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How We Can Worship God the Right Way?

How We Can Worship God the Right Way?

We learn from the lesson before this one that not all religion serving God the right way. But we can worship our creator in the way that will make him happy. What “form of worship [or, religion]” can make God happy? (James 1:​27, footnote) Let see what the Bible say.

1. How we can learn to worship God the right way?

We can learn to worship God the right way from the Bible. Jesus said to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Some religions not get time for what the Bible say. They can follow human idea and tradition instead of the truth in the Bible. But Jehovah not happy with people who can “disregard the commandment of God.” (Read Mark 7:9.) But we can make God happy, when we stick to what the Bible say and follow the advice in the Bible.

2. How we must worship Jehovah?

We must worship only Jehovah because he our creator. (Revelation 4:11) It mean we must love him and worship only him. We must not use any idol in our worship.​—Read Isaiah 42:8.

Our worship must be “holy and acceptable” to Jehovah. (Romans 12:1) It mean that we need to live by all his laws. For example, the people who love Jehovah can love and follow the laws he give on marriage. And they can try not to do anything that will harm them, like smoking, taking in drugs, or drinking too much. a

3. Why we must worship Jehovah with our brother and sister them?

When we go to meeting every week, we can “praise Jehovah . . . in the congregation.” (Psalm 111:1, 2) One way we can praise God in the congregation that to sing songs. (Read Psalm 104:33.) Jehovah say we must go to meetings because he love us and he know that the meetings will help us to enjoy life now and forever. When we go to the meeting, we can encourage others and they can encourage us too.


Learn why Jehovah not want us to use images in our worship. Learn important ways that we can praise God.

4. We must not use images in our worship

How we know that God can feel bad when we use image in our worship? Play the VIDEO, and answer this question.

  • What happen to some of God people in Bible time who try to worship God by using idol?

Some people can use idol to worship God because they feel that it will make them to be close to him. But you not think it will make them to be far away from God? Read Exodus 20:​4-6 and Psalm 106:​35, 36, and answer the question them together:

  • What some of the different-different thing them you na see people using to worship God?

  • How Jehovah can feel when people use images to worship?

  • How you feel about using images in worship?

5. If we worship only Jehovah we will be free from false teachings

See how worshipping Jehovah the right way can free us from false teachings. Play the VIDEO.

Read Psalm 91:14, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin Jehovah promise to do for us when we show that we love him and worship only him?

6. We can worship God in the congregation meetings

We can praise Jehovah and encourage one another by singing and giving comments in the meetings. Read Psalm 22:22, and answer the question them together:

  • You can enjoy people giving comment in the meetings?

  • You want prepare to give one comment?

7. Jehovah can be happy when we tell other people about the thing them we learning

We can use different-different ways to talk to people about the truth we learning from the Bible. Read Psalms 9:1 and 34:1, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin you na learn from the Bible that you want tell somebody?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “It not possible to make God happy.”

  • What you think?


We can make our creator happy when we worship only him and praise him in the congregation meetings. We can also make him happy when we tell other people the thing them we na learn about him.


  • How we can learn the right way to worship God?

  • Why we must worship only Jehovah?

  • Why we must worship with other people who want make God happy?

Try This


In the story “I Not Slave for False God Again,“ read how one woman stop worshiping false god.

“The Bible Can Change People Lives” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2011)

Learn what can help you to give comment in the meetings.

“Praise Jehovah in the Congregation” (The Watchtower, January 2019)

See how one young man benefit from the meetings even though it was not easy for him to go there.

Jehovah Care for Me (3:07)

Plenty people believe that the sign for Christian religion that the cross. But you think it good for us to use the cross in our worship?

“Why Jehovah Witnesses Can’t Use the Cross in Their Worship?” (Web article)

a We will talk about this thing them in some of the lessons later.