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How Jehovah Witness Meetings Will Help You?

How Jehovah Witness Meetings Will Help You?

Someone na invite you to Jehovah Witness meeting before? If you not go there before, maybe you will be shame to go there for the first time. You may be thinking: ‘Wetin can happen in the meetings? Wetin make the meetings important? Why I must go there?’ In this lesson, you will learn how the meetings will help you to draw close to God.

1. What the main reason Jehovah Witness people can go to meeting?

One Bible writer tell us the main reason we can go to meeting. He said: “In the great congregation, I will praise Jehovah.” (Psalm 26:12) That the same way Jehovah Witness can be happy to praise Jehovah together. All over the world they can go to meeting every week to praise God, to sing, and pray. Sometime in the year they can come together for big program.

2. Wetin you will learn in the meetings?

In the meetings, we can focus on the Bible, “clearly explaining it and putting meaning into it.” (Read Nehemiah 8:8.) When you go to the meetings, you will learn about Jehovah and his good-good ways. The more you learn that Jehovah love you, you will draw close to him. You will also learn how he will help you to be satisfy in life.​—Isaiah 48:17, 18.

3. How the people you talk with in the meeting can help you?

Jehovah say we must “think about one another and help one another to show love and do fine works, not missing our meetings.” (Hebrews 10:24, 25) In our meetings you will meet people who get true love for one another, and who want learn more about God like you. They will encourage you from the Bible. (Read Romans 1:11, 12.) You will get to know people who marry and people who not marry. They happy even though they get plenty problem. That just some of the reasons why Jehovah want us to always meet together!


Learn what can happen in the Jehovah Witness meetings, and learn why it good for you to try hard to go there.

4. Jehovah Witness Meetings

Way back, the Christian them use to meet together to worship Jehovah. (Romans 16:3-5) Read Colossians 3:16, and answer the question together:

  • How the Christian them use to worship Jehovah way back?

Today Jehovah people can always meet together to worship him. To know how their meetings can be like, play the VIDEO. Then look at one of their congregation meeting picture and answer the question them together.

  • You see anything in the meeting that in line with Colossians 3:16?

  • In the video or in the picture, you see anything about the meeting that you like?

Read 2 Corinthians 9:7, and answer the question together:

  • Why Jehovah Witness people can’t collect offering in their meetings?

You and your Bible teacher must talk about the things we will be learning this week.

  • What part of the meeting you will really like?

You na hear this one before?

On, you can find the place and time we can have our meetings all over the world.

  1. We can start and end our meetings with song and prayer. We can also listen to talks, watch videos, and get training to preach and teach

  2. During some part of the meetings, people can make comments

  3. Everybody can come to the Kingdom Hall​—family, people who marry, people who not marry, old people and children

  4. Our meetings free, people can’t pay for seat. And we can’t pass plate to collect offering

5. We need to make effort to go to the meetings

Think about Jesus family. They use to walk for about three days, climbing hills and mountains from Nazareth to Jerusalem to go to the temple. Read Luke 2:39-42, and answer the question them together:

  • You think it was easy for them to go to Jerusalem?

  • Why it can’t sometime be easy to go to the meeting?

  • You think it good to go to meeting even if it hard? Why you think so?

The Bible say it very important for us to meet together to worship Jehovah. Read Hebrews 10:24, 25, and answer the question together:

  • Why we must always go to the meeting?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “You not force to meet together for worship. You can stay home and study your Bible.”

  • What Bible verse or Bible example show what Jehovah want for us to do?


Going to the meetings will help you to learn more about Jehovah. It will make your friendship with him strong, and you will be able to worship him with other people.


  • Why Jehovah want us to meet together?

  • Wetin you will learn to the Jehovah Witness meetings?

  • What other way you think the meetings can benefit you?

Try This


If you shame to go to the meeting, see how one man was feeling the same way but later he started to like the meetings.

We Will Never Forget the Good Way They Spoke to Us (4:16)

See how one young man enjoy the meeting and what he did to continue to go to meeting.

I Really Like the Meetings! (4:33)

Learn how some people can feel about going to the meetings.

“Why You Must Go for Meetings to the Kingdom Hall?” (Web article)

Learn how the Jehovah Witness meetings help one criminal to change his life.

“I Use to Carry My Gun Anywhere I Go” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2014)