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How We Can Be Clean in God Eyes?

How We Can Be Clean in God Eyes?

Think about one caring mother preparing her son for school. She make sure to bathe him good and that his clothes neat and clean. This one can make him healthy and make other people to see that his parents taking good care of him. That the same way, our loving Father, Jehovah, want for our body to be clean and for the way we can think, talk, and act to be clean. When we clean, it can benefit us and make other people to praise Jehovah.

1. How we can be physically clean?

Jehovah tell us: “You must be holy.” (1 Peter 1:16) To be holy we must be physically and morally clean. We can be physically clean by taking bath everyday, by washing our clothes, cleaning our house, and cleaning anything like our car, or motor bike. We can also help to clean our Kingdom Hall. When we always clean, it can make people to praise Jehovah.—2 Corinthians 6:3, 4.

2. To be clean, what some of the bad things we must not do?

The Bible encourage us to “cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) So we must try hard not to do anything that will spoil our body or the way we can think. The thing them we thinking on must make Jehovah happy, so we must try our best not to be thinking on bad-bad things. (Psalm 104:34) We must try hard to always say good things.—Read Colossians 3:8.

What else can make us not to be physically and morally clean? Some thing them can harm our body. So we must not use thing them like cigarette and snuff. And we must not take in drugs. When we do this thing them, we will be alright in our body and we will show that we respect the gift of life. We must try hard to be morally clean by not doing thing them like playing with our private parts and looking at naked man and naked woman pictures. (Psalm 119:37; Ephesians 5:5) It can be hard to stop this kind na bad habit them. But Jehovah can help us to stop them.—Read Isaiah 41:13.


Learn how when we physically clean, it can honor Jehovah. Also learn how we can stop bad habit.

3. When we physically clean, it can honor Jehovah

When we read the laws Jehovah give to the Israelites, we will learn that it important to Jehovah for his people to be clean. Read Exodus 19:10 and 30:17-19, and answer the question them together:

  • How this Bible verse them show that Jehovah want his people to be clean?

  • Wetin you must do to always be clean?

To be clean, it can take time and you got to make effort. But we can still be clean anywhere we live even if we poor or we rich. Play the VIDEO, and answer the question together.

  • When we keep our thing them clean, how it can make the people we can preach to, praise Jehovah?

4. You can stop bad habits

Jehovah can help us to stop any bad habit

If you can smoke or take in drugs, maybe you already know how it hard to stop bad habit. What can help you? Think about how bad habit can affect you. Read Matthew 22:37-39, and talk about how smoking or taking in drugs can affect . . .

  • someone friendship with Jehovah.

  • someone family and other people around him.

Make plan to stop bad habit. a Play the VIDEO.

Read Philippians 4:13, and answer the question together:

  • How praying, studying the Bible, and going to meeting all the time can help someone to stop bad habits?

5. Try hard not to be thinking on or doing bad things

Read Colossians 3:5, and answer the question them together:

  • How we know that looking at naked man and naked woman picture, sending rude-rude message, video, and playing with our private parts, that something bad in Jehovah eyes?

  • You think it make sense for Jehovah to expect us to be morally clean? Why?

Find out how we can fight hard not to think on bad things. Play the VIDEO.

Jesus gave one parable to show that we need to fight hard to stay morally clean. Read Matthew 5:29, 30, and answer the question together:

  • Even though Jesus was not saying that we must do bad thing to ourselves, but he was saying that we really need to do something to stop any bad habit. Wetin someone can really do to stop thinking on bad things? b

If you fighting hard to stop thinking on bad things, Jehovah can be happy with the effort you making. Read Psalm 103:13, 14, and answer the question together:

  • If you fighting hard to stop thinking on bad things, how this Bible Verse can help you to keep trying?

Don’t give up

It can be easy to say, I just doing the same thing over and over, I not think I able to stop. But just think about this one, if somebody who in running race stump his toes and fall down, it not mean that he finish losing the running race or he need to start all over again. That the same way, when somebody go back to bad habit, it not mean that the person not able to stop it. Or all the thing them he was doing to stop the bad habit, it just for nothing. Going back to bad habit sometime, that normal thing. But don’t give up! Jehovah can help you to stop bad habit.

SOME PEOPLE CAN SAY: “It part of me now, I not able to stop it.”

  • Which Bible verse you will use to show the person that Jehovah can help them to stop bad habit?


We can make Jehovah happy when we be clean, and when we thinking on good-good things and also doing them.


  • Why it important to be clean?

  • What you can do to be clean?

  • What can help you to think on and do good-good things?

Try This


Even when you poor, what some of the simple thing them you can do be clean?

How Handwashing Can Protect Your Health (3:01)

Learn some thing them you can do to stop smoking.

“How to Stop Smoking” (Awake!, May 2010)

See what looking at naked man and naked woman picture or video can do to people.

“Anything Wrong With Looking at Naked Man or Naked Woman Picture?” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2013)

Learn how one man stop looking at naked man and naked woman picture and video.

“I Went Back to It Plenty Times Before I Stop” (The Watchtower No. 4 2016)

aHow to Stop Smoking,” it in the section of this lesson call “Learn Other Things.” It explain what you can do to stop bad habits.

b To get help on how to stop playing with your private parts, see “How I Can Stop Playing With My Private Parts?” in the book Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work, Volume 1, chapter 25.