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Who the True God?

Who the True God?

From the time human being started living on the earth, they na worship plenty different-different gods. But the Bible talk about one God who “greater than all the other gods.” (2 Chronicles 2:5) Who that God? And wetin make him greater than all the other god them? In this lesson, we will learn how that God want you to know about him.

1. What God name, and wetin show that he want us to know it?

In the Bible, God show his name to us. He say: “I am Jehovah. That is my name.” (Read Isaiah 42:5, 8.) The name “Jehovah” coming from Hebrew. Some book people say it mean “He Causes to Become.” Jehovah want us to know his name. (Exodus 3:15) Why we say so? Because his name in the Bible more than 7,000 times! a The name Jehovah only for “the true God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.”​—Deuteronomy 4:39.

2. Wetin the Bible tell us about Jehovah?

The Bible say that among all the god them that people can worship, Jehovah that the only true God. Why? Because of different-different reasons. Jehovah get power over everything and that only him “the Most High over all the earth.” (Read Psalm 83:18.) The Bible call him “the Almighty,” because he get power to do anything he want do. “He created all things” in the heaven and on the earth. (Revelation 4:8, 11) Only Jehovah not get beginning and he will live forever.​—Psalm 90:2.


Learn what make God name different from the title them he get. You will also learn how God show his name to you and why he show it to you.

3. God get plenty titles, but he get only one name

It really important whether we call somebody by their name or we just use their title? To know the answer, play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • What make title, like “Lord,” different from name?

The Bible say that people can worship plenty gods and lords. Read Psalm 136:1-3, and answer the question together:

  • Who “the God of gods” and “the Lord of lords”?

4. Jehovah want you to know his name and call him by it

Wetin show that God want you to know his name? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • You think God want people to know his name? Why you think so?

Jehovah want people to use his name. Read Romans 10:13, and answer the question them together:

  • Why it important for us to use the name Jehovah?

  • How you can feel when someone remember your name and call you by it?

  • How you think Jehovah can feel when you call him by his name?

5. Jehovah want you to be his friend

One woman from Cambodia name Soten said that when she learn that God get name, “she was too happy.” Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, how learning God name help Soten?

Before you be somebody friend, you can try to know their name. Read the first part of James 4:8, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin Jehovah say you must do?

  • When you know God name and call him by it, how it will help you to draw close to him?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “They get only one God, so it not important what name you call him.”

  • You convince that God name Jehovah?

  • How you will explain to somebody that God want us to use his name?


The only true God name Jehovah. He want us to know his name and use it so that we can draw close to him.


  • Wetin make Jehovah different from all the other god them?

  • Why we must call God by his name?

  • Wetin show that God want you to draw close to him?

Try This


Learn five reasons why we can be sure that God existing.

“God Existing?” (Web article)

See the reason why it make sense to say that God always been existing.

“Who Made God?” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2014)

Learn why we must use God name even if we not know how people use to pronounce it way back.

“Who Is Jehovah?” (Web article)

You think we must call God just by any name? See why we say that God get only one name.

“How Many Names God Get?” (Web article)

a To learn more about what God name mean and why it not in some Bibles, see Appendix A4 in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.