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Why Bad Things Can Happen and Why People Suffering?

Why Bad Things Can Happen and Why People Suffering?

When bad-bad things happen, it not wrong to ask, why? We happy that the Bible get clear answers to this question!

1. How Satan made bad things to start happening?

Satan the Devil went against God. Satan wanted to rule others. So he made Adam and Eve to join him to go against God. He did it by lying to Eve. (Genesis 3:1-5) He made her to think that Jehovah was hiding something good from her. He was trying to say, human being can be more happy if they not obey God. Satan was the first person to lie when he fool Eve. That why the Bible call Satan “a liar and the father of the lie.”​—John 8:44

2. Wetin Adam and Eve Chose to do?

Jehovah did plenty good things for Adam and Eve. He told them to eat from every tree in the garden of Eden. But only one tree he say they must not eat from. (Genesis 2:15-17) But they still decided to eat the fruit from that tree. Eve “began taking of its fruit and eating it.” Later, Adam “began eating it.” (Genesis 3:6) Two of them disobey God. Because Adam and Eve were perfect, it was easy for them to do the right thing. But they mean it to disobey God. When they sin, they show that they never wanted Jehovah to rule them. That decision made them to suffer bad way.​—Genesis 3:16-19.

3. Wetin Adam and Eve decision na do to us?

When Adam and Eve sin, they were not perfect again. That the reason why we not perfect. This is what the Bible say about Adam: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men.”​—Romans 5:12.

We can suffer for different-different reasons. Sometimes we suffer because we make bad decisions. Sometimes we suffer because other people make bad decisions. Sometimes we suffer because we to the wrong place at the wrong time.​—Read Ecclesiastes 9:11.


Learn why we must not blame God for the bad things that happening and the suffering that all over the world, and how he can feel when we suffering.

4. Who we must blame for our suffering?

Plenty people believe that God controlling the whole world. But you think that true? Play the VIDEO.

Read James 1:13 and 1 John 5:19, and answer the question together:

  • You think we must blame God for our suffering?

5. Learn the thing them that been happening from the time Satan been ruling

Read Genesis 3:1-6, and answer the question them together:

  • How Satan lie?​—See verses 4 and 5.

  • How Satan make it to look like Jehovah was holding something good from human being?

  • You think Satan was saying that human being need Jehovah to rule them so they can be happy?

Read Ecclesiastes 8:9, and answer the question together:

  • Since Jehovah stop ruling this world, what been happening?

  1. Adam and Eve were perfect and they were living in Paradise. But they listen to Satan and went against Jehovah

  2. After they went against Jehovah, sin, suffering, and death fill the whole world

  3. Jehovah will end sin, suffering, and death. Human being will be perfect and live in Paradise again

6. Jehovah care about our suffering

You think God will do something about our suffering? Read what King David and the apostle Peter wrote. Read Psalm 31:7 and 1 Peter 5:7, and answer the question together:

  • How it make you feel to know that Jehovah can see and will do something about our suffering?

7. God will end all suffering

Read Isaiah 65:17 and Revelation 21:3, 4, and answer the question together:

  • Why we can be happy to know that Jehovah will end all the bad things that happening?

You na hear this one before?

When Satan lie for the first time, he spoil Jehovah name. Satan made people to think that Jehovah that bad person, he not fair and he can’t rule people the right way. When Jehovah end the suffering that human being going through, he will clear his name from all the lie-lie things. That mean, he will prove that he the best ruler. For Jehovah to clear his name from all the lie-lie things important pass anything.​—Matthew 6:9, 10.

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “When we suffering that God testing us.”

  • What you say?


The main people we can blame for the bad thing them that happening in the world, that Satan the Devil, Adam and Eve. Jehovah really care about our suffering and he will soon do something about it.


  • How Satan the Devil lie to Eve?

  • Wetin happening to us because Adam and Eve went against God?

  • How we know that Jehovah will do something about our suffering?

Try This


Learn what the Bible call sin.

“What Is Sin?” (Web article)

Read more about the thing Satan the Devil say in the garden of Eden.

“Why God Allow Suffering?” (The Watchtower, January 1, 2014)

See the answers for one hard question that will make you satisfy.

“Why the Holocaust Happen? Why God not Stop It?” (Web article)

See what one man learn about the suffering he saw around him.

I Not on My Own Anymore (5:09)