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Jehovah Witnesses that True Christians?

Jehovah Witnesses that True Christians?

We the Jehovah Witness people believe that we true Christians. Why? To know the reason, learn about where we can take our beliefs from, the name that make us different, and the love we get for one other.

1. Where Jehovah Witnesses can take their beliefs from?

Jesus said: “[God’s] word is truth.” (John 17:17) Like Jesus, Jehovah Witnesses can always take their beliefs from the Bible. Learn about our history. Around the 1870, one small group of Bible students started taking time to study the Bible. They started taking their beliefs from the Bible even if their beliefs were different from what the other church them were teaching. Then, they started telling other people about the things they were learning. a

2. Why we can call ourselves Jehovah Witnesses?

Jehovah himself call the people who can worship him his witnesses because they can talk the truth about him. (Hebrews 11:4–12:1) For example, way back, God told his people: “You are my witnesses.” (Read Isaiah 43:10.) Jesus is call “the Faithful Witness.” (Revelation 1:5) So in 1931, we took the name Jehovah Witnesses. We happy to use that name.

3. How Jehovah Witnesses can follow Jesus example in showing love?

Jesus love his disciples so much that they were just like family to him. (Read Mark 3:35.) That the same way, Jehovah Witnesses all over the world together just like one big family. That the reason why we can call each other brother and sister. (Philemon 1, 2) We can also obey the command: “Have love for the whole association of brothers.” (1 Peter 2:17) Jehovah Witnesses can show this love in plenty different ways. For example, we can help our brother them around the world who need help.


Learn more about the history of Jehovah Witnesses and see more proof that we true Christians.

Real Christians base their beliefs on the Bible and share them with others

4. We can take our beliefs from the Bible

Way back, Jehovah said that his people will understand Bible truth better. Read Daniel 12:4 and footnote, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin will “become abundant”, or get plenty, among God people if they continue to study the Bible?

Learn how Charles Russell and other Bible students study the Bible together. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, how Charles Russell and his friend them use to study the Bible together?

You na hear this one before?

Sometime, we can adjust some of our beliefs. Why? Just how the place can start getting clear small-small when the sun coming up, that the same way God can help us to understand his word small-small. (Read Proverbs 4:18.) So even though the Bible can’t change, we can adjust our beliefs when we understand something from the Bible better.

5. We can do what our name stand for

Why we took the name Jehovah Witnesses? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Why the name Jehovah Witnesses that the right name for us?

Why Jehovah chose people to be his witnesses? Because they will help people to know the truth about Jehovah. People na talk plenty lie-lie things about him. Let talk about two of the lie-lie thing them.

Some religions can teach their members that God want them to use images in their worship. Read Leviticus 26:1, and answer the question them together:

  • So what the truth? How Jehovah can feel about false gods?

Some big-big God people can teach that Jesus that God. But read John 20:17, and answer the question them together:

  • So what the truth? God and Jesus that the same person?

  • How it make you feel to know that Jehovah na send his Witnesses to preach the truth about him and his Son?

6. We love one another

The Bible say Christians just like the different-different parts of the human body. Read 1 Corinthians 12:25, 26, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin true Christians must do when they see their brother and sister them suffering?

  • Wetin you can say about the love Jehovah Witnesses get for each other?

When Jehovah Witnesses suffering in one place, all their brother and sister them from around the world can help them right away. To see one example, play the VIDEO and answer the question together.

  • How the relief work show that Jehovah Witnesses really get love?

True Christians can show love to people who need help

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “Jehovah Witnesses that new religion.”

  • What time Jehovah started calling the people who can worship him his witnesses?


Jehovah Witnesses that true Christians. We one family all over the world. We can take our beliefs from the Bible. And we can help people to know the truth about Jehovah.


  • Why we took the name Jehovah Witnesses?

  • How we can treat one another?

  • You think Jehovah Witnesses that true Christians?

Try This


See one example about how Jehovah Witnesses na help people to know the true teachings from false teachings.

God People Can Glorify His Name (7:08)

If you get question about Jehovah Witnesses, maybe you will find the answer here.

“Questions People Can Always Ask About Jehovah Witnesses” (web page)

Stephen use to hate people with different skin colors so much that he use to attack them. Find out what he saw among Jehovah Witnesses that made him to change.

“My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2015)

a Since 1879, Jehovah people been producing The Watchtower magazine to explain the Bible.