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What Will Help You to Continue Studying the Bible?

What Will Help You to Continue Studying the Bible?

It good to study the Bible. But it can’t always be easy. Maybe you can be thinking whether you will continue to study the Bible. Why it good for you to make effort to continue? What will help you not to stop studying the Bible even when you facing problems?

1. Why it good to study the Bible?

“The word of God is alive and it get power.” (Hebrews 4:12) The Bible important because it can help you to know how God can think, and how he love you. It will not only help you to know plenty thing them about God. It will also make you to get plenty sense and give you hope for the future. And the most important thing is, the Bible can help you to be Jehovah friend. When you study the Bible and do what it say, your life will be better.

2. Why it important to know that the truth in the Bible get value?

The truths in the Bible just like something that get value. That why the Bible encourage us to “buy truth and never sell it.” (Proverbs 23:23) When we always remember that the Bible truth get value, we will continue to work hard to study it. We will not allow anything to stop us.​—Read Proverbs 2:4, 5.

3. How Jehovah can help you to continue studying the Bible?

Since Jehovah that the almighty Creator and your Friend, he want help you to learn about him. He will make you “want do the right thing and give you the power to do it.” (Read Philippians 2:13.) If you need more help to study the Bible and do what you learn, God can help you. He can also give you more strength when you going through problems. Every day, pray to Jehovah to help you to continue studying the Bible.​—1 Thessalonians 5:17.


Learn how you can continue to study the Bible, even when you busy or when other people not want you to study the Bible. Also learn how Jehovah can help you to continue to study.

4. Your Bible study must be very important to you

Sometime we can be too busy and feel that we not get time to study the Bible. What can help us? Read Philippians 1:10, and answer the question them together:

  • To you, what some of “the more important things” in life?

  • How you can make Bible study very important in your life?

  1. If you put the sand in the bucket first before the rocks, the rocks will not fit

  2. But if you put the rocks first in the bucket before the sand, you will be able to put more sand in the bucket. That the same way, when we put “the more important things” first in our life, we will be able to do them and still get time to do the other things

Studying the Bible can help us to satisfy our spiritual need, or our need to know and worship God. Read Matthew 5:3, and answer the question together:

  • How we will benefit if we make Bible study very important in our life?

5. Continue to study even when people against you

Sometime, people may discourage you from studying the Bible. Let see Francesco example. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them.

  • In the video, what Francesco family and friend them did when he told them he was studying the Bible?

  • What benefit he got because he continue studying?

Read 2 Timothy 2:24, 25, and answer the question them together:

  • How your family and friend them feel about the thing them you learning?

  • According to this Bible verse them, how you must behave when people not happy because you studying the Bible? Why?

6. Rely on Jehovah to help you

The more we draw close to Jehovah, that the more we will want make him happy. But sometime, it can be hard for us to change our life to live the way Jehovah want us to live. If you been feeling that way, don’t give up. Jehovah will help you. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, what Jim did to make Jehovah happy?

  • Wetin really touch your heart about the way he change?

Read Hebrews 11:6, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin Jehovah will do for those who “earnestly seeking him,” that mean those who try hard to know him and do what he say?

  • Wetin this one tell you about how Jehovah can feel when he see us trying our best to study the Bible?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “Why you studying the Bible?”

  • How you will answer?


Even though it can’t be easy, studying the Bible will help you to enjoy life now and forever. Continue to rely on Jehovah and he will bless you for that.


  • Why the truth you learning from the Bible important to you?

  • How you can “make sure to do the more important things”?

  • Why you must ask Jehovah to help you to continue studying the Bible?

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“How to Use Your Time the Right Way” (Awake!, February 2014)

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“You Think Jehovah Witness People Can Divide Families or They Can Put Families Together?” (Web article)