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How Life Started?

How Life Started?

“Life coming from God.” (Psalm 36:9) You believe it? Some people think that nobody create life. If that true, then we came by chance. But if that Jehovah made life then he get good reason for doing it. a Learn what the Bible say about how life started and some reasons why we can believe what it say.

1. Who created the heavens and the earth?

The Bible say: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Most of the people who study science agree that the heavens and the earth get beginning. How God made them? He use his “active force”, or his holy spirit, to make everything in the universe. For example, the galaxies, the stars and the planets.​—Genesis 1:2.

2. Why God made the earth?

Jehovah “not create the earth for nothing, but he made it for people to live on it.” (Isaiah 45:18) He made the earth to be good place to live, and to get everything human being need to live forever. (Read Isaiah 40:28; 42:5.) The people who can study science say that the earth special, and it different from all the other planet. Only the earth get everything human being need to live.

3. Wetin make human being different from the animal them?

After he made the earth, Jehovah made all the living thing them. First, he made the plants and the animals. Then “God created the man in his image.” (Read Genesis 1:27.) Wetin made human being different? We were made in God image. It mean, He made us in a way that we able to show love and do the right thing. He also made us to be able to learn different-different languages, to love fine-fine things and to enjoy music. Another thing that made human being different from animal is that, we can respect and love God by serving him and making him our friend.


Learn what prove that life was design, and the reasons the Bible give us to believe in creation. Learn what the good-good ways in human being teach us about God.

4. Life was design

People can look at creation and make fine-fine things that we can praise them for. But who we must praise for the things they look at before they make their own? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Wetin the people who can design different-different things learn from creation?

Any fine house you see that human being built it. But who made all the thing them in the world? Read Hebrews 3:4, and answer the question them together:

  • When you look at creation, which design you really like?

  • You think it make sense to believe that somebody made the heavens and the earth and everything in it? Why you believe it?

You na hear this one before?

You can find articles and videos about this topic on in the box “Was It Designed?” and “Viewpoints on the Origin of Life.”

“Every house you see that somebody built it but that God made everything”

5. We get reasons to believe the things the Bible say about creation

In Genesis chapter 1, the Bible tell us that God made the earth and all the living thing them that on it. You think you can trust what that Bible verse say, or that just false story? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • You think when the Bible say that God made the earth and everything on it in six (6) days, it talking about real day?

  • You think we get good reason to believe what the Bible say about the thing them God made? Why you think so?

Read Genesis 1:1, and answer the question together:

  • The people who study science agree that the heavens and the earth get beginning. How the thing they say in line with the thing you just read in the Bible?

Some people thinking whether God made one thing that change to different-different living things. Read Genesis 1:21, 25, 27, and answer the question them together:

  • You think the Bible teach that God made one living thing that change to fish, animal, and human being? Or you think God made all the different-different “kind” na living things? b

6. God made human being special

Jehovah made us different from the animals. Read Genesis 1:26, and answer the question together:

  • Because we were made in God image, we able to show love and feel sorry for people, what it tell us about God?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “The thing the Bible talk about creation that not true.”

  • What you think? Why you think so?


Jehovah made the whole world and all living things.


  • Wetin the Bible teach about how the whole world started?

  • You think God made one living thing, then all the other living thing them came from it? Or he created every living thing?

  • Wetin make human being special?

Try This


See example of some creation that show that somebody made them.

“What We Can Learn From the Things Around Us?” (Awake!, September 2006)

See how any father can be able to explain to his children that God made all things.

“Jehovah . . . Made Everything” (2:37)

Read how the people that can study science, were able to study the bones of people that die way back, and know whether life came by chance or was created.

How Life Started​—Five Questions That We Need to Know the Answer (brochure)

a In lesson 25, we will learn the reason why God made human being.

b In the Bible the word “kind” mean one particular group of living things.