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Information for People Who Coming for the Convention

Information for People Who Coming for the Convention

ATTENDANTS The attendants will be there to help you. Please listen to them by obeying the direction they will give you to pack your car or motor bike. Please listen to them when they give you direction about where plenty people must pass to enter the fence or go outside. Also, listen to them when they give you direction about keeping seat for other people and about other things.

BAPTISM The people that will be getting baptize will be sitting in front of the stage except they prepare different place for them. They must be sitting down there before the baptism talk start on Saturday morning. Each of them must bring their own towel and clothes that alright for the baptism.

DONATIONS Jehovah organization pay plenty money so that people can get enough seat to sit down. Also, they pay plenty money for sound system, thing them to show video, and plenty other things that will help us to enjoy the convention and draw close to Jehovah. Any contribution you give from your heart will help pay for this thing them and support the worldwide work. To make it easy for you, they get contribution boxes all around the convention area. On the boxes you will see the name ‘contribution box’. You can also use the internet to make contribution by going to The Governing Body say thank you for supporting the worldwide work.

FIRST AID Please remember that this department only for emergencies.

LOST AND FOUND If you find something and you not know who it for, please carry it to the Lost and Found Department. If something lost from you, you can go to this department and check for it. If you find any child who lost from their parents, please bring them to this department. But to avoid this one from happening, please make sure to always know what your children doing and keep your eye on them.

SEAT Please think about other people. You can keep seat only for your close family members and those who traveling with you in the same car for the convention. Or those who living with you in the same house, or people you studying the Bible with now-now. Please don’t put anything on the seat that you not keeping for anybody.

VOLUNTEER SERVICE If you want help with the work for the convention, please go to the Information and Volunteer Service Department.

The Governing Body of Jehovah Witnesses Put This Program Together

© 2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania