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Jesus That What Kind na Person?

Jesus That What Kind na Person?

When we learn about the thing them Jesus use to say and do, we will find some qualities that can make us draw closer to him and his Father Jehovah. What some of the good-good ways Jesus get? And how we can follow his example in our own life?

1. How Jesus looking like his Father?

Jesus spent plenty years in heaven with his Father. He use to see his heavenly Father doing things and he learn from him. Because of that, Jesus can feel, think and do things just like his Father. (Read John 5:19.) In fact, because Jesus can do things just like his Father, he said: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) When you learn about Jesus good-good ways, you will know Jehovah better. For example, the way Jesus can feel sorry for people show how Jehovah care about you.

2. How Jesus na show that he love Jehovah?

Jesus said: “For the world to know that I love the Father, I am doing just as the Father has commanded me to do.” (John 14:31) When Jesus was on earth, he show that he really love his Father by obeying him even when it was hard. Jesus also love to talk about his Father and he like to help other people to be Jehovah friend.​—John 14:23.

3. How Jesus na show that he love people?

The Bible say that Jesus is “especially fond of mankind.” (Proverbs 8:​31, footnote) He show this love by encouraging people and he was willing to help them. He perform miracles not only because he get power, but also to show that he can feel sorry for people. (Mark 1:​40-42) He was kind to everybody and he not use to pick and choose. His teaching give hope and comfort to people who listen to him with their whole heart. Jesus was willing to suffer and die because he love everybody. But he really love those who can do what he say.​—Read John 15:13, 14.


Learn more about the kind na person Jesus was. Then think about how you can show love and be good to people the same way Jesus use to do it.

4. Jesus love his Father

Jesus example can help us to show our love for God. Read Luke 6:12 and John 15:10; 17:26. Read each Bible verse and answer the question together:

  • How we can follow Jesus example and show love for Jehovah?

Jesus love his heavenly Father and he always use to pray to him

5. Jesus care about people who need help

Jesus care about other people more than himself. Even when he was tire, he use his time and energy to help other people. Read Mark 6:​30-44, and answer the question them together:

  • In this Bible verse them, how Jesus show that he was concern about other people?​—See verses 31, 34, 41, and 42.

  • What move Jesus to help people?​—See verse 34.

  • Since Jesus can do things just like Jehovah, what all this thing them teach you about Jehovah?

  • How we can follow Jesus example to show concern for other people?

6. Jesus not mean person

Jesus use to give even though he was not having plenty material things. He also encourage us to be free-handed. Read Acts 20:​35, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin Jesus say can make us happy?

Play the VIDEO and answer the question together.

  • What some of the way we can give even when we not get plenty material things?

You na hear this one before?

The Bible say we must pray to Jehovah in Jesus name (Read John 16:23, 24.) When we pray like that, we show that we thankful to Jesus for helping us to be Jehovah friend

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “God not care about our suffering.”

  • Since Jesus can do things just like his Father, how the thing them he can do prove that Jehovah care about us?


Jesus love Jehovah, and he love people. When you know Jesus good, you will know Jehovah because Jesus can do things like his Father.


  • How we can show love for Jehovah the same way Jesus did it?

  • Like Jesus, how we can show that we love people?

  • Among the good-good ways that Jesus get, which one you really like?

Try This


Learn about some of Jesus’ good-good ways that we can follow.

“To Follow Jesus Example, Be . . . ” (Jesus​—The Way, the Truth, the Life, page 317)

The Bible say anything about how Jesus was looking?

How Jesus Was Looking?” (Web article)

Wetin we can learn from the way Jesus use to treat women?

“God Want People to Treat Women With Respect” (The Watchtower, September 1, 2012)