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How Jesus Death Can Save Us?

How Jesus Death Can Save Us?

We sin, suffer and die because Adam and Eve disobey God. a But we still get hope. Jehovah na make way to free us from sin and death through his Son Jesus Christ. The Bible teach that when Jesus die, he pay the ransom. Ransom that the price somebody can pay to free another person. The price Jesus pay was the value of his perfect human life. (Read Matthew 20:28) Jesus was willing to die so we can get everlasting life. He open the way for us to get back everything that Adam and Eve lost. Jesus show that he and Jehovah really love us. This lesson will help us to be more grateful for Jesus death.

1. How Jesus death can benefit us now-now?

Because we sinners, we can do plenty things that can make Jehovah to feel bad. But if we really sorry for our sin, ask Jehovah to forgive us through Jesus, and do our best to not make the same mistake again, we can enjoy close friendship with Jehovah. (1 John 2:1) The Bible says: “Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God.”​—1 Peter 3:18.

2. How Jesus death will benefit us in the future?

Jehovah sent Jesus to offer his perfect human life “so that everyone exercising faith in [Jesus] might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Because of what Jesus did, Jehovah will soon end all the bad things Adam and Eve put us in. So it mean, when we exercise faith in Jesus sacrifice, we will be able to enjoy everlasting life in paradise on earth!​—Isaiah 65:21-23.


Learn more about why Jesus die and how you can benefit.

3. Jesus death free us from sin and death

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • What opportunity Adam lost when he disobey God?

Read Romans 5:12, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin Adam sin na do to you?

Read John 3:16, and answer the question together:

  • Why Jehovah sent his Son to the earth?

  1. Adam was perfect man. But because he sin, he made everybody to sin and die

  2. Jesus was perfect man who obey God. Because of this, human being can be perfect and live for ever and ever

4. Jesus death can benefit everybody

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • How it possible for everybody to benefit from one man death?

Read 1 Timothy 2:5, 6, and answer the question together:

  • Adam was perfect man. But because he sin, he made everybody to sin and die. Jesus was perfect just like Adam. How Jesus was able to provide the ransom that was equal to the perfect life that Adam lost?

5. The ransom that gift Jehovah give to you.

All Jehovah friend them take the ransom to be gift that Jehovah give to each of them. For example, read Galatians 2:20, and answer the question together:

  • How the apostle Paul show that he take the ransom to be gift that Jehovah give to him?

The punishment for Adam sin, that death for him and all his children. But Jehovah sent his Son to die so that you can be able to live forever.

When you reading this Bible verse them, just think about the way Jehovah was feeling when his Son was suffering. Read John 19:1-7, 16-18, and answer the question together:

  • How you feel about what Jehovah and Jesus did for you?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “How it possible for one man to die for everybody?”

  • How you will answer them?


Because Jesus die, Jehovah can forgive our sin and we will be able to live forever and ever.


  • Why Jesus die?

  • How the perfect life that Jesus pay equal to the life that Adam lost?

  • How Jesus death can benefit you?

Try This


Learn why the Bible call Jesus perfect human life the ransom.

“How Jesus Sacrifice Can Save Plenty People?” (Web article)

Find out wetin we must do to be save from sin and death.

“How Jesus Can Save Us?” (Web article)

You think Jehovah can forgive serious sins too?

“Bible Questions Answer” (The Watchtower, May 1, 2013)

See how Jesus Christ sacrifice help one man who use to feel bad when he think about the bad-bad things that happen in his life.

“I Not Slave to Violence Again” (Web article)

a Sin not only mean the bad things we can do. But it also mean the bad condition we in because of the sin Adam pass on to us.