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What Can Happen to Us When We Die?

What Can Happen to Us When We Die?

Someone na die from you before? When it happen, you can be feeling bad. And you can be thinking, what can happen to us when we die? Our people who na die, we will see them again? In this lesson and the next one, we will see the Bible answer that will comfort you.

1. What can happen to us when we die?

Jesus compare death to deep sleep. When we in deep sleep, we can’t know the thing them that happening around us. How death looking like sleep? When somebody die, they can’t feel any pain, they can’t miss their family and friend even if they use to love them. The Bible say, “The dead know nothing at all.”​—Read Ecclesiastes 9:5.

2. When we know the truth about death, how it can help us?

Plenty people scare of death. They can even be scare of people who na die! But the thing the Bible say about death can comfort you. Jesus say: “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Some religion can teach that when someone die, their soul can continue living. But that not what the Bible say. So nobody can suffer after they die. Since the people who na die not know anything, they can’t do bad to us. So no need for us to worship the dead or do things that we think will satisfy them. And no need to pray for them.

Some people say they can talk with people who na die. But that not true. We just learn that the dead not know anything. Those who think that they can talk with their people who na die, they actually talking with the demons who can act like people who na die. When we know the truth about death, it can protect us from the demons. Jehovah not want for us to try to talk with people who na die because he know the demons can do bad to us.​—Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12.


Learn more about what the Bible say about death and make your faith strong in the God of love who can’t suffer people when they die.

3. Learn the truth about what can happen to us when we die

All over the world, people get different-different beliefs about what can happen to us when we die. Some of this belief them can’t be true.

  • In your area, wetin plenty people believe about those who na die?

To see what the Bible teach, play the VIDEO.

Read Ecclesiastes 3:20, and answer the question them together:

  • From this verse, wetin can happen when somebody die?

  • When somebody die, something can move from inside them that can continue living?

The Bible tell us about the death of Jesus close friend Lazarus. When you reading John 11:11-14, see what Jesus say about Lazarus when he die. Then answer the question them together:

  • Wetin Jesus compare death to?

  • What this one tell us about people who na die?

  • How you feel about what the Bible say about death?

4. The truth about death can benefit us

When we know the truth about death, we can’t be scare of people who na die. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10, and answer the question together:

  • You think the people who na die can harm us?

When we believe the truth from the Bible, we will not believe the lie that we must worship the dead or do things to satisfy them. Read Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 4:11, and answer the question together:

  • How you think Jehovah can feel about people who can worship the dead or ask them for help?

The truth about death can free us from some of the thing people can do that Jehovah not like

5. The truth about death can comfort us

They been teaching plenty people that when they die, they will suffer because of the bad-bad things they did before. It can comfort us to know that the people who na die can’t suffer. Even people who been doing bad-bad things will not suffer when they die. Read Romans 6:7, and answer the question together:

  • Since the Bible say when someone die they free from their sin, you think all the people that na die still suffering because of the bad-bad things they did before?

The more we learn about Jehovah, we will see that he will never suffer people who na die. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 and 1 John 4:8, and answer the question them together:

  • From this Bible verse them, you think God will ever agree to suffer people who na die?

  • It comfort you to know the truth about death? Why?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I scare of dead body because they can harm people.”

  • What Bible verse them you will use to help the person?


When somebody die, their life finish. The people who na die can’t suffer, and they can’t harm the people that living.


  • Wetin can happen to us when we die?

  • When we learn the truth about death, how it can benefit us?

  • When we learn the truth about death, how it can comfort us?

Try This


See what the word “soul” really mean in the Bible.

“What Is Soul?” (Web article)

Find out if God can punish wicked people in hell.

Hell That Real Place Where People Suffering? (3:07)

Find out how one man was happy when he learn the truth about what can happen to us when we die.

“The Bible Simple and Clear Answers Really Touch My Heart” (The Watchtower, February 1, 2015)