The Thing Dem Matthew Write 9:1-38

  • Jesus heal one man who wor not able to move his body because he wor sick (1-8)

  • Jesus call Matthew (9-13)

  • Question about fasting (14-17)

  • Jairus daughter; one woman touch Jesus clothes (18-26)

  • Jesus heal the blind people and the people who can’t talk (27-34)

  • The thing dem to harvest plenty but the workers small (35-38)

9  So he got in the boat, cross on the other side and went in the city where he wor living.*  And then the people wor bringing one man who wor not able to move his body because he wor sick. And he wor laying down on the stretcher. When he saw their faith, Jesus tell the sick man: Don’t worry my son! I na forgive your sins.  Some of the scribes started saying in their heart: “This man talking against God.”  Because Jesus knew what they wor thinking on he say: “Why yor thinking about wicked things in your hearts?  For example, which one more easy, to say, ‘I na forgive your sins,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?  But for yor to know that the Son of man get power on earth to forgive sins—” then he tell the sick man: “Get up, pick up your stretcher and go to your house.”  Then he got up and went to his house.  When the people dem saw what happen, cold bumps came on their skin, and they started praising God, who give this kindna power to human being.  Then when he wor leaving from there, Jesus saw one man name Matthew sitting down to the office where they can pay tax. He tell him say: “Come be my disciple.” Right away he got up and follow him. 10  Later on, when he wor eating in the house, plenty tax collectors and sinners came and started eating with Jesus and his disciple dem. 11  But when the Pharisees saw this one, they ask his disciples: “Why your teacher can eat with sinners and people who can collect tax?” 12  When Jesus hear them, he say: “People who alright in their body not need doctor, but only people who sick. 13  So go, and learn what this one mean: I not want sacrifice, but I want yor to feel sorry for people, because I come tell sinners to repent and not people who doing the right thing.”* 14  Then John disciples came to him and ask: “Why we and the Pharisees can fast, but your disciples can’t fast? 15  Then Jesus tell them say: “The friends of the man who just got marry not get any reason to be sad so long the marry man still with them, ehn that true? But time will come when they will take the marry man from them, then they will fast. 16  Nobody can use piece of new cloth to patch old clothes, because the new cloth will tear from on the old clothes and the hole will get big pass the way it wor looking before. 17  And people can’t put new wine in old wine bottles that they made from animal skin, if they do it, the bottles will burst, the wine will waste, and the bottles will spoil. But people can put new wine in new wine bottles and the wine will not waste, and the bottles will not spoil.” 18  When he wor telling them this thing dem, then one ruler came and bow down to him and say: “By now my daughter finish dying, but come put your hand on her and she will come back to life.” 19  Then Jesus and his disciples follow him. 20  Then one woman who wor having sickness that made her to lose blood for 12 years, came from behind and touch the down part of his clothes. 21  Because she wor saying in her heart: “If I just touch his clothes, I will get well.” 22  Jesus turn around and when he saw her, he say: “Don’t worry my daughter! Your faith na make you well.” And from that time the woman got well. 23  Then when Jesus enter the ruler house, he saw the people playing flute, and plenty people wor crying and shouting. 24  Jesus say: “Yor leave from here because the small girl not die but she sleeping.” When they hear it, they started laughing and making fun out of him. 25  As soon the people finish getting outside, he went inside and hold her hand, and the small girl got up. 26  And people started talking about it in that whole area. 27  When Jesus wor leaving from there, two blind men follow him, and they wor shouting: “David Son, feel sorry for us.” 28  After he enter the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus ask them: “Yor get faith that I able to do it?” They say: “Yes Lord.” 29  Then he touch their eyeballs. He say: “Because yor get faith, the thing yor want, let it happen.” 30  And their eyeballs open. Then Jesus give them strong warning, he say: “Make sure to not tell anybody.” 31  But when they went outside, they started telling everybody in that area. 32  When they wor going, then people brought one man who can’t talk and he wor having demon. 33  But after he move the demon from in the man, the man started talking. The people wor surprise and they say: “We never see this kindna thing happening in Israel before.” 34  But the Pharisee dem started saying: “That the ruler for the demons give him the power to move demons from in people.” 35  Then Jesus started going to all the cities and villages. He wor teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news about the Kingdom and he wor curing all kindna sickness. 36  When he saw the plenty people, he wor feeling sorry for them. Because he saw that people wor treating them bad and they wor not having any time for them just like sheep that not get any shepherd. 37  Then he tell his disciple dem say: “Yes, we get plenty thing dem to harvest, but the workers not plenty. 38  So beg the Master for the harvest to send more workers on his farm to harvest.”


That mean, Capernaum, the place Jesus use to be most of the time when he wor doing the preaching work in Galilee.
People who think they wor doing the right thing in God eye more than other people.