care of the pigs run to the city. And they tell the people everything that happen and the story about the two men who wor having demons. 34  Then all the people from the city came to Jesus, and when they saw him, they beg him to move from in their area.


In Greek that, “from east and west.”
One animal that looking like dog.
People who die spiritually.