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How You Can Really Benefit From Reading the Bible?

How You Can Really Benefit From Reading the Bible?

You na think about doing certain thing, but it was looking big in your eye? To make it easy for you, maybe you divide it and start doing it small-small. That the same thing can happen when we want read the Bible. Maybe you thinking, ‘where I will start from?’ In this lesson, we will learn some easy thing them you can do that will help you to enjoy reading and studying the Bible.

1. Why we must read the Bible every day?

The person who can read the Bible, or “the law of Jehovah” every day, will be happy and will succeed in life. (Read Psalm 1:1-3) To start, just take small time to read the Bible every day. The more you learn from God word, that the more you will enjoy your Bible reading.

2. Wetin will help you to benefit from your Bible reading?

To really benefit from our Bible reading, we need to stop small and think on the thing we reading. We must read it and “meditate on it.” (Joshua 1:8, footnote) When you reading, be thinking on this question them: ‘The thing I reading, wetin it telling me about Jehovah? How I can use it in my life? How I can use it to help other people?’

3. Wetin you must do to be having time to read the Bible?

It can be hard for you to find time to read the Bible? It can happen to plenty people. Try to make “the best use of your time.” (Ephesians 5:16) To do this, you must set particular time to read the Bible every day. Some people can read the Bible soon in the morning. Some people can do it in the day, maybe during their lunch time. But still, other people can read their Bible in the evening before going to bed. So what time will be alright for you?


Learn how you can really enjoy your Bible reading. See how you can prepare good so that you can really benefit from your Bible study.

Just how we can get use to eating different-different food, that the same way we can learn to enjoy reading the Bible

4. Learn how you can enjoy your Bible reading

It can’t be easy to start reading the Bible. But you can “form a longing,” or learn to enjoy, reading the Bible, the same way you can get use to eating food that you not eat before. Read 1 Peter 2:2, and answer the question together:

  • When you read the Bible every day, you think you will enjoy it and you will want read it more?

Play the VIDEO and see how some young people started enjoying Bible reading. Then answer the question them together.

  • In this video, what problem the young people were facing?

  • What help them to do regular Bible reading?

  • What they did to start enjoying their Bible reading?

Some advice that can help you to start:

  • Choose Bible translation that accurate and easy to understand. Try the New World Translation if you get it in your language.

  • Start reading the part of the Bible that you really like: To get more idea, see the chart “Start Reading the Bible.”

  • Mark the place you stop. Use the “Mark the Place You Stop” chart. It inside this book.

  • Use the JW Library®app. It will help you to read and listen to the Bible on your phone or tablet.

  • Use the Appendix in the New World Translation. The appendix them get maps, charts, and glossary that can make your Bible reading more interesting.

5. Prepare for your Bible study

Read Psalm 119:34, and answer the question together:

  • Why it good to pray before you read the Bible or prepare for your Bible study?

What will help you to really benefit each time you study? When you preparing any lesson in this book, you must try to do this thing them:

  1. Read all the paragraphs before the LEARN MORE section of the lesson.

  2. Read the Bible verse them, and try to understand how they in line with the material.

  3. Mark the main words or ideas that answer the question. It will help you to discuss the lesson with your teacher.

You na hear this one before?

Jehovah Witness people been using different-different Bible translations. But, we really like the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures because it accurate, it clear, and it get God name inside.​—See the Web article You Think Jehovah Witness People Get Their Own Bible?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “To study the Bible too hard for me. I not get strength for that one.”

  • What you think?


To really benefit from your Bible reading, set time to read it, pray to understand what you read, and prepare for the study.


  • Wetin will help you to really benefit from your Bible reading?

  • What time will be alright for you to read and study the Bible?

  • Why it good for you to prepare before you study the Bible?

Try This


Go over some of the thing them that we na talk about that will help you to enjoy your Bible reading.

“How to Benefit More From Your Bible Reading” (The Watchtower No. 1 2017)

Ask some people who been reading the Bible for long time to help you.

Good Bible Study (2:06)