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What the Truth About Angels?

What the Truth About Angels?

Jehovah want for us to learn about his family in heaven. The angels part of that family, and the Bible call them “sons of God.” (Job 38:7) Wetin the Bible say about angels? What power they get over us? All the Angel them part of God family?

1. Who are the angels?

Jehovah created the angels before he made the earth. Just like Jehovah, we can’t see them. (Hebrews 1:14) Plenty angels in heaven and Jehovah made them different from each other. (Revelation 5:11) They can “carry out [Jehovah’s] word, obeying his voice.” (Psalm 103:20) Way back, Jehovah use to send angels to deliver message. They also use to support and save his people. Today, angels can direct Christians to people who want learn about God.

2. Who are Satan and his demons?

Some of the angels not remain faithful to Jehovah. The first angel who went against God is “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) Satan wanted to rule, so he fool Adam and Eve to disobey God. Later, he even fool other angels to disobey God. The Bible call the angels that disobey God demons. Jehovah move them from heaven to the earth and they will be destroy.​—Read Revelation 12:9, 12.

3. How Satan and the demons trying to fool us?

Satan and the demons can fool plenty people through spiritism. Spiritism mean trying to talk with wicked spirits and it really bad. For example, some people can go to witchcraft, medicine man or people who can tell them their future. Some people can take treatment that get something to do with the demons. Some people can be fool to believe that they can talk to people who na die. But Jehovah tell us: “Do not turn to the spirit mediums, and do not consult fortune-tellers.” (Leviticus 19:31) He give us this warning to protect us from Satan and the demons. They God enemies and they want harm us.


Learn about the good-good thing them angels can do. Also, learn why spiritism bad and what we can do to protect ourselves from the demons.

4. Angels can help people to learn about Jehovah

God angel them can’t preach to people theirself. But they can direct God servants to preach to people who want learn about him. Read Revelation 14:6, 7, and answer the question them together:

  • Why we need help from the angels to preach?

  • When you hear that angels can direct you to people who need to hear about the Bible, it can encourage you? Why?

5. Don’t put your hand in spiritism

Satan and the demons are Jehovah enemies. They our enemies too. Read Luke 9:38-42, and answer the question together:

  • How the demons can treat people?

We not want make the demons to control our lives. Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12, and answer the question them together:

  • How the demons can try to control us and to talk to us? What some of the thing you can see people doing in your area?

  • You think it alright for Jehovah to say we must avoid demons? Why?

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • The thing that Palesa tie around her baby hand, you think it bad? Why?

  • Wetin Palesa was suppose to do to protect herself from the demons?

True Christians always been fighting against the demons. Read Acts 19:19 and 1 Corinthians 10:21, and answer the question together:

  • Why it good to destroy anything you get that having something to do with demons?

6. Win the fight against Satan and his demons

That Satan ruling the demons. But that the leader of the angels, Michael, directing the faithful angel them. That Jesus other name Michael. How much power Michael get? Read Revelation 12:7-9, and answer the question them together:

  • Who get more power? Michael and his angels or Satan and his demons?

  • You think those who following Jesus need to be scare of Satan and his demons?

When you fight against Satan and his demons, you will win. Read James 4:7, and answer the question together:

  • How you can protect yourself from Satan and the demons?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “Nothing wrong with playing games or watching shows that get spiritism. It just for fun.”

  • Why it bad to think like that?


Faithful angels can help us. Satan and his demons that Jehovah enemies. And they can use spiritism to fool people.


  • How Jehovah angels helping people to learn about him?

  • Who they call Satan and his demons?

  • Why you not want get anything to do with the demons?

Try This


See what prove that Jesus is Michael, the leader of the angels.

“Who is Michael the Leader of the Angels?” (Web article)

Let see what prove that the Devil that real person.

“The Devil That Real Person?” (Web article)

See how one woman take her hand from demon business.

“She Found Meaning in Life” (The Watchtower, July 1, 1993)