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Jehovah that What Kind na Person?

Jehovah that What Kind na Person?

When you think about Jehovah, how you can take him to be? You think he so far from us that we not able to get close to him? Or you think he not real person, but he just something powerful like lightning and thunder? Wetin we really know about Jehovah? In the Bible, Jehovah show us his good-good ways and how he care for us.

1. Why we can’t see God?

“God that Spirit.” (John 4:24) Jehovah not get body like our own. He Spirit and he living in heaven. We can’t see him.

2. What some of the good-good ways Jehovah get?

Even though we can’t see Jehovah, but he real person. He get good-good ways that can make those who know him to love him. The Bible say: “Jehovah love justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones.” (Psalm 37:28) He also “very tender in affection and merciful.” And he concern about those who suffering. (James 5:11) “Jehovah close to people with breaking heart; he can save those who feeling discourage.” (Psalm 34:18, footnote) You know that we can make Jehovah happy or make him to feel bad by the way we do things? People who decide to do bad things can make God to feel bad. (Psalm 78:40, 41) But those who do the right things can make him happy.​—Read Proverbs 27:11.

3. How Jehovah can show that he love us?

All the good-good ways that Jehovah get, the main one that love. In fact, the Bible not just say that God get love. But it say, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) Jehovah show his love for us through the Bible and the thing them he made. (Read Acts 14:17.) For example, think about the way he made us. He made us to be able to see fine-fine color, hear good-good music, and taste good food. It show that he want us to enjoy life.


Learn what Jehovah can use to do wonderful things. Then see how Jehovah can show his wonderful ways to us.

4. The holy spirit that God active force

The same way we can use our hands to work, that the same way Jehovah can use the holy spirit. The Bible say, the holy spirit that not somebody. That the force God can use to do his work. Read Luke 11:13 and Acts 2:17, then answer the question them together:

  • God can put his holy spirit on those who ask for it. So, you think the holy spirit that God or that God active force? Why you say so?

Jehovah can use the holy spirit to do wonderful thing them. Read Psalm 33:6 and 2 Peter 1:20, 21, and answer the question together:

  • In what ways Jehovah been using his holy spirit?

5. Jehovah get good-good ways

Moses was faithful to God, but he wanted to know God good. So Moses said to God: “make me know your ways, so that I may know you.” (Exodus 33:13) Jehovah answer Moses by showing him some of the good-good ways he get. Read Exodus 34:4-6, and answer the question them together:

  • What some of Jehovah good-good ways he show to Moses?

  • Which one of them you really like?

6. Jehovah care about people

Jehovah people, the Hebrews, were slaves in Egypt. How Jehovah was feeling when they were suffering? Play the AUDIO or read Exodus 3:1-10. Then answer the question them together.

  • What these Bible verse them tell you about the way Jehovah can feel about our suffering?—See verses 7 and 8.

  • You think Jehovah really want help us? You think he able to do it? Why you think so?

7. We can learn about Jehovah from the thing them he made

We can see Jehovah good-good ways from the thing them he made. Play the VIDEO. Then Read Romans 1:20, and answer the question together.

  • Which one of Jehovah good-good ways you can see in the thing them he made?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “God everywhere; but it not easy for you to know him.”

  • What you think?

  • Wetin made you to think like that?


Jehovah that Spirit, we can’t see him. But he get good-good ways and the main one that love.


  • Why we can’t see Jehovah?

  • The holy spirit that what?

  • What some of the good-good ways Jehovah get?

Try This


To learn more about Jehovah, learn about four of his main qualities.

“What Kind na Ways God Get?” (The Watchtower No. 1 2019)

Learn what prove that Jehovah not everywhere.

“God Everywhere?” (Web article)

See why the Bible call the holy spirit God hands.

“The Holy Spirit That What?” (Web article)

It was hard for one blind man to believe that God like him. See what help him to change his mind.

“Now I Feel That I Can Help Other People” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2015)