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Wetin God Say About Blood?

Wetin God Say About Blood?

Blood very important. Without blood, nobody will be living. That God made us, so he get the right to tell us how to use blood. Wetin God say about blood? You think we must eat blood or give our blood to each other? And how we can make good decisions about blood?

1. Wetin Jehovah say about blood?

Jehovah told his people them way back: “The life of every sort of flesh is its blood.” (Leviticus 17:14) To Jehovah, blood stand for life. Since life that special gift from Jehovah, blood also very special.

2. Wetin God say we must not do with blood?

Way back, God told the Israelites not to eat blood. (Read Genesis 9:4 and Leviticus 17:10.) He gave this same command again when the governing body told the Christian them to “keep abstaining . . . from blood.”—Read Acts 15:28, 29

What it mean to abstain from blood? If the doctor tell you to stay away from liquor, you will not drink it. But you think you will eat food that get liquor inside or allow somebody to put the liquor in injection and give it to you? For sure you will not do it. That the same way God command to abstain from blood not just mean that, we must not eat blood or eat any animal that they kill without cutting the throat. It also mean we must not eat any food that get blood inside.

How about the way the doctor them can use blood to treat people? It clear that some of the way they can use it against God laws. For example, they can give people the whole blood or one of the main parts of the blood—red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma. Some other ways the doctor them can use blood can‘t be clear whether it against God law or not. For example, some of them can use some small-small thing them they can take from one of the main parts of the blood call fraction. Some doctor them can use the person own blood. When we thinking about any of this way them they can use blood, each person must make their own decision. aGalatians 6:5.


Learn how you can make good decision about using blood for treatment.

3. Make decisions about treatment that will make Jehovah happy

How you can make decisions about treatment that in line with what God say about blood? Play the VIDEO, and talk about why it important to do the thing them that down here.

  • Pray for wisdom.—James 1:5.

  • Do research for Bible advice and how you can follow it.—Proverbs 13:16.

  • Find out about the different-different treatment they get in your area.

  • Know which one them you will not accept at all.

  • Make sure the decision you will make, will help you to get clean conscience. —Acts 24:16. b

  • Remember that nobody, not even your wife or husband, any elder, or your Bible teacher must make decision for you in anything that have to do with your conscience.—Romans 14:12.

  • Write your decision down so that other people can know about it.

4. Jehovah Witnesses can look for the best treatment

It possible to obey God law about blood and still get good treatment without blood. Play the VIDEO.

Read Titus 3:2, and answer the question together:

  • Why we must show respect and be patient when we talking with the doctor them?

The one them we can’t accept

The one them yourself can decide

A. Blood plasma

Fractions from plasma

B. White cells

Fractions from white cells

C. Platelets

Fractions from platelets

D. Red cells

Fractions from red cells

 5. When they use blood fractions

Blood get four main parts—red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma. The four main parts get plenty small-small parts call blood fractions. c They can use some of the fractions in medicine that can help to fight sickness or stop bleeding.

When it come to blood fractions, each Christian must make their own decision base on their Bible-train conscience. Some people can decide not to take any treatment that get blood fraction. Other people will feel that their conscience can allow them to accept fractions.

When you making decisions, think on this question:

  • How I can explain to any doctor why I will accept or I will not accept certain blood fraction?

IF SOMEBODY ASK: “Wetin wrong with taking blood?”

  • What you will say?


Jehovah not want us to use blood the wrong way.


  • Why Jehovah take blood to be special?

  • How we know that to stay away from blood also mean not taking blood?

  • How you can make good decisions about treatment that call for blood?

Try This


Wetin you must think on before you decide whether to accept any treatment that call for using your own blood?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, October 15, 2000)

Wetin you must think on before you decide whether to accept small blood fractions?

“Questions From Readers” (The Watchtower, June 15, 2004)

What made one doctor to agree with the thing Jehovah say about blood?

“I Agree With What God say About Blood” (Awake!, December 8, 2003)

Learn how the elder them that on the Hospital Liaison Committees can help their brother and sister them.

Jehovah can Take Care of the Sick People (10:23)

a See Lesson 35, “How We can Make Good Decisions.”

b See  point 5, “When They Use Blood Fractions,”and Endnote 3, “Treatments That Call for Blood.”

c Some doctor them say, the four main parts of the blood, that just fractions. So you need to make sure your doctor understand your decision not to take in whole blood or any of the four main parts, red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma.