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Your People Who na Die Will Come Back to Life!

Your People Who na Die Will Come Back to Life!

Death can really make people to feel bad and sad. That the reason why the Bible call death our enemy. (1 Corinthians 15:26) You learn in Lesson 27 that Jehovah will destroy that enemy. But what will happen to the people them who already na die? In this lesson, you will learn more about another wonderful promise Jehovah na make. He will bring plenty-plenty people back so they can enjoy life forever. He will resurrect them! You think it will really happen? When they come back to life, where they will live, in heaven or on earth?

1. Wetin Jehovah want do for our people them who na die?

Jehovah really want bring the people who na die back to life. One faithful man name Job was sure that Jehovah will not forget about him when he die. He said to God: “You will call, and I will answer you [from the Grave].”​—Read Job 14:13-15.

2. How we know that people who na die will come back to life?

When Jesus was on the earth, God gave him the power to resurrect people. Jesus raise one 12-year-old girl and one widow son back to life. (Mark 5:41, 42; Luke 7:12-15) It not stay long, Jesus friend Lazarus die. Even though Lazarus was in the grave for four days, but still, Jesus brought him back to life. Jesus pray to God and say, “Lazarus, come out!” And “the man who had been dead came out.” Lazarus came back to life! (John 11:43, 44) Imagine the way Lazarus family and friend them were happy!

3. Our people who na die, what hope they get?

The Bible say: “There is going to be a resurrection.” (Acts 24:15) Jesus brought some people back to life when he was on earth. But they were not in heaven and Jesus bring them back. (John 3:13) They were happy that Jesus brought them back to life right here on earth. That the same way Jesus will soon bring plenty-plenty people back to enjoy life in Paradise on earth. Jesus say, “all those in the memorial tomb,” even the one who people na forget about but who God still remember, will come back to life.​—John 5:28, 29.


Learn from the Bible why we can be sure that Jesus get the power to resurrect people and that he will do it. Learn how the resurrection can comfort you and give you hope.

4. Jesus prove that he able to bring the dead back to life

Learn more about the thing Jesus did for his friend Lazarus. Read John 11:14, 38-44, and answer the question them together:

  • How we know that Lazarus really die?​—See verse 39.

  • If Lazarus was in heaven, you think Jesus was going to bring him back to life on earth?

Play the VIDEO.

5. Plenty people will come back to life!

Read Psalm 37:29, and answer the question together:

  • The plenty-plenty people who will come back to life, where place they will live?

Jesus will resurrect plenty people, even some people who were not able to serve Jehovah before they die. Read Acts 24:15, and answer the question together:

  • Who you want see coming back to life?

Just think on this one: It easy for Jesus to bring someone back to life just how someone can wake up their child from sleep

6. The resurrection can comfort you and give you hope

The Bible story about Jairus daughter na comfort and encourage plenty people who really feeling bad about their people who na die. Read that true story in Luke 8:40-42, 49-56.

Before Jesus brought Jairus daughter back to life, he told Jairus: “Have no fear, only have faith.” (See verse 50.) How the resurrection hope can help you . . .

  • when somebody die from you?

  • when your life in danger?

Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • How the resurrection hope na comfort and encourage Phelicity parents?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “It hard to believe that people will be resurrected and live on earth.”

  • What you think?

  • What Bible verse you can use to show that some people will be resurrected and live on earth?


The Bible say that plenty-plenty people who na die will come back to life. Jehovah want for them to live again, so he na give Jesus the power to bring them back to life.


  • How Jehovah and Jesus feel about bringing people who na die back to life?

  • The plenty-plenty people who will come back to life, where place they will live, in heaven or on earth? Why you say so?

  • Wetin make you to believe that your people who na die will live again?

Try This


Learn wetin can help you when you really feeling bad because someone die from you.

“Help for Those Who Grieving” (Awake! No. 3 2018)

Bible advice can help someone who really grieving?

When Somebody Die From You (5:06)

What can help children when someone die from them?

The Ransom (2:07)

Anybody will come back to life to live in heaven? Who will not come back to life?

“What the Resurrection Mean?” (Web article)