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How False Religion Spoiling God Name

How False Religion Spoiling God Name

If God is love, then why some people who say they serving him doing plenty bad-bad thing them? Because they in false religion, they can do thing them to spoil God name. How they spoiling God name? How he can feel about it? And what he will do about it?

1. How false religion spoiling God name by the things they can teach?

False religion na “exchanged the truth of God for the lie.” (Romans 1:25) For example, plenty religion can’t teach their people God name. But the Bible say we must use God name. (Romans 10:​13, 14) Some religion leader them say, when bad things happen that God will. But that one that lie. God can’t make bad things to happen. (Read James 1:13.) The sorrowful part about it is, false religion make it hard for people to love God.

2. How false religion spoiling God name by the things they can do?

False religion can’t treat people the way Jehovah can treat people. The Bible say false religion “sins have massed together clear up to heaven.” (Revelation 18:5) For many years, false religion been putting their hand in politics. They been supporting war, and they na make plenty people to die. Some religion leader them enjoying good life, because they forcing their member them to pay money to them. The thing them they doing just show that they not even know God, and they not get the right to teach people about him.​—Read 1 John 4:8.

3. How God feeling about false religion?

If the thing them that false religion doing can make you vex, how you think Jehovah feeling too? He love people, but he vex with the religion leader them who spoiling his name and treating their member them bad. He promise that he will destroy false religion and they “will never be found again.” (Revelation 18:21) God will soon destroy false religion.​—Revelation 18:8.


Learn more about how God feel about false religion. Learn also what false religion been doing and why it must not stop you from learning about Jehovah.

4. God not agree with all religions

Many people believe that religion just like different-different road, but all of them going to the same God. But that one that true? Read Matthew 7:​13, 14, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin the Bible say about the road that leading to life?

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question that follows.

  • You think the Bible say they get different-different religions that serving God the right way?

5. False religion can’t help people to see that God love them

Religions na spoil God name in many ways. One of the bad way they spoiling God name that to support war. To see one example, play the VIDEO and answer the question them together.

  • During World War II, wetin the church people use to do?

  • How you feel about the thing them they use to do?

Read John 13:34, 35 and 17:16 and answer the question them together:

  • How Jehovah can feel when he see the religion leader them supporting war?

  • False religion responsible for plenty of the bad-bad things. Wetin you na see false religion doing that show they not following God example to show love?

False religion can’t show that they serving the God of love

6. God want help people to move from in false religion

Read Revelation 18:​4, a and answer the question together:

  • How it make you feel to know that God want free plenty people from false religion?

7. Continue learning about the true God

You think the bad thing them that false religion doing, must stop you from serving God? Think about one boy who refuse to listen to his pa, so he left the house and started living bad life. The father was not happy for the bad thing his son was doing. Why you think it will not be fair to blame the father for the bad life his son was living?

  • So you think it will be fair to blame Jehovah and stop learning about him because of the bad-bad thing them false religion doing?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “All religion the same, all of them teaching the same thing.”

  • You can feel the same way too?

  • Even though plenty religion say they teaching the right thing, why God can’t accept their worship?


False religion na spoil God name by the things they can teach and the bad-bad thing them they can do. God will destroy all false religion.


  • How you can feel about the things false religion been teaching and the thing them they been doing?

  • How Jehovah can feel about false religion?

  • Wetin God will do to false religion?

Try This


Learn two ways that plenty religions can make God to feel bad.

“All Religions the Same? All of Them Serving God the Right Way?” (Web article)

Why Jehovah want us to worship him with other people?

“You Think it Important to be Part of one Group of Religion?” (Web article)

One priest was feeling bad about his religion, but that one not stop him from learning the truth about God.

“Why one Priest Left His Church” (Awake!, February 2015)

For many years, false religion been lying on God name and making people to feel that God not care about them and that he wicked. Learn the truth about three lie-lie things that they na say about God.

“Some Lie That Make People Think that God not Like Us” (The Watchtower November 1, 2013)

a To find out how we know that the woman who name Babylon the Great stand for false religion, see Endnote 1.