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How Jehovah Directing the Congregation Through Jesus?

How Jehovah Directing the Congregation Through Jesus?

Jehovah that God of order. (1 Corinthians 14:33) So we expect his people to do things in order. How the Christian congregation arrange? What we can do for things to be alright in the congregation?

1. Who the head for the congregation?

“Christ is head of the congregation.” (Ephesians 5:23) From heaven, he can direct the work God people doing all over the world. Jesus appointed the faithful and discreet slave. That one small group of experience elders also call the Governing Body (Read Matthew 24:45-47.) Like the apostles and the elders that were in Jerusalem way back, the governing body can give direction to all the congregation around the world. (Acts 15:2) But this men them not the leaders for our organization. They can read the Bible to find out what Jehovah want them to do and they willing to follow Jesus direction.

2. Who they call elders and what work they can do?

Elders that men who na stay faithful for many years. They can teach Jehovah people from the Bible. They can help them and encourage them. The elder them can’t get pay for their work. But they can do it “willingly before God; not for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly.” (1 Peter 5:1, 2) The ministerial servants can help the elders. After some time, some of them can be qualify to be elders.

The Governing Body can appoint some of the elders to be circuit overseers. They can visit different-different congregations to guide, comfort and encourage the brother and sister them. They can appoint elders and ministerial servants in line with what the Bible say.​—1 Timothy 3:1-10, 12; Titus 1:5-9.

3. Every Jehovah Witness suppose to do what?

Everybody in the congregation can “praise the name of Jehovah” by taking part in congregation meetings and preaching the good news. Each person can do what they able to do.​—Read Psalm 148:12, 13.


Learn how Jesus can lead people and how the elders can follow his example. And also learn how we can obey Jesus and the elders.

4. Jesus that good leader

Jesus give us loving invitation. Read Matthew 11:​28-30, and answer the question together:

  • How Jesus want us to feel about the way he can lead people?

How elders can follow Jesus example? Play the VIDEO.

The Bible make it clear how elders suppose to do their work.

Read Isaiah 32:2 and 1 Peter 5:1-3, and answer the question them together:

  • How you feel about the way the elder them can work hard like Jesus to make us happy?

  • What other ways the elders can follow Jesus example?

5. Elders can teach by their example

How Jesus want elders to think about the work they doing? Play the VIDEO.

Jesus show the example for elders to follow in the congregation. Read Matthew 23:8-12, and answer the question together:

  • What touch your heart about the difference between what the Bible say elders must do and what you see some big-big God people doing?

  1. The elder them can work hard to have strong friendship with Jehovah. They can help their family to do the same thing

  2. Elders care for everybody in the congregation

  3. The elder them can preach all the time

  4. The elder them responsible to teach. They can also help to clean the Kingdom Hall and do other work

6. We can obey the elders

The Bible tell us why it important to obey and work with the elders. Read Hebrews 13:17, and answer the question them together:

  • Why the Bible say we must obey the elder them? How you feel about it?

Read Luke 16:10, and answer the question together:

  • Why we must always obey the elders even if we feel that the things they saying not too important?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “No need to be part of any religion.”

  • What benefit you will get if you worship God with the congregation?


That Jesus the head for the congregation. We happy to work with the elders because they working under Jesus direction. They can encourage us and they can teach by their example.


  • Who the head for the congregation?

  • How elders can help the congregation?

  • Every Jehovah Witness suppose to do what?

Try This


See some proof that the Governing Body and other elders really care for people in the congregation today.

Supporting the Brother Them Under Ban (4:22)

Learn about the work that circuit overseers can do.

Circuit Overseer Work in the Interior (4:51)

Learn more about the way elders can work hard to encourage their brothers and sisters.

“Christian Elders​—‘Our Brothers Who Working Hard to Make Us Happy” (The Watchtower, January 15, 2013)