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Prayer Can Make Your Friendship With God Strong

Prayer Can Make Your Friendship With God Strong

You ever feel that you need somebody to direct you in life? You get some important question them that you want the answers? You need somebody to comfort you or encourage you? You want be close to Jehovah? Prayer can help you with all these thing them. But what the right way to pray? God can listen to everybody prayers? Wetin you must do for God to hear your prayers? Let see.

1. Who we must pray to, and what we must pray for?

Jesus say we must pray only to our heavenly Father. Jesus himself pray to Jehovah. He say: “You must pray like this: ‘Our Father in the heavens . . . ’” (Matthew 6:9) When we pray to Jehovah, it can make our friendship with him strong.

We can pray about anything. But for God to hear our prayer, we must pray for thing them that he agree with. “Anything we pray for, if that what [God] agree with, he will hear us.” (1 John 5:14) Jesus gave examples of some of the thing them we can pray for. (Read Matthew 6:9-13.) When we praying for the thing them we want, we must not forget to tell God thank you for the things he na do for us. We must also ask him to help other people too.

2. How we must pray?

The Bible say we must “tell [God] everything that in [our] heart.” (Psalm 62:8) So we must pray from our heart. We can pray loud or in our heart. We can pray anywhere, anytime and in any position that show respect for Jehovah.

3. How God can answer our prayers?

He can answer our prayer in different-different ways. Jehovah give us the Bible to help us find answer to our question them. Reading the Bible can “[make] the inexperience person wise.” (Psalm 19:7; read James 1:5.) God can help us not to worry too much when we in problems. He can use the people who serving him to help us when we in problem.


Learn how you can pray from your heart to make God happy, and also how prayer can benefit you.

4. What we must do for God to answer our prayer?

Wetin will make God to answer our prayer or not to answer it? Play the VIDEO.

Jehovah want us to pray to him. Read Psalm 65:2, and answer the question them together:

  • You think the “Hearer of prayer” want you to pray to him? Why you think so?

For God to hear our prayer, we must live the way he want us to live. Read Micah 3:4 and 1 Peter 3:12, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin we must do for Jehovah to listen to our prayers?

When people fighting war, the two groups can pray to win the war. You think God can answer that kind na prayer?

5. We must pray from our heart

Some big-big God people can teach people that when they praying, they must say the same thing over and over. But that how God want us to pray to him? Read Matthew 6:7, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin will help you not to say “the same thing them over and over again” when you praying?

Everyday, think about one good thing that Jehovah do for you and tell him thank you for it. Do it every day for one week. When you do it, you will pray for seven different things without saying one thing over and over.

Any good father can tell his son to talk to him from his heart. That the same way Jehovah want us to talk to him from our heart

6. Prayer that gift from God

How prayer can help us when we going through problem and when things alright for us? Play the VIDEO.

The Bible promise that prayer can help us not to worry too much. Read Philippians 4:6, 7, and answer the question them together:

  • Even though prayer can’t always take away our problem, how it can help us?

  • Wetin you will like to pray about?

You na hear this one before?

The word “amen” mean “I agree.” Since Bible time, people can say amen to end their prayers.​—1 Chronicles 16:36.

7. Always find time to pray

Sometime, we can be so busy that we can forget to pray. How Jesus show that prayer was important to him? Read Matthew 14:23 and Mark 1:35, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin Jesus use to do so that he can be having time to pray?

  • When you think it will be alright for you to find time to pray?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “Prayer that waste of time, because nobody listening to you.”

  • What you say?


When we pray from our heart, it can draw us close to God. It can give us peace of mind and strength to do Jehovah will.


  • Who we must pray to?

  • How we must pray?

  • How prayer can benefit us?

Try This


Find the answers to question them that plenty people can ask about prayer.

“Seven Things You Need to Know About Prayer” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2010)

Learn why we must pray and how you can make your prayer better.

“Why I Must Pray?” (Web article)

Learn what the Bible teach about who we must pray to.

“I Suppose to Pray to Saints?” (Web article)

In this music video, see whether we must get special time or special place to pray.

Pray Anytime 1:22