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Wetin We Can Do to Show That We Love Jehovah?

Wetin We Can Do to Show That We Love Jehovah?

Since you started studying the Bible, you think it make you more close to God? You want continue making your friendship with Jehovah strong? If so, remember that the more Jehovah see your love for him growing, that the more he will love you and take care of you. How you can show that you love him?

1. How we can show to Jehovah that we love him?

We can show that we love Jehovah if we obey him. (Read 1 John 5:3.) He can’t force anybody to obey him. But each person can decide whether they want obey him or not. Why? Jehovah want us to be “obedient from the heart.” (Romans 6:17) That mean, he want us to obey him not because we force to obey him but because we love him. Sections 3 and 4 of this book will help you to show your love for Jehovah by not doing what can make him feel bad, but doing things that can make him happy.

2. Why it can be hard for us to show our love for Jehovah?

The Bible say: “Many are the hardships of the righteous one.” (Psalm 34:19) We not perfect. Money business can be hard on some of us. People not treating one another fair. And we get plenty other different-different problem them. When we going through this problem them, it can be hard sometime to do what Jehovah want us to do, because it easy to do the wrong thing. But if you faithful to Jehovah and do what he want, you will show that you love him more than any other thing. It will prove that you want stick to him. And he will stick to you too. He will never leave you.—Read Psalm 4:3.


Learn why Jehovah can be happy when you obey him. And learn what can help you to do it.

3. You not free from the thing that Satan say

According to what the Bible book of Job say, Satan was not only accusing Job, but he was accusing everybody that want serve Jehovah. Read Job 1:1, 6–2:10, and answer the question them together:

  • Wetin Satan say Job was obeying Jehovah for?—See Job 1:9-11.

  • Wetin Satan say about all human being and even you?—See Job 2:4.

Read Job 27:5b, and answer the question together:

  • How Job prove that he really love Jehovah?

Job prove that he love Jehovah by sticking to him

We can prove that we love Jehovah when we always stick to him

4. Make Jehovah happy

Read Proverbs 27:11, and answer the question them together:

  • How Jehovah can feel when you obey him and do the right thing? Why?

5. You can remain faithful to Jehovah

Our love for Jehovah can make us to tell other people about him. We will do it even if it hard, because we want be faithful to him. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together:

  • You na find it hard to talk to people about Jehovah?

  • In the video, wetin help Grayson to overcome his fear?

When we love what Jehovah love and hate what he hate, it will be more easy for us to stick to him. Read Psalm 97:10, and answer the question them together:

  • From what you na learn, what some of the thing them Jehovah love? What some of the thing them he hate?

  • How you can learn to love what is good and hate what is bad?

6. We can benefit when we obey Jehovah

To always obey Jehovah that the best thing. Read Isaiah 48:17, 18, and answer the question them together:

  • You think we can trust Jehovah that he always know the best way for us? Why?

  • How the thing you na learn about the Bible and the true God Jehovah, na benefit you?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “God can’t feel bad when we do bad things, because he can understand us.”

  • What scripture you can use to help somebody understand that the thing we can do, can either make Jehovah to feel bad or good?


You can show that you love Jehovah if you obey him and stick to him even when you going through problem.


  • Wetin you na learn from Job example?

  • How you can prove that you love Jehovah?

  • Wetin will help you to always stick to Jehovah?

Try This


Learn how you can always stick to Jehovah and the congregation.

“You Can Stick to Those Who Always Faithful to You” (16:49)

Learn more about what Satan say about all human being.

“Job Remain Faithful” (The Bible—What Is Its Message? section 6)

Learn how even children can show their love for Jehovah.

Make Jehovah Happy (8:16)

How young people can always stick to Jehovah even if their friend them want make them to do bad things?

Don’t Do the Bad Things Your Friend Them Want You to Do! (3:59)