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Wetin the Bible Say About Work and Money?

Wetin the Bible Say About Work and Money?

You na worry about work and money before? It can be hard to get all the thing them we need and at the same time worship Jehovah the way he want us to worship him. The Bible give us good advice that can help us.

1. Wetin the Bible say about work?

God want us to enjoy our work. The Bible say “there is nothing better for a man than to . . . find enjoyment in his hard work.” (Ecclesiastes 2:24) Jehovah can work hard. When we follow his example by working hard, it can make Jehovah happy and we ourselves can be happy too.

Work important. But we must not let it be important more than worshiping Jehovah. (John 6:27) Jehovah promise that when we put him first, he will give us all the thing them we need.

2. Wetin the Bible say about money?

Even though the Bible say “money is a protection,” it also tell us that money alone can’t make us happy. (Ecclesiastes 7:12) So the Bible encourage us to not like money business too much, but we must be “content with the present things.” (Read Hebrews 13:5.) When we satisfy with the small one we get, we will not worry about getting plenty money. We will not just credit for no good reason. (Proverbs 22:7) We will not play gamble and we will not run behind people who say they can make us get rich quick without working hard for it.

3. How we can use our money to help other people?

Jehovah not mean, and we can follow his example when we “generous, ready to share.” (1 Timothy 6:18) When we not mean with our money, we will support the congregation and we will help other people who in need, especially our brother and sister them. Jehovah can be concern about the reason we give, more than how much we give. When we give freely from our heart, we will be happy and we make Jehovah happy too.—Read Acts 20:35.


See how we can benefit when we not take work important more than Jehovah and when we satisfy with what we get.

4. Honor Jehovah by the way you work

The way we do our work must show that we get good friendship with Jehovah. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, wetin touch your heart about the way Jason use to act to his working place?

  • What he did so that his job can’t take all his time?

Read Colossians 3:23, 24, and answer the question together:

  • Why the way we do our work important?

Work important. But we must not let it be important more than worshiping Jehovah

5. When we satisfy with what we get we can benefit

Many people trying hard to get plenty money. But the Bible give different advice. Read 1 Timothy 6:6-8, and answer the question together:

  • What the Bible encourage us to do?

Even if we not get plenty money, we can still be happy. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • Even though this family them was not having money, wetin make them happy?

Suppose we get plenty money and we still want get more? Jesus talk one story about the bad things that can happen to us when we not satisfy with what we get. Read Luke 12:15-21, and answer the question together:

  • Wetin you na learn from Jesus story?—See verse 15.

Read and compare Proverbs 10:22 and 1 Timothy 6:10. Then answer the question them together:

  • To be Jehovah friend or to get plenty money, which one you think important? Why?

  • What problem them can come from running behind plenty money?

6. Jehovah will take care of us

Work and money problems can test our faith. Play the VIDEO to see what we can do when we in this problem them, and answer the question them together.

  • In the video, what kind na problem them the brother was facing?

  • Wetin he use to do when he was facing the problem them?

Read Matthew 6:25-34, and answer the question together:

  • When we put Jehovah first, wetin he say he will do for us?

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “I have to work hard to support my family. I not able to go to meetings every week.”

  • What scripture make you to believe that putting Jehovah first is the best decision?


Work and money important, but we must never allow it to stop us from serving Jehovah.


  • What you can do so that your job can’t take all your time?

  • How you can benefit if you satisfy with what you get?

  • How you can show that you trust Jehovah promise to provide for his people?

Try This


Learn whether the Bible say money that bad thing.

“You Think That Money Causing All the Problem in the World?” (Web article)

Learn how we can use our money to make Jehovah happy.

“Wetin the Bible Say About Giving?” (Web article)

See what help one man to stop playing gamble and stealing.

“I Really Use to Like Horse Racing” (The Watchtower, November 1, 2011)