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The Bible Promise Us Happy Future

The Bible Promise Us Happy Future

People around the world can face problem that can cause them to feel sad, worry and even feel pain. Something na happen to you before that make you feel like that too? Maybe you suffering because you sick or someone that you really love na die from you. Maybe you thinking, ‘Life will get better one day?’ The Bible give answer that will satisfy you.

1. What hope the Bible na give us for the future?

The Bible explain why we get plenty problem in the world. It also give us the good news that God will soon remove all the problems. The thing them the Bible promise can “give you good future and hope.” (Read Jeremiah 29:11, 12.) This hope can help us to go through all our problem them and be happy even now and in the future.

2. How the Bible say the future will be looking?

The Bible say that in the future “they will not die again, they will not cry or mourn, or feel pain again.” (Read Revelation 21:4.) The problem them that can make people suffer, like hard time, people not fair, sickness, and death will not be here. The Bible promise that human being will enjoy life in Paradise on the earth forever.

3. How you can be sure that the thing them the Bible promise will really happen?

Plenty people hoping for good thing them to happen. But they not really sure that these things will happen. We can trust what the Bible say. We can be sure that what the Bible say will happen when we “take time to study the Scriptures.” (Acts 17:11) When you study the Bible, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you must believe what it say about the future.


Study some of the good-good thing them the Bible promise for the future. See how the hope the Bible give helping people today.

4. The Bible promise us that we can live forever with no problem

Look at some of the promise in the Bible. Which one you really like? Why?

Read the Bible verse that right near these promises and answer the question them together:

  • You think the Bible verse them can benefit you? You think it can benefit your family and your friend them?

Imagine living in the world where



  • see their people who na die coming back to life on earth.​—John 5:28, 29.

  • be alright in the body and be strong like the time they were young.​—Job 33:25.

  • suffer because they thinking on the bad-bad things that happen to them.​—Isaiah 65:17.

5. The things the Bible promise helping people now-now

Plenty people can be feeling too bad, they can even get vex about the problem they can see around them. Some people can fight hard to make things better. See how the Bible promise about things getting better helping people now. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, wetin was making Rafika to feel bad?

  • Even though the people were not still fair to one another, how the Bible help her?

When we believe what the Bible promise about the future, we can still be happy even when we get problems. Read Proverbs 17:22 and Romans 12:12, and answer the question them together:

  • If you believe what the Bible say about the future, you think it will make your life better? Why you think so?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “The thing them the Bible promise about the future not true.”

  • Why you think it good for you to find out for yourself?


Plenty different-different promises about the future in the Bible, it can give us hope and can make our life better now-now.


  • Why people need to know what the Bible say about the future?

  • Wetin the Bible say about the future?

  • When you know what the Bible say about the future, how it can help you now?

Try This


Learn how when you get hope, it can help you when you in problem.

“Hope​—Where You Can Find It?” (Awake!, April 22, 2004)

Learn how hope for the future can help people who suffering from serious sickness.

“You Think the Bible Can Help You to Live With Serious Sickness?” (Web article)

When you watching this music video, imagine you and your family enjoying life in the paradise the Bible promise.

Imagine the Time (3:37)

Read how one man who was fighting hard to make things get better, change his life when he learn what the Bible say about the future.

“I No Longer Feel That I Have to Change the Condition in the World” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2013)