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How We Can Make Good Decisions

How We Can Make Good Decisions

Everybody can make decisions. And plenty of the decisions we can make can affect us and our friendship with Jehovah. For example, we can decide where to live, how we will get money to support ourselves and whether we will get marry. When we make good decisions, we can be happy and Jehovah can be happy too.

1. How you can use the Bible to help you make good decisions?

Before you make decision, pray to Jehovah to help you. Read the Bible to see what Jehovah say about the thing you want do. (Read Proverbs 2:3-6.) Sometime, you will see what Jehovah want you to do. Then, the best decision you can make that to obey Jehovah.

But in case you not see any clear Bible command to tell you what to do? Jehovah will still help you “in the way you should walk.” (Isaiah 48:17) How? He will use Bible principles to direct you. Bible principles that the truths in the Bible that can help us to see how Jehovah can think and feel about certain things. Sometime we can know how God can feel about certain thing when we read something in the Bible. When we understand how Jehovah feel about certain things, we will make decisions that can make him happy.

2. What some of the thing them you must think about before making decision?

The Bible say: “The shrewd one ponders each step.” (Proverbs 14:15) It mean before we make decision, we must take time to think about the thing them we want do. When we thinking on the thing them we want do, we must think on this question them: What Bible principles I can use? Which one will make me happy? How my decision will make other people to feel? And the most important question that, my decision will make Jehovah happy?—Deuteronomy 32:29.

Jehovah get the right to tell us the thing that good and the thing that bad. When we know Jehovah laws and Bible principles good-good and try hard to obey them, we will be training our conscience. The conscience that our other heart that can tell us whether something good or bad. (Romans 2:14, 15) When we train our conscience, it will help us to make good decisions.


Learn how Bible principles and the conscience can help us to make good decision.

3. Let the Bible direct you

How Bible advice can direct us when we making decisions? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • What important gift Jehovah na give us?

  • Why Jehovah allow us to make our own decision?

  • Wetin Jehovah na give to help us make the best decision?

To see one example about Bible principle, read Ephesians 5:15, 16. Then talk about how you can use your time the best way . . .

  • to read the Bible everyday.

  • to be good husband, good wife, good parent, son or daughter.

  • to go to congregation meetings.

4. Train your conscience to make good decisions

If we get clear Bible command, it can be easy for us to make the right decisions. But in case we not see any clear command? Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • In the video, what the sister did to train her conscience and to make decision that will make Jehovah happy?

Why we must not ask other people to make decision for us? Read Hebrews 5:14, and answer the question them together:

  • Even though it can be easy for us to ask other people to make decisions for us, but why we must make our own decisions?

  • What we get that can help us to train our conscience to make good decisions?

Just how the map can direct us, our conscience can help us decide what to do in life

5. Respect other people conscience

People can make different-different decisions. How we can show respect for other people conscience? Let talk about two examples.

Example 1. One sister who like using makeup, move to the congregation where plenty sisters feel that it wrong to use makeup.

Read Romans 15:1 and 1 Corinthians 10:23, 24, and answer the question them together:

  • From this Bible verse them, what you think the sister will want do? What you will do when you with somebody who conscience can’t allow them to do the thing your conscience can allow you to do?

Example 2. One brother know that the Bible not say it wrong to drink, but he decide not to drink any liquor. Then they invite him to one party where he see other brothers drinking liquor.

Read Ecclesiastes 7:16 and Romans 14:1, 10, and answer the question them together:

  • From this Bible verse them, what you think the brother will want do? How you will use this Bible verse them, when someone do something that your conscience not allow you to do?

 What some of the thing them we can do to make good decisions?

1. Ask Jehovah to help you decide what to do.—James 1:5.

2. Do research in the Bible and the publication them to find Bible principle that can help you. You can also ask people that get experience in the truth.

3. Think about how your decision will affect your conscience and other people conscience.

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “You get the right to do what you want do. Don’t think about how other people feel.”

  • Why we must think about the way God can feel and how other people can feel too?


We can make good decision when we know how Jehovah can feel about certain thing. We must also think about whether the things we will do will help other people or it will harm them.


  • How you can make decisions that can make Jehovah happy?

  • How you can train your conscience?

  • How you can show respect for other people conscience?

Try This


How you can make decisions that can make your friendship with God strong?

“Make Decisions That Can Honor God” (The Watchtower, April 15, 2011)

Learn more about how Jehovah can give us advice.

Jehovah Can Direct His People (9:50)

Learn what help one man to make one hard decision.

Jehovah Promise Good-Good Thing Them (5:46)

Learn more about how we can make Jehovah happy when he not give clear command about what to do.

“You Always Need Bible Command?” (The Watchtower, December 1, 2003)